Chapter 188: Shiramine Risa 2

Chapter 188: Shiramine Risa 2

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Bofuri World -

-------Three days later.

Running into a new world after going against millions of Humanoid Cockroaches called Terra Formars, I was really exhausted.

I've been fighting against them for three days and three nights, and there's no end to them.

No matter how much I killed, more of them will appears and it's really annoying.

They keep attacking me nonstop even at night so I wasn't able to sleep.

Some of them can even fly now so I told Paimon to go to Erza's home world for the time being.

Few days after that, I decided to hop on another new world and right now, its already dark when I arrived here this world.

Feeling tired, I noticed my appearance was really messed up and I can sense the stinky smell of Terra Formars blood in my body.

I look like beggar right now.

Currently, I'm sitting on the side of the road and I felt really sleepy.

"Haha... I don't even want to move right now because of exhaustion. That dark world is really messed up. Hahaha~"

Looking at the knuckleduster in my right hand, Reginleif was not responding and currently sleeping from tiredness.

Well... who would blame her after what happened.

Looking at the surface of the wall on the other side of the road, my vision became blurry as I slowly close my eyes.

"Hehe... It's definitely worth it now, I can now use my devil fruit powers properly and I made some new combination moves with my cheats. I'll come back there to train again."



A water droplets fell on my cheek.

When I slightly opened my eyes, I noticed that it's already starting to rain.

Still I don't want to move either way.

I can't feel cold anyway with my sunshine magic.

I just closed my eyes again and tried to sleep, ignoring the rain.

Few minutes later...


I heard a female voice as she tapped my feet.

I didn't respond.


She tapped my feet again.

"Hmmm!" I moved, fixing my position and sleep again.

"Aren't you felt cold in this rain? Also aren't you too young to give up life?" she scolded me.


I opened my eyes and glanced at the girl who's talking to me.

I saw a girl with a thin body. She has a flat chest just like Nee-san. She has light brown eyes and light brown hair. Her hair is held up with a white ribbon, with bangs framing her face, roughly reaching her shoulders.

She's wearing a school uniform which consist of long sleeve white shirt, a red neck tie and a gray pleated skirt with black plaid. She has a long sleeve shirt with cream color tied on her waist.

She currently getting wet from the hard rain and using her umbrella to cover me.


My eyes widened in surprise, seeing her.


It's Shiramine Risa, Maple's best friend. There's no doubt about it.

To think I'll find her here easily, but remembering what happened to me just to look for her...

It's driving me crazy.

But finally! I found her.

Wait for me, Maple. You're going meet now your best friend soon as I promise.

Looking at her face, I can sense sadness on her expression. It must be from what happened to Maple.

"You look messed up. What happened to you? Also, why are you naked?" she asked me some questions.

Right now, I'm only wearing shorts.

I just smiled at her,

"Before I answer that, let me introduce myself first..."

Since I need her, I won't lie to her.

"My name is Arata Haru and you can just call me Haru. I'm a God."


Suddenly, she took out her phone from her pocket and dialed something.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Hello, Ambulance?! There's a weird boy naked who says he's a god--"

"Wait, wait, wait!" I stopped her.

"I really am a genuine, bonafide members of God in the Heavenly Realm! I'm the Sun God, Aelius!"

She stared at me weirdly,

"Aelius? I never heard of that god."


That hit me.

"Well... I'm sort of a new God and I came from another world so no one should know about me here."


She slowly retreated back from me.

"Anyway, I have something to tell--Huh?"

*Toot!* *Tooot~*

I saw a large truck approaching her really fast and I can clearly see that it doesn't have any driver.


Risa was caught surprise and can't move on time.

"It's dangerous!" I immediately dashed towards her, pushing her away.

She was completely shock from what I did in that moment and I just smiled on her.


I was hit and run over by the truck.

The truck stopped not far away from us.

Not this time, Truck-kun! She's mine and I'm the one who will Isekai her.

Glancing at Risa, she was trembling and looking at me in shock.

"I did it again..." she spoke.

