Chapter 204: Giant Toad Hunting

Chapter 204: Giant Toad Hunting

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(3rd Person's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba World -

In the middle of plain field outside the Axel town,


Kazuma and Aqua was being chased by Giant Toads, luring them as Megumin instructed.

"Darn it, Megumin! You're no different than your twin brother. By always using me as a bait, I won't believe in any of the two of you anymore!" Aqua screamed.

"Huh?" Kazuma was confused of what Aqua is saying.

He felt like something is different from his party members and they're acting strange. The way they act are completely different from their usual behavior.

Megumin was making a plan and leading the party.

When he called Darkness, she wasn't responding to him.

Aqua is still the same, being a useless Goddess.

Also he noticed that, Megumin and Darkness was wearing a different outfit on this quest when they took off their cloak.

Megumin was wearing a dress with black and white frills while Darkness is wearing a navy blue office lady outfit.


What shocked him is Megumin. She still has her Chunnibyou tendencies but her demeanor is more feminine. The way she behave now is some kind of rich Ojou-sama from a wealthy family.

His eyes widened in surprise when he saw her chest is slightly big and more noticeable now compare when the last he saw her.

Her body figure, her smooth pale skin, she looks more healthier now which very strange to him. More like her body is more nourish now which made her look more adorable.

He really wonders on what happened in this past several days that she became this astonishingly attractive.


"Waaahh! Your name is Kazuma, right? Please lure all of this monster by yourself! I don't want to be eaten by them anymore!" Aqua screamed while crying.

"You damn! Useless Goddess! How dare you still forgetting my name!" Kazuma retorted at Aqua.

On the other side, Lalatina was already been caught and enjoyed being swallowed by the Giant Toad.

"Lalatina, I told you to protect me with your sword, not to throw yourself and get eaten by the these Giant Toads." Megumin said looking at her with squinted eyes.

She really disappointed at her.

"AHHHHH! I'm being defiled by this Giant Toad tongue, squirming around my body and making me slimy. Mmmmh! Not that part! I already have a Fiancé!" Lalatina screamed, being turned on.

"I guess, I don't have any choice."

Megumin raised her right arm.

A light shone from above, landing on her right hand.

She created a lightning blade,

"Light of Saber!"

She sliced the Giant Toad that swallowing Lalatina.

Lalatina was thrown up and landed on ground, breathing heavily with her body full of slimes.

"What?!" Kazuma was completely shock what just he saw.

Megumin turned towards the Group of Giant Toads that was chasing Kazuma and Aqua.

She pointed her right palm,

"Lightning Strike!"

She summoned a bolts of lightning from the sky to strike the group of Giant Toads.


Aqua and Kazuma stumbled on the ground.

*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!* ~~~

All the Giant Toads died and fell down to the ground.

Kazuma was speechless.


He noticed a Giant Toad rising up from the ground behind Megumin.

"Megumin, behind you!"

Megumin was about to be eaten by the giant toad, but she moved her hand, gently touching the tummy of the Giant Toad.

"It's over."

Megumin's hand flickered with electricity-like sparks then the Giant Toad was blasted away by a tornado of lightning, annihilating everything in its path.

"Burning Flash."


It exploded together with the Giant Toad in the distance.

Kazuma's jaw dropped.

Megumin took out a vial of Mana potion from her bag pocket and drunk it.

She wiped her mouth with her wrist.

Kazuma ran towards her,

"Hey, Megumin! What was that?" he asked.


"I'm asking you since when you can use those magic?" Kazuma desperately asked.

"Just several days ago." she answered.

"Why? I thought you just want to only learn explosion magic?"

"Huh? Did I say that?" Megumin was confused.

"Of course, you dummy! You only talk to me about explosion this or explosion that. Saying... you don't have any interest aside from Explosion magic."

Kazuma was panting from talking to much.

"... You're right, but that doesn't mean I don't have to learn magic other than Explosion. I'm going to have a hard time if I rely only on my explosion magic."

"Megumin learning other magic aside from Explosion magic! This is too much miracle!"

Kazuma can't believe what's happening right now.

"Hey! Why are you reacting just like my twin brother?! I'm going to beat down the two of you!" Megumin became angry.

"Twin brother?"

Kazuma was confused.

After that, they came back to the guild to report their quest completion and took the reward.

Megumin didn't partake in dividing the reward including Lalatina and Aqua because it was too small.

The reward only worth 220,000 Eris including the selling of the Giant Toads.

5,000 Eris on each Giant Toad and they killed ten of them.

The four of them are sitting on the dining table, resting from the quest.

"Paimon sure is taking her time. We still have to go back before sunset." Megumin was leaning on the table while drinking her apple juice.

She elegantly brushed off her hair with her fingers.

"Hey, you girls! Are you sure on not taking a part on the rewards and your all giving it to me?" Kazuma asked shyly.

"Yeah, you can have mine." Megumin responded.

"I don't need it since I already got my biggest reward." Lalatina was breathing heavily, still turned on.

"Compare to my daily allowance. That is too small." Aqua drinking her beer in gulp.

"Ah~ Another cup please!" she requested at the waitress.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it." Megumin said to her.

"Yes, Ma'am!" The waitress quickly responded to her.

Kazuma was really weirded out of them.

He feels like they're different person but vibe is still there.

Aqua is useless, Darkness is a hardcore masochist and Megumin is Chuunibyou.

Kazuma gazed at Megumin.

He stares closer to her, being curious.

"Kyah!" Megumin made a cute moan.

She glared at Kazuma.

"You pervert!"

"Wait! Wait! Wait! That's not me! I swear, Megumin!" Kazuma quickly denied, waving both of his hands.


They saw a small elf-like girl with pale skin and light red eyes. She has pale blonde hair tied in pigtails with a prominent cowlick and elf ears.


"Wait, Mommy! That's not him. It was me, Kurē."

"Eh? Kurē? What are you doing here? Who came here with you?" Megumin asked in surprise.

"Daddy, bust me out of my solitary confinement and came here with him waiting for you to come back. He seems to be really depressed after he known that you came with someone named Kazuma."

"Megumin?! You already have a daughter?!" Kazuma was completely shock.

"Mhm-mm." Megumin nodded then she embraced Kurē.

"Let me introduce you. This is my daughter, Kurē." she introduced her with a smile.

Kazuma's face went pale when he recognized the little girl.

He immediately remembered the blonde guy who erased the his memories from seeing his daughter naked.


He pointed at Kurē.

"Ah! You're the Onii-chan who saw me naked in bath!" Kurē remembered and pointed at him with innocent smile.

Megumin's face became dark.

"Wait! Let me explain--"

Before Kazuma can even explain, Megumin quickly gave him a punch on his face.

Kazuma fell on the floor, twitching.

"Stay away from my daughter, you Lolicon Pervert!" Megumin looked down on him.


She slammed a bag of money on the table.

"Hmph! Let's go, Kurē."

Then she grabbed Kurē's hand and walked away with her.

Kurē just glanced at Kazuma being clueless of what's happening.

"Wait!" Lalatina followed after her.

"Me too, I'm not finish yet!"

Aqua took a one gulp on her beer then left the cup on the table, following after them.

Kazuma was left alone.

He doesn't know what happening around him anymore.

"Hey! Kazuma! What are you doing?"

Astolfo appeared before him.


"Mosh! Mosh! Can you hear me, Kazuma?"


Kazuma was not responding.

"It can't be helped then... Let's do it again in the bed."

Astolfo dragged him with his foot.

The two of them had very hot time before sunset, pounding each other.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

Ignore this: Fix the bug, Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix the bug Fix