Chapter 254: Hot Bath

Chapter 254: Hot Bath

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, X400's-

--------While I'm using my fingers to stimulate Irene's slit to make her more arouse and my left hand groping her left breast, I was sucking her tongue passionately kissing her.


After her mouth, I went to kiss her on the neck, tickling her even more.


*Pant* *Pant*

"Irene, can you stand up and face the wall?"


When she stood up facing wall, I pointed my cock behind her as I gently sink it inside her slit.

"Hmmp! Nnnnn... It's really big."

He moans covering her mouth with her hands.

I'm finally inside her.

"Are you okay, Irene?"

"I'm fine, Haru... Please go on."

I slowly move my hips.

"Nnnnnnn... I love you, Haru."

"I love you too, Irene."

I saw her being pleasured, I increase the speed of my thrust.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Be gentle, Haru... Did you forget that I'm pregnant? Mmmmh!"


I embraced her from behind while kissing her on the shoulder.

"Mmmmh... Haru! Uh! Haah! Aaah! Uuugh! Aaaaaah~ Harder Haru~"

She's melting from pleasure.

I didn't hold back this time.


She's moans hard unable to stop herself.

"Ohh... Mmmmh! Ahhhh!"

When I felt something,

"I'm cumming, Irene!"

"Ahhhh! Already?"

I halted hearing what she said.


"Irene, are you issuing me a challenge?"

"Hehe... Haru, I'm not that easy to be defeated since I became a dragon."

"Then let's see who's more resilient in the bed." I grinned at her.

Pulling out my cock,


I carried her in my arms.

"Let's continue this on the bed since we're already finished bathing."


Arriving at the side of our bed, I lie her down on the soft cushion.

Giving her a peck in the lips, I lifted both of her legs as I push my cock inside the hole of her slit.


"Let's start!"

I thrust my cock very fast.

"Mmmmmmh! Haru! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Ahhh! Ugh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Haaaruu! AAAH! Ah! Ah! Ah! AAAAHH!"

Several minutes later.

"Haru, I'm... AAAAAAAHH!"

She moans hard as a white liquid squirted out of her slit few seconds later.

"I'm cumming too, Irene!"

"I want it inside me."

"Then as you wish, Milady."

I halted my hips as I cum inside her

*Pant* *Pant*

She was breathing heavily looking at me with full of affection.

"I love you, Haru. I'm really happy right now because of you."

"Yeah, me too. I love you, Irene."

I kissed her in the lips again.

"Let's have a second round."


She lie flat in the bed while I embraced her on top. I thrust my cock from behind.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Mmmh!"

She turned and kissed my lips.

Few minutes later, I cum inside her again.

Third round...

I lied down on the bed while she sat on top of me with my cock inside her.

She dance and moved her hips, riding like horse.


'This is the only ride AAAH! ...I won't feel motion sickness."

Several minutes later, I cum inside her once again.

Fourth round,

Her cheek was twitching seeing my stiff cock.

"Haru... why is still hard?"

"I already told you... I won't let you sleep tonight."


She looks like she was regretting challenging me.

I lifted her right leg and thrust my cock inside her again.


After fifteen rounds of different positions,

"Irene, are you okay?"

Looks like she was having a body pain.

She has a defeated expression.

"Ugh! What's with that stamina?! We already did it several times but it still stiffly hard. I think I won't be handle by myself. No wonder you have a lot of lovers in the future."

"It must because I'm a Demi-god. My stamina is incredible."

I lied down beside her while her body was twitching from soreness.

"This is frustrating. Haru, since you actually have lovers other than me, why don't you find one here again?"

"Wow... my wife herself is asking me to have another woman. I refuse!"

"Why? There's a lot of cute young girls who likes you from the villages we came from... What's the difference if you take one as your new lover?"

"Irene... It's not like I aiming to have a harem full of beautiful girls."

"Huh? You aren't? But you said you have a lot of lovers?"

"Yeah, it was inevitable but it cannot just be anyone. Those girls are special in my life that I can't reject them."

"Then what about me? What's special about me when you returned my affection? I'm just a woman who was rejected by my former husband and got tortured."

I embraced her pulling her into arms,

"What do you think the reason I fell for you? Do you think anyone can survive this long with me?"

"Perv! You're just a guy with a thigh fetish." she reddened becoming embarrassed.

"What's wrong? You were the one who seduced me?" I smiled.

"Ugh! I can't deny that."

"You made me fall for you. That means, you're special, Irene. I mean... We're been married for 95 years and I didn't fell to another woman. That's just how special you are."


Our forehead touched staring at each other's eyes.

"That's why, I want another round. Last round before we sleep, Irene."

"Okay... but please spare me. My crotch already hurts, Haru."

"I'll do it slow this time."

I kissed her in the lips, giving her a deep kiss.



286 years later,

It's going to be four centuries soon since I was stuck here in the past but I haven't returned back yet in the future. There's still contact from Kurumi and I felt like I giving up returning back now .

Irene was pregnant with another child and it was mine. After countless number of attempts and it took us centuries, she finally got pregnant of my child.

When she gave birth that night,

"Irene... this is..."

My cheek twitched seeing crimson scaled egg on her arms. It looks like an egg of a dragon.


"It's our child, Haru."

Her expression was full of happiness.

"Yeah, I know but..."

I pointed at the egg on her embrace,

"Instead of giving birth, you lay an egg."

"What's wrong? I'm a dragon so I think laying egg is more obvious than giving birth."

She doesn't look that sure and just guessed it. More like she's happy as long we had a child together. Whatever reason doesn't matter anymore.

"Haru! Don't tell me! You won't accept this--"

"No! I like my child with you! It just that... I'm afraid that she won't able to live normally if he/she turns to be a different creature."

Irene's eyes widened glancing down on the egg.

She gently caresses it as her expression became sad.

The egg sway suddenly,


"Let me take a look at it."

I took the egg and raised it up in my arms.

The egg twitched again.


Focusing my eyes to look through inside the egg.

The shell was too thick but with light manipulation magic, I can enhance the light to pass through the thick shell, making me able to see what inside the egg.

It's like a x-ray vision which ability is to see through physical objects. I use this magic to check up my patients and see the hidden diseases inside their body. It's really convenient as a doctor.


Inside the egg, I saw a fetus but it has a very small horn on both sides of the head, wing at the back and a dragon tail.

Looking around inside the egg, I determined the gender of the fetus.

"It's a baby girl."


"Yes, Irene. Our child is a half-dragon."

I just got another daughter again.

I embraced the egg on my chest.

The egg twitched once again.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Feel pain, contemplate pain, accept pain, know pain... Those who did not take will never know what true pain is... Just today, I got a booster shot. Body... Pain! I'll fix my mistakes later.)