Chapter 245: Just a Normal Farmer 2

Chapter 245: Just a Normal Farmer 2

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)

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(Harukin's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, 400 Years Ago -

----------While walking together, I glanced behind seeing Irene timidly following me. She's still covering the part of her skin which is slowly turning into scales of a dragon.


There was an awkward silence between us.



"You know? It's just the two of us travelling together. I don't really mind seeing those part of your skin turning into scales so you don't have to hide from me."


She looked away from me becoming insecure about it.


Night arrives and we decided to camp near the road. After we collected woods and made a bonfire, Irene was amaze watching me cook in front of her. I was grilling steak with herb butter near the flames as she stared while craving for it.


There's a lot of things she saw I'm using that doesn't exist in this world.

*Rumble~* *Rumble~*

Irene's stomach suddenly made a rumbling sound.


She became very embarrassed.

"I'm sorry..."

"Just wait a little bit more, okay?"


She nodded becoming red.

Few minutes later, I served the grilled steak in a big leaf then gave it to her. I also served her a bowl of rice.

She accepted the food with a smile on her face.

"Thank you... Huh?"

She glanced at my leaf plate.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"Umm... Why is your portion so small? I think you shouldn't--"

I placed my index finger between her lips to stop her from speaking.

Before I noticed,


I immediately moved my hand away.


She became embarrassed again and the atmosphere became awkward again.

I did it out of habit because she really looks like Erza.

Scratching the back of my head, I slightly bowed.

"I'm sorry about that, Irene."

"No! It's actually fine! You don't have to apologize!" she waved both of her hands to me out of consideration.

"About my small portion of meat in my leaf plate, I don't really eat that much meat only small amount because I mostly eat fruits. That's why you don't have to worry and eat a lot. I have a lot of reserves." I explained.

I'll just hide the facts about my eating experimental dishes for now.


After having dinner, we are staring at the flames of bonfire.

I noticed that she was shivering from the cold breeze. The heat of the bonfire wasn't enough to warm her up.

Standing up, I decided to sit beside her.


She was surprised when she felt warm beside me.

"Are you still feeling cold?"

"Not anymore."

She moved her palm as she feels the heat around me.

"It's warm around you... Is this your magic?"

I smiled, nodding at her,

"Yes, it's called sunshine magic. I can produce heat and light using this magic."

"Amazing... The cold disappeared just being around you. It's gently warm..."

Her eyes slowly closing but she tried stay awake.

As minutes passed by as we stared at the bonfire together.

Her head fell leaning on my shoulders.

She was already sleeping.

"Good night..." I mumbled closing my eyes.


(3rd Person's POV)

Morning arrives, and the sun was already high. When Irene woke up,


She found herself sleeping inside of a vehicle on the backseat.

It was red four wheeler car parked under the tree.

"What is this thing? And where's Haru?"

She looked around seeing no one. Noticing that the side door is opened, she went outside.

"Haru! Are you there?"


No one was responding.

"Where did he go?"

As she walks around looking for Haru, she smelled something very delicious and she saw a pot which is being cook on the bonfire.

When she opened the lid, it was several slices of meat being boiled.

She concluded that Haru is just around doing something.

Looking for him in the forest, she heard a flowing river and follow the sound.

She walked through the bushes until she arrived at the end,

"I wonder where did he... Eh?"

Her eyes widened when she found Haru completely naked on the river.

He was taking a bath.

Irene reddened immediately hiding behind the tree.

Peeking, she looked carefully at his crotch.

"It's huge... Is he really a kid?" she mumbled.

She noticed a slight sadness on Haru's expression and he seems to be in daze while staring down on the water stream.


He sighed washing his face in the river.

After taking a bath, he opened his dimensional storage and took out a clean white towel to dry his head.

Irene's eyes was still focus on his crotch.

Suddenly, Haru halted and glanced at her direction.

"Hey Irene! Stop peeping over there! It's already time for breakfast and you overslept!"

Irene was surprised and came out from behind the tree.

"Eh? Since when?"

"From the start."

Haru didn't bother to cover himself and doesn't really care if she saw him naked because he's already used to it just like Gray.

Haru took out another towel and some dress then he gave it to Irene,

"Here... Take this. Wash yourself first while I make some breakfast for you."

"Yes... Thank you..."

Irene was in daze as she watches Haru left her going back to the camp.

It was bigger when she saw it closer.


