Chapter 216: Final Match - Adam Vs Sirzechs

Chapter 216: Final Match - Adam Vs Sirzechs

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)

I just created it since other fanfic authors did it too.


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

------- Standing at the balcony of the fortress,

"Wa-ah ah ah ah..."

Yunyun's jaw dropped, seeing the humongous statue of her in front of us.


"What the hell is this?"

Nee-san freaked out looking at the statue.

"Harukin really done it."

Erza and Akane have painful expression.

"So big..."

Sanae and others are amazed by how huge the statue.


Chelsea was laughing hard, pointing at the statue.

With proud posture,

"This is the symbol of this country, the statue of unity and friendship. That is the Soviet Yunyun."

"Why does it look like me!? And why is the country named after me?"

Yunyun became teary-eyed and complained at me.

"This travel us back when we are still smol children."

"What? That long!?"

"While playing together, you told me that your dream is to have a lot of friends."

"Harukin, I remember that but--"

"At that time after I lost to you in the chess, I made a pinky promise with you that I will help you made a lot of friends and I swore that I'll do everything in my power to made that happen."

"I know, I know! But what does it have to do with building a huge statue of me in the middle of the fortress?"


I turned towards Mina-nee and Rena-nee who's standing behind me,


"Are the preparations complete?"

"Hey! Stop dodging my questions!"

Yunyun grabbed my collar and shook me,

"Harukin! You're overdoing it!"

"Yunyun, normal means doesn't work that's why I have to do it this way. I will do everything even it means of conquering the world and force them to be friends with you." I explained.

"Hey, that's cruel! You don't have to do that! I already have friends and I'm happy in their company."

"What? Yunyun has friends? That's... it's impossible!"

I was teasing her and reactions are adorable.

No wonder I fell for her first.

"Supreme Leader! The preparations are complete. We're ready to march!"

A female soldier came behind us and reported while saluting.

"Okay... Let the parade begin!"

The sound of trumpets started from the band.

[Play: Soviet March]

An army of soldiers marching in synchronize, saluting while looking at our direction.

"I present to you, Yunyun. These are the army of friends I gathered just for you." I proudly said to her.


Yunyun was not responding.

Suddenly, she trembled.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked close to her.

She glared at me while being teary-eyed.



She punched me on my face.


It's super effective because this body is a thought projection without the invincibility of Sunshine magic.


(3rd Person's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

In the clinic where Ajuka was sent after his match, Sirzechs was shock together with his wife and fellow Great Satans except Falbium.


Ajuka was tied on the bed, going berserk after his consciousness returned back.

"Aaaaaaargh! Just kill me already, you f*cking witch! AAAAAAAAARGH!! Ah! Uugh... Please take my life, I'm begging you! Waaaaaaaaaarrrgh!!!"

He's screaming in pain, wailing around.

The nurses are holding him, trying to calm him down.

"What is this? What's happening to him?"

Serafall looks worried about him, seeing his sorrowful condition.

The medical doctors don't know what to do about him since he's not injured or anything.

Sirzechs doesn't want to see his friend suffering and wants to cast some kind of magic to cure him but he doesn't want to take risk.

He's current condition is unknown to them.

"That's right! Krul gave me another potion. If I remember, the name was..."

Grayfia was taking something from her pocket and it was a potion with liquid inside.


"Wrong, this is an Anti-Horny Elixir."



She returned it back and took out another vial.

"Here... This is the cure for his condition. It's an Anti-PTSD potion."

"What a convenient potions!" Serafall retorted.

Grayfia gave the cure to the doctor.

"Just have him drink this and he'll be be fine."

The doctor bowed and took the potion.

"Umm... Grayfia? Who made those potions?" Sirzechs curiously asked.

"Krul said that it was her husband."

"Haru?" Serafall mumbled.

"The Sun God." Sirzechs replied.

"Yes, she told me that Haru was Magic Item Crafter and those potions are his creations."


The doctors and nurses grabbed down Ajuka and forced to make him drink the potion.


Ajuka suddenly stopped then slowly, he calmed down.

"So delicious..."

His expression has a full of satisfaction.

"Wow, it works." Serafall is happy, seeing him calm down.

When Ajuka opened his eyes,


He glanced at Sirzechs.


Touching his forehead,

"Did I lost the match?"

"No, you won." Sirzechs answered.



"Gaia accidentally hit her face with her own weapon and become unconscious so it's your victory." Sirzechs explained.



"It's true." Grayfia responded.

"That goddess is a klutz." Serafall followed.

"What happened to you? Why did you became unconscious?"

Ajuka held his head with traumatic expression,

"That witch used some kind of sorcery and trapped me..."

He became teary-eyed,

"For many years, she tortured me nonstop, again and again... and again... I wasn't able to retaliate! I'm so powerless that I can't take it anymore... I already wanted to die and end my suffering!"

"But they're only standing in the ring for few minutes." Serafall spoke.

"No, it must some kind of illusion that it so powerful that it made Ajuka like this." Sirzechs replied.

