Chapter 286: Perverted Daughter

Chapter 286: Perverted Daughter

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- One Piece World, 38 years ago -

While sailing in the middle of sea with me stirring the wheel of the marine ship.

"Not bad, kid... To think you're good at navigating." Newgate praised me while drinking alcohol.

"As long as we have a map and we know our location, we'll never lost on this wide cruel sea. Fortunately, this marine ship we taken over has all the things we need for our journey. Thing are going smoothly for us."


"Yuu-huu! Daddy!"

I glanced at my daughter from the future who's asking for my attention.


"What? I'm busy here."

"I want Dad to look at me. Am I cute?"


"Yeah, yeah. You're cute so let me concentrate here."

She pouted.

"Do you think I will like it when you ignoring me coldly? My mom might love it but not me!"

"You know, Marine? You're mom is a special case. I might act indifferent towards her all the time but I actually likes her a lot. She and her family has done a lot for me and my family, and they never abandoned us. She's always helping me and when I need her, she's always there. I'm just afraid if I showed her some affection, it might backfired and she'll lost her interest in me. I'm just doing the same to you since you're her daughter."


"Umm... You know, Dad... Mom actually loves you a lot... Not because of her masochism towards your cruel and trash personality, but because you accepted who really she is and you are willing adjust yourself for her. Dad is the kindest after all even though he's a genuine scumbag."


Those words pierced me and I have taken a lot of emotional damage.

"A father and daughter? Appearance wise, you two doesn't seems look related at all." Newgate spoke.

"I don't really know but blood will tell. Most of my daughters doesn't look like me or my lovers. The only one who got my appearance is my first son."

"You've got a big family out there, kid. Why are you doing there in the God Valley?"

"To find my daughter..."

"Is she missing?"

"Well... you can say it like that."

"Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah, she's in the last island at the end of the Grand line. I need to get there and find her."


I guess he doesn't know about the last island until Roger told him.

My daughter went towards him,

"Hello, Grandpa! My name is Marine, one of Dad's many daughters."


She introduced herself to him.


Newgate was confused.



I was surprised.

"Marine, why are you calling him Grandpa? Your real Grandpa currently missing and the other one is the current head of Dustiness house?"

"But Dad... You call him Pops in my timeline and he is the one who take us out to hunt some Giant Toad's in Axel Town."


Now, I think of it... Newgate was called Pops by his crew and allies.

Did the future me brought him in my home world.

Having a Grandpa who will help me to take care of my children... it's not a bad idea with my real father missing.

As I glanced at him,



Calling him that, he made a cringey expression.


"Then it's decided! Starting today, you will be my father and I will be your son. Marine will be granddaughter."

"Kid, why are you deciding this by yourself?"

He looks annoyed.

"From here on, we are family!" I declared.


Marine rejoiced.


Newgate was silent.

"It's fine, right? Pops?"

"Tsk! Do what you want!"

He was mad and drunk some alcohol.

But I didn't sense any annoyance from him.

It seems like he's not against it.


Few weeks later,

While doing some maintenance at the ship, I was nailing some new wooden plank at the deck after it was destroyed by the storm last night.

My daughter Marine was the one who's stirring the wheel and Pops was resting inside the Cabin.

After nailing the last wooden plank,

"Finally, I'm finish here!"

As I walk in front of my daughter, I noticed that her short skirt was being flip by the wind.


When her skirt flipped up, my eyes widened in surprise when I saw her private part below with crimson red hair. She wasn't wearing any underwear.

Breathing heavily while she's being turned on,

"Uuuuuuuuh... This is refreshing<3~"

I went towards her and hit her head with a karate shop.



"Wear some panties, you perverted daughter!" I scolded her.

"But Dad! It's just the two of us and Grandpa is sleeping! It's more comfortable."

"No is No! You are a girl and you have stop being a deviant!"

"Even though Dad was sometimes walking around completely naked with Uncle Gray around Magnolia Town at night after drinking."


It's my fault again!

They even inherited my disturbing habit!

What am I doing making it known to my daughters.

I have to stop that habit of mine quickly!

After scolding her, she finally decided to wear some underwear or I forced her to wear some.

Glancing at the horizon of the sea,

Now, I think of it... I have no clue where is the last island.

If I want to get there, I have sail with Roger's ship and he will lead me to the last island.

But that will be several years and I have to wait for that year to come.


I sighed,

"I guess I came here in this world too early--Huh."

Suddenly, I felt something strange in the sea.


"Keep stirring... I just have something to check."

I went at the side of the deck and check down what's happening under the sea.

I frowned seeing a humongous shadow of sea monster swimming under the ship.

It has a shape of a shark.

"This is bad..."

This can't take it on because of the storm last night.

I passed my stand special ability in order maintain my thought projection. With that, I won't be able to use my Crazy Diamond ability to repair this ship.

The ship started to shake when I sense that there is also something on the other side.

Going on the other side, I saw a purple giant octopus this time lurking under the ship and it has strange markings around its tentacles.



Its giant tentacles rose up from the seawater and wrapped on the ship.

"Those tentacles!"

Marine was completely shock.

Being mad of what I'm seeing, I took out a claymore from my dimensional storage and tried to cut those tentacles.

"Dad, wait! Stop! Don't cut them!"

Marine jumped and held me to stop.

"What are you talking about? This octopus is destroying our ship!"

"Wait! There must be some kind misunderstanding, Dad!"

Suddenly, a shark jumps out but it was made of water and it attacks the octopus.

The octopus wraps its other tentacles on the water shark.


When the head of the octopus came out from the water, I saw a girl long black hair with orange strands at the ends and light blue eyes. Those huge octopus tentacles was her tails and she's wearing a purple dress with orange skirt.


When water shark dispersed, a short girl with skinny body shape, especially around her waist holding a Trident. She has white, baby blue and cobalt blue coloured hair, light blue pupils, and shark-like sharp teeth.

She wears a hood that is similar to a shark's head, grey drawstrings with black circles on it, a hoodie with the shark mouth designed on her waist with a zipper, two pockets on the left and right side and wears white and blue shoes with black shoelaces and grey velcro patches in front of it with black soles. She wields a sapphire blue coloured trident. She has the sharp end part of her tail sewed up.



The two of them are fighting with each other.






"Gura! Ina! You two have to stop! Or else Dad will roast the two of you!" Marine loudly shouted.


When the two of them glanced at our direction, they sweated profusely seeing the small miniature sun in my hand.

"Oh, no..."


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I can already see the end of this fanfic. After I'm finish here, I can now focus on my other fanfic. In few months, this fanfic will be 2 years. I'll fix my mistakes later.)