Chapter 190: Yaoyao

Chapter 190: Yaoyao

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Fairy Tail World -

------ At the shore of Akane Beach.

*Sizzle* *Sizzle*

I was grilling meat under a tent.

I am preparing lunch for even though it a little late because of my arrival.


I felt someone staring at me.


Sighing, I looked behind and saw Akame standing while looking at me with serious expression.


"Ummm... Akame, aren't you just finished training with everyone? You should sit on the table first and rest. I'm gonna serve this to you later. Just wait a little bit, okay?"

"Don't mind me, Sun. I'm just watching you cook." she said but she's drooling as she look a meat being grilled.


Looks like I'm gonna need some assistance here but Tatsumi and others guys are not here. More like, I'm the only boy here.

Akane and Erza went to buy some other ingredients on the market and they're not here already when we arrived together with Risa.

Risa is together with Maple talking with each other after a long time and they really really missed each other.

Reginleif is in her knuckleduster form, sleeping on my pocket. She's really portable.

The others are... I don't know where they went.

All I know is they're with my daughter, playing on a theme park near this beach.

I remember that there's no theme park on my home world.

I wonder if I can build one on my home village as a tourist attraction.

I should try to make development on my village.

After I finished grilling a large meat, I sliced it into pieces then dipped it with a demi glace sauce in a plate.


"Here, Akame."

I gave her the first serving which is a large portion on it.

"Wow, Sun! Thank you very much!" she gave me a beautiful smile and took the large plate in my hand.

When she sat on the table,

*Munch* *Munch*

She ate the meat like there's no tomorrow.


The glutton of meat.

"Hey, Shouta-kun!" I heard Kurumi calling for me.

She's lying down on the beach chair under the parasol, relaxing.

She's wearing a revealing swimsuit which is made out of crimson and black frills.


"What is it, Kurumi? And also... please don't call me with my past life name."

"Ara, What's wrong with that? It's sounds cute and really suits you."

"For me, it's not. It sounds embarrassing for me being called with my past life name."

"Eh? Aren't your real name 'Harukin' sounds more embarrassing?"


"Ufufu... Anyway, Shouta-kun... Help me put some sunscreen on my back."

She turned around, taking off her top and showing her bare back to me.


I was captivated by her beauty.

"Huh? What wrong? Why are you still hesitating there? You shouldn't make your lovely girlfriend waiting here, you know?"


"Oh... Ufufu. We still didn't made clear our relationship from each other, right? Come here and I need to tell you something." she waved her hand.

I don't know what she's going to do and I hesitated but it seems like she doesn't mean any harm.

When I went towards her,


She suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to her side,

"Don't be shy, my little Shouta-kun..."

She hugged me behind, pressing her bare breast on my back.

"Hey!" I became a little embarrassed.

Her breast are so soft.

She was sniffing me behind my ear then licked it.

"Ara Ara, what a delicious smell my little boyfriend have. Ufufu~"

"Aren't you in love with that Shido guy?"


She stopped.

"Oh, you mean that boy who can seal spirits like me? Well technically yes but..."

She moved close to my ears,

"You're such a bad little boy, Shouta-kun... Stealing me from him." she whispered in my ears.

"I haven't done anything that caused that."

"Not now but in the future. Ufufu~"


She lie down again then pointed her back.

"Put some sunscreen on my back now so we can swim together later."


I sighed,


Taking the sunscreen bottle,

"Ara, that's right. Feel free to touch me on any part you wanted. I don't really mind. Ufufu~ Shouta-kun, you perv." she said with teasing tone.

A vein popped up on my temple.

I poured some sunscreen on her back then spread it with both of my hands.


She made a cute scream.

Instead of just putting sunscreen, I also massaged her back.

"Take this, Kurumi! You might not know this but I formerly work as part time massage therapist in my past life!"

"Mmmmh!" she moaned in surprise.

"Shouta-kun... Mmmh... Just how many part time have you been working in your past life? Even my future self doesn't know--Mmmh!"

She asked as she keeps moaning.

After that,

*Pant* *Pant*

Kurumi was breathing heavily.

"You're good, Shouta-kun... It felt really good. Let's do it again later." she said with satisfied tone.

"Hehe... No problem for me." I said with proud tone.

She sat up and she gave me a peck on my lips.


"Have that for now as my thanks. I will give you more in the future." she gave me a beautiful smile.


