Chapter 273: Ayaya! Ayaya! Ayaya!

Chapter 273: Ayaya! Ayaya! Ayaya!

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, x688 -

------After the battle, we came out victorious as Mavis procured the alias 'Fairy Tactician' due her incredible I.Q. and knowledge from our victory.

Esdeath and I together with Irene and Reginleif fought in the shadows, defeating our enemies in the back line. Other than that, we didn't do anything much to influence the battlefield. We didn't go all out but just enough to warm us up.

While everyone was celebrating in the guild,

"We won!!!"

"Look at all this cash!!"

"Bring all the wine!!"


I was drinking beer together with Yuri when we noticed that Mavis was in down mood, sitting on the counter table as the rest of the guild members are partying.


"Just a second, Yuri. I just have something to talk with Mavis."

I stood up bringing the big cup of beer with me.

"Yeah... go cheer her up, Haru." Yuri replied as he gulps his drink.

I went and approached Mavis.

"You look a little sad, Mavis. Is something wrong?"


Being silent,

"I wonder how many lives were lost in today's battle..."


"And till when will this go on... I want to go on adventure."


Seeing her like this,



I drunk the half of beer in my cup then passed it to Mavis's hands.

"Haru, I don't drink--

"Hold my beer!"


Mavis was confused.

Wiping my mouth,

"I shall put an end on this war for you."

My body became bulkier as I took off my top clothes.


"Anyone who dares to make you sad, I'll make them suffer. They will realize why people here call me the Demon King of Ishgar and the Sun God." I smiled menacingly.


Mavis became flustered.

"Haru! Wait!"

As I walked outside the guild building,

"I am... inevitable."


"Haru, stop! You're drunk!"

Mavis was pulling me from behind.

I already can't count how much alcohol did I drink but I'm still feeling fine. It just that my vision is spinning.

I quickly teleported back in the battlefield.


All the soldiers are running away in fear,


"Why is the Demon King here?!"



As I slam my fist in front of me covered in bubble.



The shockwave send the soldiers flying in the air.

"Who made Mavis sad?! Come here and I'll beat the sh*t out of you!" I yelled.


The army of soldiers threw away their weapon to run away more faster.

"Everyone! Retreat! Retreat!"

*Byouk!* *Crash!*


Mavis was hanging behind me.

"Haru! Stop!"

"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!"



I keep sending them flying to teach them a lesson.

"The war ends here! Anyone who still dare wants to fight, then come here, I'll be your opponent!"


All the soldiers retreated hearing what I said.

No one dares to go against me and runs away from the battlefield.

"Haru! We're surrounded." Mavis warned me.

Before I noticed, army of soldiers hold a bow and arrow pointing at us in different directions. All their arrows lighted up with fire.

"I don't care if you're the Demon King or a God, you will perish here in this place along with that little girl!" the important looking soldier shouted at me in the distance.


They shoot arrows in high altitude raining them upon us in all directions.

"Haru, we have to escape!" Mavis shook me.

"No problem, just hold on tight on my back."

Before the arrows hit us andMavis hid behind me, and closed her eyes,





The time stopped and everything around me was frozen in places including Mavis on my back.

I walked forward avoiding the arrows in my way

Eight seconds has passed.

Nine seconds has passed.

As I arrived in front of army's general,

Sixteen seconds has passed.

Seventeen seconds has passed.

I slightly punched him in the stomach enough to send him flying without dying.

"Twenty-one second has passed, it's over."

I ended my time stopping ability and everything began to move again.



The army general sent flying crashing on the tree.

"Opss! I still didn't held back enough. Well, like I care if he died."

All the remaining soldiers quickly retreated seeing their leader unconscious.

"Run! Our attacks are useless against him!"


Some of them are stumbling in their way.

As I was about to chase after them,

"Haru! Please! That's enough!"

Mavis stopped me.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

I noticed that she was trembling and crying behind me.


"Let's just go home! I don't want to be here anymore!"


I smiled,


I may able to stop those foolish soldiers today but tomorrow or on the next day, they will start another one. Their greediness will start to ignite another war until nothing has left. This is how war shaped humanity and a new era will born.

I don't really interfere in their conflict unless they did it in my backyard. They will feel my wrath.

They should be thankful to Mavis that I didn't completely annihilated them.

"Well then..."

As I turned around,


I fell on my knees, being weakened.

"What's happening--Huh?"

My whole body was glowing!

"Haru, what's wrong?! Are you okay?" Mavis worriedly asked me.

I noticed that my right hand is becoming transparent.

Looks like my time remaining here in this past will end soon.

"No, I'm fine. I' just haven't sobered yet." I stood up.

"You drunk too much, Haru..."

After that, we teleported back in our guild.



(Harukin v.2's POV)

- Konosuba World, Present -

In my house, I called Doc to check on my unconscious mother.

"You're mother is fine now, Harukin. Just let her rest for the time being."

"Thanks you, Doc."

"Harukin, what have you done to your mother that she turned into this."

"Well... a lot of things like... two of my girlfriends are pregnant of my child. Also about me and twin sister dating each other."


Doc touched her forehead in headache.

"Harukin, you really are..."

"What's wrong, Ayaya-sensei?"

"Don't call me with that name!"

She yelled at me.


Karen suddenly appeared behind me together with Yunyun, Sanae and Rikka.

"Karen, this young looking woman is actually my mentor as a doctor and her real name is Ayaya-sensei."

"Harukin-sensei!" Doc became flustered.

"Ayaya! Ayaya!" Karen shouted.


"Ayaya!" I followed.


"Ayaya! Ayaya! Ayaya! Ayaya! Ayaya!"

"Please, stop it! You two!" Doc became embarrassed.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I know it's short. I'll fix my mistakes later.)