Chapter 271: My Umu Empress can't be this Adorable

Chapter 271: My Umu Empress can't be this adorable

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, x686 -

--------Three months later, after the establishment of Fairy Tail Guild,

Inside the guild building,

*Thud!* *Menacing!*

Mavis and I are staring intensely at each other on the table counter as the rest of the guild members are partying.

"Mavis, are you ready for this? They piled up already for three months since we started the guild." I said carrying papers in my hands.

"Yes, Haru! I already prepared myself for this day as a guild master." Mavis responded with determination.


Slowly placing the pile of paper on top of the table,


Mavis gulped being nervous as she reads the front page,


She trembled and her face went pale.

"Houses destroyed during the mission!"

Yes, they're all about damages and complaints cause by the guild and as a guild master, she has to deal with them and look for a solution.

As she peeks on the second page,

"Uuuugh... It's the same thing! A shop burned during mission!"

She quickly look each page and they are all nothing but complaints.

She became teary-eyed, glancing at me.



"I told you to prepare for the worst."

"But... I never thought that it would this many. Haru... please help me!"


I sighed,

"Fine... I'll do something about it. But for those who cause a big mess during the mission will work for me in the bar counter to help them pay for the charges."

"Thanks you, Haru... Our guild was able to survive because of your bar that you are managing which is making a lot of profits. The customers really loves the dishes you cook and they came back for it everyday. You were able to ease my jobs as guild master."

"It's fine, Mavis... I'm glad I was able to help you. But remember... if this continues, this place will become a restaurant rather than a guild... 'Fairy Tail! The number one restaurant in Fiore!', they'll say..."

Mavis's face went pale,

"Yeah, Haru... I'll remember that..."




I heard Nero calling for me.

Turning behind, I saw wearing a red waitress uniform with short skirt and a lot of frills.


"I served well the customers and they were satisfied with my service. Now... praise me, Praetor!"

"Yes... yes..."

I went towards her and patted her head,

"You did great, Nero. Thank you, you're such big help to me."

She really likes it.

Even though, she not a member of the guild, she been helping me with my jobs at the guild. She was supposed to be an Emperor but she decided to work as a waitress.

Well... it really suits her.

She looks very cute.

I asked Esdeath to wear the same but she refused.

She said, she rather die but I think she's just embarrassed when I told her that Nero was formerly an Empress of Rome and she's cosplaying as a waitress.

Now, I think about it... Nero was supposed a scheming tyrant and a lot of blood shred happened during her rule. But look at her now,

"Umu, Umu!"


Well, I also noticed that Esdeath is slowly changing and became a little more kinder to others. It such a good development for her.

Nero pulled me in hurry,

"Praetor! Let's go! We have a lot of customers!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm going. You don't have to pull me."

"But there's a patient who's gonna give birth! You're the doctor so you have to hurry!"


Mavis was completely shock.

"Giving birth? Doctor? Just what's going on?"

She was very confused.

Nero and I went straight to my clinic.

"Hey! Explain it me..."


Arriving quickly inside my clinic,


A beautiful pregnant woman was sitting on the side of the bed. She has a brown hair and her eyes is dark brown.

She looks in pain.

A young lady came to me which is slightly look identical to the pregnant woman.

"Doctor, please help my big sister! She's going to give birth!"

"Leave your big sister to me. Just wait outside the room, okay?"

She looks really worried.

"But! My big sister--

"Don't worry! She's 120% safe in my hands. Just prepare yourself becoming an Aunty later." I tried to calm her down.


The young lady has taken a critical damage.

She walked outside the room being dejected.

"I'm still only 19 years old... Being called an Aunty is just..." she sighed.

Wearing my sterelize surgical attire,

"Praetor! Here!"

Nero brought me the things I needed like hot water, towels and tools for giving birth.

She's wearing a pink nurse uniform.

"Thanks, Nero!"

"Umu, umu! I'm glad, I was a help to master."



The door clinic opened loudly and it was Mavis who came in hurry

"What's going on here?Huh?"

She saw me lifting up the skirt of the pregnant woman.

"What are you doing, Haru?!"

"Of course! As you can see, I'm assisting in giving birth." I answered.

"I know! But why here in the guild? This place is not a hospital!"

"I'll explain to you that later---

"Uuuugh... Arrrgh! It's coming out!!"

The pregnant woman screamed in pain.

"Hurry up! Doc! Aaaarrrgh!"

I focus myself under the pregnant woman as her slit stretched out and the head of the baby slowly came out.

"It's okay! Things are going to be fine. Just a little more push!"

Is it okay for 13 year old like her to see this?

Mavis was watching me looking terrified.


She also screamed.


Or I guess not...

She immediately ran outside,

"Haru, you big idiot!"

"Uwaaaah! Uwaaaah! Uwaaaaaah~"

The baby finally came out crying.

It's a baby boy.

I properly tied and cut the navel part then covered the baby with a clean cloth.

"My baby<3!"

I gave the child to her mother.


The young lady went inside the room to check her big sister.

The mother looks happy as she shows her child to her little sister,

"Look! It's a baby boy!"

The three of them embraced each other.

"I hope you grew up into a handsome boy like the doctor here."


"Thanks for the hard work, Praetor."

Nero wiped my forehead with a handkerchief.

"Yeah, thank you too."

"Doctor! Thank you very much!" The mother spoke while holding her baby in her arms.

"Thank you for helping my big sister." The young lady followed.

"No problem, we're just doing our job." I responded.

"Umu, Umu!" Nero proudly nodded.


After that, I went to visit Mavis's room.

I was about to knock on her door when I noticed that it was opened.


I peeked inside her room and I saw her sitting on her bed with traumatic expression.


"Mavis, are you okay? I'm sorry if you saw something unpleasant."

I walked inside and sit at the side of her bed.

She was mumbling something,

"It became wider... and a big baby came out... Am I going to be like that in the future? How scary..."

I waved in front of her face,

"Yoo-hoo! Mavis, are you there? Wake up!"

"Haru, you idiot... I won't talk to you anymore..."

She's still sulking...


Nero followed inside the room.

"I haven't received enough praise today. That's why, praise me more!"



(To be continued.)

(A/N: Poor Mavis... I tried to finish this today. I'll fix my mistakes later.)