"What? You want a passionate kiss instead? You're so greedy, Shouta-kun. Ufufu~"

I looked at her with squinted eyes.

"I haven't said anything yet. Also... please cover your chest. I can completely see it."

Glancing down on her own chest,

"Ara, do you want to touch it? You're eyes are ogling at it." she said, teasing me again.


She slowly became embarrassed.

"Sorry, Shouta-kun. Please forget what I said." she covered her chest with her arm and wearing her swimsuit on top.

"No, it's okay." I slightly became embarrass too.

"Hey, you two! What are you doing there?"

I heard Esdeath's voice but the younger one.

I immediately glanced at her.

I saw that she's still wearing her General uniform but it's too big for her because of her younger form.

She now looks more adorable.

"Pffft!" Kurumi chuckled, seeing her.


"Ara Ara, Esdeath. You look cute in that form."

"Tch! I ran out of time." Esdeath got annoyed.

Krul arrived behind her.

"Husband! Esdeath and I are tired from sparring with each other!"

I took out two bottles of cold water from my dimensional storage and gave it to them.

"Thanks, Husband!" Krul drank it.

Esdeath followed.

Glancing at Kurumi,

"Want some too?"

"Just give me some tea, Shouta-kun."

I gave her a bottle of green tea.


An hour later while Erza, Akane and I preparing some ingredients, Yunyun and others finally arrived from the theme park.

"Papa!/Daddy!/Dad!" Nana, Kurē and Diona ran towards me and hugged me.

Wiz, Nee-san, Komi-san went towards us.

"How was it? Did you have fun?" I asked.

Wiz face went paled and Komi-san looks tired.

Nee-san eyes are sparkling.

"Hear this, Harukin! I ride with everyone in the thing they called Magic Coaster. It was really super cool that I want to ride it again." she looks really excited.

I patted Nee-san's head,

"I'm glad you had fun here, Nee-san."

Glancing at Komi-san and Wiz,

"Come here and lower your heads."

They became embarrass, going towards me then lowered their head.

I patted both of their head at the same time.

"You two did a good job watching over the kids."

Wiz smiled while Komi-san slightly blushed.

Behind them, I saw Yunyun watching at us together with Bocchi.

"Yunyun, is something wrong?" I asked, going towards her.

"No, it's nothing! Nothing actually..." She became a little bit sad.

"Yunyun, I known you for a long time. I can easily detect if something bugging you. Tell me!"

"No! It's nothing!" she tries to deny it.

I just stared at her.


Sweats appeared on her forehead.

She looked down and her expression became solemn.

"Okay, I'll tell you. Please don't tell anyone."

She willed herself and moved close to my ears.

She was a little embarrassed.

"Harukin... I... I... I also want to have a child with you!" she whispered to my ears clearly.


I sweated profusely.

"You see, Harukin. Whenever I see Megumin together with her child, Kurē. I felt like I'm being left behind by her. I also want a child who will call me her mother and sleep with me during the night."

Hearing that from her, I suddenly remembered.

I want to summon her together with Sayu at the same time but with Yunyun asking me just like this, I just can't say 'No'.


I sighed.

I'll just explain this to Sayu on my dream later.

"Yunyun, give me your hands." I held both of her hand together.

I took out the large jingle bell from my dimensional storage and place it on her palm.

"What is this? Huh?" it suddenly lit up and levitate in the air.

It turned into a little girl with light brown hair braided and tied into a ribbon on top of her head. She has twin-tail hair tied with a gold large jingle bell ornaments and wearing small yellow flower on both sides of her bangs. She has a brown eyes and fair skin and her attire consists of a green frock with black frills and skirt.


She slowly descended on the ground.

When she glanced at us, she immediately hugged Yunyun.


"Eh?" Yunyun was surprised.

I just smiled at them.

"Ah! It's Yaoyao!" Diona pointed at her.

Nana, Kurē and her ran towards Yaoyao.


"Let me introduce you, Yunyun. This child is our magical daughter and her name is Yaoyao."

"Our child?"

"Mmm!" I nodded.

"Yay!" She hugged her happily.


"Daddy! Daddy!" Kurē tugged my shirt.

"What's wrong, my little sweetie?"

"I saw Astolfo naked on the bed together with the man we saw on the bathhouse."


I froze.

"Harukin?" Yunyun checked me by poking my cheek.

Everything went blank.

"Waaah Harukin! Help me, he fainted!"

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)