Ajuka gave him a serious look,

"Sirzechs, be careful. Our opponents are real deal. You should know when they fought us."


Sirzechs turned around and walked out of the clinic.

While walking towards the ring,

"I already know..."


In the contestant's room where Haru and others are,

*Animal noises*

"Why is the room turned into zoo?!" Haru complained.

The room was filled with different kinds of animals.

Esdeath looks annoyed already while Krul is giggling at him.

Paimon and Ai was sitting on top of the elephant,

"Gaia-sama! Paimon and Ai-chan brought here the animals you asked us from the Garden of Eden."

"Thanks, you two. Now, Sun-kun's introduction will be such a blast." Gaia said with excited tone.

"No wonder I can't find neither Paimon or Ai around." Haru frowned.

"Adam, let's do the Völundr here." Reginleif tugged Haru's clothes.

"Your match is next, Sun-kun. Now, strip!" Gaia said with a smile.



"I said strip all your clothes."


Goddess Eris, Risa and Maple became embarrassed.

"Why would I--Huh?"

He noticed that, he's already wearing only an underwear shorts.

"Since when?!"

His disturbing habit kicks in again.

Gaia excitedly pulled down his underwear, making his private part expose.

"Hehehe... It still big as ever." she said with perverted expression.


Eris, Risa and Maple screamed in embarrassment, but didn't take away their eyes from looking at his crotch.

Esdeath's eyes widened in surprise while looking at him with slight blush.

Krul just grinned,


Aqua was looking at his crotch with squinted eyes.

Reginleif slightly reddened, staring down at his private part.

Gaia was breathing heavily, becoming turned on.

"Sun-kun, how about I give a blow job a little bit. Don't worry, it won't take too long-- Aw!"

Haru hit her head with a karate chop.

"What's the purpose of me stripping?"

Gaia held her head in pain,

"So you won't burn your clothes or rip it to shreds when you use your power." she answered.

"You want me fight bare naked?"

"Of course not! This delicious cock is mine and I won't let them see it--Ouch!"

Haru hit her again with another karate chop,

"You want more?" he warned her.

Gaia took out a fig leaf and place it to cover his crotch,

"There... Now, you look like more Adam."

"Do I really look like him?

"Not that much already since you've been reincarnated. But..."

There's a little sadness from Gaia's expression.

"There's still a little remains of him on you aside from appearance." she smiled, remembering their past life.

Haru patted her head.

"Huh? Sun-kun?"

"I might not remember everything but I know deep inside me that he really cares for you."



"Even though you're a perverted Goddess." he followed, letting go of her head.

He turned towards Reginleif,

"Let's go."

"Yes, Adam."

Reginleif grabbed Haru's right hand,

"Divine Treasure Forge... Völundr!"

She turned into knuckleduster in his hand.

Haru gripped his fist.

"I'm going now."

"Good luck, husband!" Krul cheered him.

"That's a dead flag, Krul."


Everyone laughed except Esdeath.

"Don't worry, Aelius-sama. You have my blessings." Eris, Goddess of Fortune winked at him.


In the arena,

"And now, for the fifth and final match, representing the devils. His peerage is said to be the strongest group in the Underworld."

"He is known as the Crimson Satan, the Satan Lucifer, former heir to the Gremory Clan!"

He's the current Leader of the Four Great Satans who rules the Underworld."

"The Crimson-Haired Prince of Destruction, Sirzechs Lucifer-sama!"


The announcer called him with respect.

Sirzechs walked to the ring with solemn expression.

The announcer took out a piece of paper and read it,

"And from the Gods of another world... Wait! This is too long."

He continued.

[Play: Berserk - My Brother(Extended)]

"Introducing the God's final fighter!"

"He's been called the hope of humanity..."

Haru walked fully naked with his groin only covered by a single classical fig leaf covering.

Everyone on the audience, the Devils was surprised what they're seeing.

Birds flew around Haru and different kinds of animals ran around passing him.

"Who could've seen it coming!?"

"God blessed them and said to them... Be fruitful and increase in number... Fill the earth and subdue it."

"Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

"Defining the very essence of a Man."

"Truly... He's a man among men!!"

"The only thing he holds faith in."

"Is the weight of his fists!!"

Haru raised his fist, glancing at the audiences.

Akeno was captivated by him.

"Ara Ara."

"He's the ultimate survivalist!"

"With a knack with unarmed combat!!"

"He was given life..."

Holding in his right hand was a red apple.

"But also gave birth to the original sin."

Raising the apple in his hand.

"In all of history..."

"The man infinitely despised by the Gods..."

"If there's anyone that can stick it to the most powerful Devils..."

"It'd have to be him!!"

"He was the former husband of Lilith, the mother of all Devils..."

"The father of humanity..."

All the animals around bowed to him.

"And the Sun God from another world..."

Haru took a bite on the apple.


"Pft!" he spitted it out on the floor.

"...So sour."


"Adam." Sirzechs called his name.

"I don't know anyone with that name." Haru responded.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll make a chapter on my MHA fanfic after this match. Falcon Punch!!!. I'll fix my mistakes later.)