Chapter 247: A Wild Acnologia Appears!

Chapter 247: A Wild Acnologia Appears!

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)

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(3rd Person's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, 400 Years Ago -

----------Three years has already passed by and Haru is still stuck in the past. He tried everything to contact everyone but nothing works.

Irene is still staying with him as she helps him with his farm work. Her skin from head to toe has turned into scales which made her really depressed.

Right now inside their home, Haru is checking her body condition which Irene's fingernails already turned into a claw of a dragon.

Haru touches her hand,

"Crazy Diamond."

He tried to revert the dragonification but it was not working.

"My stand ability can't even reverse the curse."

Irene cried in tears,

"Haru, I can't..."

Haru embraced her.

"Don't worry, Irene... we'll figure out this together. Someday, I can make a cure on your condition."


"I swear that I will never abandon you."

Haru comforted saying that he doesn't really mind her appearance and he will accept her no matter what she turns into but it wasn't enough.

Irene was afraid that she won't able to stay on Haru's side when she fully turned into a monster.

When Irene finally slept out of tiredness, Haru went outside to check the farm.

In his backyard, he has already expanded his farm. The crops he harvested was sold to the nearby kingdom at a good price.

Checking his system,




Gender: Male

Age: 15

Race: Sun God




[Special Abilities]

[Harem System]

[World Gates(No Access)]

[Gamer System: Quest(No Access)]


Date and Time:

(Not Available)


"Tsk! I can't ask Gaia right now when I need her the most. She's the one who can help me with Irene's condition."

Suddenly, Haru felt something approaching his location from the distance.

Staring at the horizon for moment,

"That guy... he never learned."

He jumped high running through midair using Geppou.

When he arrived behind the mountains, he saw countless army of soldiers marching towards the direction of his home.

"So he gathered this many just to subjugate us. Irene really had it hard with a husband like this--No! Her ex-husband."

Haru decided to meet those army jumping from trees to another trees.


Landing in front of the army making them surprised and alerted.

*Thud!* *Menacing.*

"You guys are surely persistent. Do you really want to get wiped out that much?" Haru asked with threatening tone.

They pointed their weapons at him.

Their general walked in front of them.

Suddenly, Haru was surrounded by the army from behind.

He intensely stared at the general.

The general conceitedly grinned,

"After what happened three years ago, I swore in my life that I will kill you and that unfaithful wife of mine. I'll never forget the embarrassment at that time."


Haru was silent.

"What? Are you scared? Seeing these large number of army I gathered to kill the two of you?" The general spoke with arrogant tone presenting his army.

Haru tilted his head,

"Who are you again?"

A vein popped on the general's forehead.

"Damn you! Kill him!"

He raised his sword.


*Kwukk!* *Kwukk!*


At Haru's intense look, the air vibrated around him as it expands to his surroundings.

The army of soldiers surrounding him dropped one by one and became unconscious on the ground leaving the General standing alone in front of Haru.

He just unleashed a very powerful Conqueror's Haki.

The remaining soldiers at the distance are completely shock.

Haru held the blade of the general's sword,

"You're calling Irene unfaithful? She sacrifice everything for her kingdom and choose to get married with you to prevent the dispute with your country. She decided to become the dragon slayer in order protect the people from the invasion and she's suffering from its curse turning slowly into a dragon."

He snapped the sword slowly into smaller pieces as the general trembled in fear.

"You monsters!"

Haru grabbed the collar of his armor then raised him up as he struggles.

"She was crying! She's looking for help!"


"What did you do? You called her a monster and locked her down in the prison!"

"You bastard! Let go of me!"

"I'm sorry but I don't want you keep bothering Irene anymore."

Haru threw him up high in the air as his right fist covered in bubble.

"Aaaahh!" the general screamed.

Before he drops to the ground, Haru slammed his fist and hit the side of the General.


The general spitted out a large amount of blood.

Crack spreaded through the air including on the ground.

The powerful shockwave created a fissure splitting the ground reaching the mountain.

The mountains was separated into half then crumble down causing erosions.

The general fell on the ground lifelessly.

Haru glanced at the remaining soldiers,

"Take this as a warning! Next time you guys marches in my place, I'll make sure nothing will left!" he said with cold tone then turned around and walked away.

Teleporting back to his home,


He saw Irene lying on the ground.


He immediately went to check her.