Her umbrella was swept away by the wind.

After saving her, I felt really drowsy and I wanted to sleep already.

"I'm glad... you're okay... Sally..." I said with a smile before I slept.



When I woke, opening my eyes, I found myself inside a room.

It felt really nice and comfortable that I want to sleep again.

Jumping out of the bed, stretching my arms, I saw myself wearing a white, long sleeve shirt and a white long pants.

I moved the curtain and opened the windows.

I was in the 5th floor of the building.

"This feels good." I felt rejuvenated, feeling the shine of the sun.

It was already afternoon when I woke up.



Reginleif appeared out of nowhere.

"How are feeling today?" I asked her.

"I'm fine. You just slept for two whole days, Adam."

"Oh, I'm must be really tired if that's the case."

Looking around,

"Anyway, where's Risa? I still have to bring her to Maple."

"About that..."


Reginleif glanced at the door of the room.

"She's been taking care and watching over you after that accident happens."

Turning towards my bed, I saw different fruits in a basket on top of the side table.

Remembering that I slept for two days straight, I felt hungry.

I went towards my bed and sat on the side, taking the apple on the basket.

I took a bite on it.


"It's delicious."


Someone opened the door.

Reginleif immediately teleported out of the room.

When the door opened wide, I saw Risa with tired face.

When she saw me, her eyes widened in surprise.


Tears started to fell from her cheeks.

She glared at me, gritting her teeth.

She quickly went towards me,

"You idiot!"

She was about to slap me but she stopped and trembled.

Grabbing my collar,

"Why would you do that?!" she yelled to me in anger.


"Why did you save me?! I'm just a complete stranger whom you just met on the street!"


She's not really stranger to me.

"Answer me!"


"Well... I saw that you're in danger so I didn't think twice and saved you." I responded.

"Idiot!" she yelled to me as she fell down on her knees in front of me.


When she let go of collar, she hit me several times on my chest.

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! You two are big idiots!!"

She fell on my lap as she cried so hard.

I don't know what to do.

"Why?! Why do you have to save me?! Hwaah!"

All I could do is to hug her and try to calm her down.

Maple--No! Honjou Kaede's death left her like this.

It must be really painful for her.

"Don't worry. Everything is okay. As you can see, I'm alive and healthy. Don't blame yourself from what happened."

It was Truck-kun's fault.

I'm gonna talk with him later.

Few minutes later, she finally calmed down.

"Sorry about that."

She stood up, wiping her eyes with her wrist.

"No, it's okay. I'm glad you've finally calm down."

"Haha.... Thank you."

"That's right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shiramine Risa. You can call me Risa." she said with a smile.


"Then nice to meet you, Risa. Hehe..."

"Oh, I remember that you called Sally before you became unconscious. How did you know that?" she asked.

"You're that Sally from the game, right? Maple talked to me a lot about you."

"Eh? You know Maple?!" she was surprised.

"Yeah. We're friends and we meet sometimes and talk with each other."

Suddenly, Risa's expression became sad.

"Are you aware of what happened to her? She's not in this world anymore."

I don't want to ask what happened because I can see that she was about to cry again.


Someone entered the room again and it was Reginleif.

"Adam, we don't have much time."

"Oh, your companion is here. I have to leave now." Risa was about to leave in hurry.

I immediately grabbed her hand.

"Huh?" she was surprised, glancing at me.

I just smiled at her.


I pulled her towards me and embraced her.

"Hey! What are you doing--Whaa!"

I carried her in my shoulders.

"Kidnapping Success."

"What?! Let go of me!" she moved around, struggling with me but it was futile.

I carried her towards the window.


I slapped her butt then said,

"Don't worry, things will be fine later."

"Let go of me, you pervert!" she keeps struggling.

I jumped out of the window.

Reginleif followed after me.

Risa's face went paled.

"Waaaahh!!!" she screamed loudly.

I opened the world gate, going to Erza's home world.

"Please work!"

We fell together inside the portal.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Poor Sally. I'll fix my mistakes later.)