Chapter 251: Together Forever

Chapter 251: Together Forever

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, X400's-

[65 years later]

------It's been a century since I arrived here in the past and still, no contact from Kurumi. Irene and I have travelling for years to search for Zeref but no luck. I don't know where that guy wondering around that we can't find him. We already search every part of Earthland. He was too elusive or more like he's avoiding us.

Right now, we're resting near the lake while I'm trying to catch some fishes as a pass time.

Glancing to my left side, I saw Irene looking at her at surface of the lake. I can feel sadness from her expression even she's in her dragon form.


I left my fishing rod and went towards her touching her right arm. I smiled trying to comfort her


"Huh? Sorry, Haru! I just want to return back to my human form already."

"No, it's okay..."

I embraced her.


*Boom!* *SPLASH!*

The lake explodes and the water splashed on us.

"Haru! This is just where I can find you! Come and fight me!"

It was Acnologia pointing at me.

Spitting out a small fish from my mouth as I look at him while feeling sick seeing him again.

"Acnologia... Aren't you tired fighting me over and over again? Can you look for another opponent? I already won 769 times out of our 842 duels. Give me a break already!" I complained to him.

"What are you talking about? There's no better opponent for me other than you, Haru! The others are nothing but wimpy insects that can be easily crushed down with single move from my finger! Also I've never won even once against you. You just run away 73 times from me and counted that as your lost!"



I sighed,


The two of us fought again for 843 times and I won the duel.

Out clash destroyed everything in our surroundings and created a lot of disasters.

I made sure our fight won't make any casualties on the villages near our location.

Right now, Acnologia was lying down on the rumbles with full of injuries in his body.

"Ugh... I lost again..."

He looks frustrated.

I have some injuries too but I can still stand up.

Turning around,

"Haru!" he called me with his remaining energy.

Glancing back at him,

"Why are you so strong? Ugh... No matter how hard I try... I always end up losing against you."


Staring at him for a moment,

"Sorry to tell you, Acnologia but I don't consider myself strong. I'm just fighting with everything I got to protect the people I care the most." I said lifting my right fist.


"Pffffft! Hahaha Hahahahahahaha!"

Acnologia start laughing out of nowhere.

"Ahahahaha hahahahahaha!"

Confused of him,

"Why are you laughing?"

"How ridiculous... Ahahaha hahaha! I mean... I already seen a lot of people like you who tried their everything in order to protect something but they still perish at war between humans or in the hands of wicked dragon. Ahahaha! To think I'll hear those words from the strongest man in this world. I can't just stop laughing! Ahahahahahaha!"

"Strongest Man, huh... For me, it's nothing but a empty title. There are many meaning that defines strength. I don't need such ridiculous titles... What I really want is to become strong enough to protect my family."

"Ahahaha Hahahahahaha!"

Acnologia just laughed.

As I turned around,

"You have my respect, Haru! But we're not finish yet. Next time, I'll take you down."


After hearing what he said, I just walked off not saying anything.

"Wait! I heard that you've been looking for a man named Zeref."

I halted my steps,

"You might find him in the Empire of Xilian if you go North. You can ask the people around over there if they found some deadly miasma scattering around the deep forest."


"Thank you." I responded walking away.

After that, Irene and I flew north quickly to find Zeref.



(3rd Person POV)

Few weeks later, Irene and Haru arrived at the territory of Xilian Empire. The two of them landed down on the deep forest near the mountains where Irene can hide herself.

When Haru jumped down from Irene's back,

"Sorry, Irene but you have to stay here."

"It's okay. I know that this country is very dangerous for dragons like me. They will all attack me without asking any questions."

"Okay, I'm going now."

Haru kissed her on the nose then waved at her.

"Be careful, Haru. Come back quickly."


Haru nodded then he disappeared.

Irene has no choice but to wait for him.


Several hours later,

Irene was sleeping when she woke up noticing a young man walking towards her.

He has a short black hair, dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines.He wears high-collared black and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso.


The young man stopped in front of her,

"What a rare sight. A dragon that still lives?"

"Who are you?!" Irene asked with threatening tone.

The young man observed her for a moment,

"Or perhaps I should call you human?" he concluded and smiled at her.

Irene was surprised from what he said.

She stood up and walked near him, being intrigued.

The young man pointed his index and middle finger together towards Irene and casted a magic spell at her.

Irene was covered by a strong wind as her body lit up becoming smaller.

She was turned back into her human form.


She was completely shock.

"H-Human...! I'm Human!"

She became teary-eyed in happiness.


"You made me human again!"

"You only look like one."

The young man reminded her.

"Unfortunately, you'll never be a human again."

Irene was crying.

"No! That's perfectly okay! Even just..."

She glanced at her in the small pond near them.

"Even just looking like this again overjoy's me!"

The young man smiled at her.

Suddenly, his eyes widened feeling something painful on his head."

He fell on his knees.

"Ugh... Not again!"

Irene went to check on him.

"Hey! Are you okay?"


The slapped away her hand.


Irene was surprised.

"I'm sorry about that but I have to go now."

The young man was in hurry to walk away.

"Wait! I'll introduce you to my husband! You're Zeref, right? We've been looking for a long time for you. My husband told me that you're the only one who can fix my condition. My husband and I at least want to thank you from helping me. He'll be back here soon."

"Don't mind it. You don't have to... Ugh... I have to go!"

The young man left in hurry.

Irene just watch him walked off.

"What is wrong with him?"

She was confused.


Few hours later,

Haru returned back by teleportation.


He can't find Irene around.

"Irene?! Where are you?!" he yelled, looking for her.

Irene came out from behind the tree and sneak to his back.

She covers his eyes from behind,

"Guess who?"


Haru was silent for a moment.

He grinned reaching something from behind.


She screamed making face reddened.

Haru was groping her butt.

"So soft, Irene."

A vein popped up from Irene's forehead,

"Haru, you perv!"

She let go of his eyes and pinched both his cheek.

"Aw aw aw! That hurts, Irene!"

Irene turned around and pouted,


Haru smiled and hugged her from behind.

"Finally... you return back to human form."

"Yes... I'm back."

Irene smiled leaning her head together with him.



A bird fell on Haru's head.

"Huh? What was that?"

He noticed that several birds are falling down from the sky and trees.

Out of curiousness, he picked up one of the birds.

It was twitching as it slowly dies.


Haru sees the trees on their surroundings dried up fast and dies including the grasses and bushes. All the leaves fell down, making the forest dead.

Fishes on the pond died floating on the water.

Looking at bird in his hand,

"There's no mistake! This is Curse of Contradiction. The Ankhseram Curse!"

Haru concentrates his breathing, imbuing the bird with Hamon.

"Irene! Stay close to me!"


Irene ran behind close to him.

"Hamon Overdrive!"

Electricity-like sparks flickered at his hands to body and feet as it scatters to his surroundings.

The bird in his hand stood up with full of life then flew to the sky.

Irene was surprised from what she seeing.

The dead trees, bushes and grasses on their surroundings suddenly bloomed with beautiful flowers. The animals revived and stood up like nothing happened and the fishes in the pond suddenly splashing out of the water.

"Let's go."

The two of them walk through the forest as the nature he passed by revived with full of life.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: This is not a miracle, okay? I just have no manga to read so I write. I'll fix my mistakes later.)