When Irene weakly opened her eyes,

"Haru... Hurry up and run... He's coming..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You have to run now before it's to late. I'm begging you... I can feel his magic power approaching here."

Haru frowned,

"What are you talking about? I can't abandon you here!" he scolded her.

Tears fell from Irene's eyes,

"Please! Just leave me here and escape. I'm the only one he targets! All I want is for you to stay alive because you're the one whom I care the most!"

From the eyes of Haru, Irene is just acting paranoid.

"Calm down, Irene... I'll give you some..."

Suddenly, someone appeared in the distance behind them approaching to their direction.

"He's here!"

Irene was completely shock when she saw muscular young man with long dark blue colored hair behind. His eyes have black circles around them, and he bears the same light blue markings.

He's wearing a high collared black cloak and has a necklace of red dragon claws around his neck and a sash around his waist. He wears a gold ring on his left arm and baggy pants that are decorated the same as the former article of clothing.


"I smell a dragon..."

Irene trembled,


She immediately grabbed Haru's collar,

"Haru! Hurry up and get out of here! I'll buy you some time to escape!" she pleaded shaking him.

"I refuse..."


"What about the child in your belly? Are you just going to abandon her?"

Irene's eyes widened realizing her child. All she thought is about Haru's wellbeing and she wants to save him.

"I-It just... Ugh... Uuuuuuuu..." she cries in his chest.



Acnologia appeared behind Haru at a blinding speed and kicked him away in the head.

Haru crashed through the tree then he keeps rolling on the ground in the distance.

Irene was completely shock as she slowly glanced at his body lying on the ground.


This cause Irene to become furious as she glares at Acnologia.

"How dare you!"

A scarlet pair of wing sprouted from her back.

Her body grew up slowly turning into a dragon with light-colored scales running all over her body. She has a dark-colored fiery-man running down her back and arms, which appear to be connected to her feathery wings.

Having three pairs of extensions from her jaw, she has a dark-colored wing-like design over her eyes that's complemented by two oval designs right above it, the bigger one on the bottom and the smaller one on top.

She also has them on her paws, four extending from the forearm and three on each finger. There's a noticeable border abover her nostrils that divides her mouth from her face, extending near the back of her head. Finally, she has a pair of jagged horns extending from the base of her skull and feather-like scales extending from the back of her knees.



Her powerful roar echoes trying to intimidated Acnologia.

Acnologia grinned raising his claw,


He was about kill Irene when he felt a strong magic power appeared behind him.

His eyes widened in surprise foreseeing an attack approaching him from behind.

Instead of attacking, he immediately used his arm to block the attack.


Crack spreading around his head.


His mouth bleeds.

"Don't touch her."

It was Haru with cold expression.


Acnologia was sent flying crashing through multiple mountains and hills.

Irene in her dragon form can't believe what she's seeing.


"It's been three years since I didn't fight seriously. I guess I'm getting a little rusty."

Haru was stretching his arms and legs then he tilted his head from left and right as it makes a cracking sound.


When Haru glanced at Irene,

"Eh? Is that you, Irene?"

Irene looked away being shamed by her form.

Haru move closer to her and touched her claw.

"Worry not, Irene... I'll find a way to bring you back in human form. I already swear that I'm gonna protect you and the child."


Irene moved closer her head towards Haru as he patted her on the nose then kissed her.

Both of them glanced at the direction of Acnologia who's approaching them.

"Interesting... I've been looking for someone like you. I will destroy you then kill that dragon woman." Hahahaha!"

Acnologia has a excited smile surging with overwhelming magical power as he took off his tattered cloak.


Haru took off his clothes leaving himself wearing only his navy blue underwear shorts.


His whole body was suddenly shrouded with dark aura. When the aura slowly disappears, he was fully cladded in pitch-black armor and a rustic helmet with a thinly carved slit displaying the ghastly glow of his eyes.


"Irene, stay away from here and find a safe place."

"But what about you?"

"I'll take him on by myself."

Irene was hesitating to leave him.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Please believe in me."

Haru and Irene glanced at each other for moment.

"Be careful, Haru... I'll be waiting for your return."


Haru nodded.

Irene flapped her wings then she flew away.

Facing Acnologia, he walked towards him and stood face to face with each other.

"Even though you're a human, you stink just like those filthy dragons. To think a human like you is having a relationship with a dragon."

"Why do you care? Aren't you already turned into dragon that you loathe?"


Both of them quickly swung their arm.


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)