While taking a bath, she saw herself in the surface of the water and became depressed seeing her skin slowly turning into scales of dragon.

She cried and cried until there's no more tears falling from her eyes.

After washing herself, she tried the white dress given to her by Haru.

The dress fits her but it was a little tight around the chest part.

Seeing the coat that Haru gave her, she decided to wear it again to cover her top.

She looks around then curiously smell the coat.

"What are you doing?"

Haru suddenly appeared behind her, holding a ladle in his hand.

"Kyaah!" she made a cute scream.

He gently hit her head with a ladle.

"Hurry up! The breakfast was already getting cold." he scolded her.


Arriving back on their camp, Haru served some toast bread with different toppings like fruit, berries, eggs and others.


While Irene was happily eating together with Haru,

"So this is where I'll find Irene. You had us a hard time looking for you. I should kill you at that time."

Suddenly, the two of them are surrounded by army of armoured soldiers with their swords and spears pointing on their neck.

Irene raised both of her hand.


Haru was ignoring them with his eyes closed and continued to eat as he take his time to chew his food.

The soldiers moved as General Rung walked towards Irene.


Irene got frightened seeing her husband's face.


General Rung frowned at her.

"Do you think I just let you escape like that after what you did, you monster!"

Irene glanced at Haru then remembered the things he did for her.

She wants to repay his kindness and she doesn't want to involve Haru on his problem.

General Rung glared at the man in front of Irene who's ignoring him and he wants to attack him.

Irene immediately stood up and kneeled in front of her general husband.

"Stop! Don't hurt him! That was all my fault! Haru doesn't have to do with me. He was just helping me by sharing his meal."

General Rung squatted down, grabbing Irene's hair.

"Ugh! It hurts!"

"Irene... Not only you're a monster, you're also a unfaithful wife. You're having an affair with a younger guy! That's why, you're going to such a length to protect him!"

"That's not true! He is just helping me! I'm not lying!" Irene pleaded, grabbing on her general husband's leg.

"Get away from me!"

He kicked Irene away.

"Please, I'm begging you! Please spare him!"

"I don't care anymore! I'm going to execute you together with that guy!"

"Please! I'm begging you! Haru doesn't have--"

"Shut up!"

"I'm carrying a child in my tummy! It's yours!"

"I told you! A child of a monster is not mine!"

Irene was already losing hope.


She was crying.

Haru finished eating his meal.

Haru glanced at Irene.

"Irene, go wash the dishes while I'll clean up here."

She stopped crying.



"What is this guy saying? Didn't he know that he's going to die?"

The soldiers around was surprised by him.

General Rung gritted his teeth in anger at him and raised his sword.


He swung down on Haru's neck trying to decapitate him.

"Stop!" Irene screamed.


The sword suddenly broke when it hit Haru's neck.


Everyone of them was completely shock including Irene.

"Is that all? Are you finish?"

Haru drank some tea then he stood up facing the General.

General Rung trembled stumbling down on the ground.


His army back off in fear but they still pointed all their weapons at him.

Haru looked down at the General with conceited smile,

"I'll be honest with you. I'm actually the one who took out Irene from her cell and destroyed your fort."

The general's eyes widened.

"I'm the thief who infiltrated your fort and stole a lot of things including your pregnant wife you locked up.

"You bastard!"

"From now on, she will be in my care including the child she's carrying so you don't have to worry."

The general can't believe from what Haru is saying,

"You don't know what the consequences of what you're doing. That woman will soon become a monster just like Acnologia and she will destroy everything."

Irene's expression became sad.

"Also that child in her belly... just like her, it will become one also in the future."

Haru suddenly remembered Erza in his past eating happily his strawberry cake that baked.

"Yeah... She's such a cute monster."


The general was confused of his reaction.

Haru cracked his fist with menacing smile on his face, walking towards

"Anyway... Don't think you guys can get out here unscathed after what you did."

"Wait! Wait! Let's talk--"

The general moved back but Haru attack him and all of his soldiers with several highspeed punches.

"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!"


They all knocked away by him.

After that, Haru and Irene left them with the vehicle, leaving them totally beaten up and unconscious on the road.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll be honest, I was being distracted by the war between Ukraine and Russia, and I can't focus to write this past few days. There's also about Rushia's contract being terminated and her channel being deleted completely. I'll try my best to ignore those issues and write. I'll fix my mistakes later.)