Chapter 290: Poi

Chapter 290: Poi

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- One Piece World, 38 years ago -

-------While sailing in the middle of the sea with a strange warship, all the girls are sitting in kneeling position on front of me.

I looked at them one by one and they were sweating profusely.

"I wonder if someone would tell me what happened to this ship?"



The two of them pointed at each other.

"No! It's my fault, Papa. Please, punish this very bad girl! Mmmmh!"

Marine was turned on, breathing heavily.

I just ignored her.

Looking at the two new girls appeared with them,

"Another two? When did you girls get here?"

One is the troublesome fox girl and the other one is a pink-haired girl, wearing a little bit revealing shrine maiden outfit. She has a yellowish eyes and she has side ponytail tied with a round bell.


I intensely stared at the fox girl named Fubuki,

"Yabe!" she spoke nervously.

Then I turned towards the pink-haired girl.

I already can guess who's her mother based on her appearance,

"You're Hinagiku's daughter, right?"

"And you are my father." she responded.


"Can you tell your name--"

"My name is Miko and I'm an Elite!"

"Then Miko.... In that case, you should better understand that you can't come here. You have to go back."

"No! Just because I am an Elite doesn't mean I should be left out of fun!"

Touching my forehead in headache,

"Girls... Tell me. Who brought all of you here?"

They all look at other and nodded together then they pointed at me.

Glancing behind, seeing Botan also pointing at me.

Pointing at myself,




I can't believe that I was the one who did this from the future, sending my own daughters here in the past.

"Father went to slay some goblins. I heard that there was a stampede and he was called by the adventurer's guild." Botan answered.

"Papa doesn't want us to come with him so he let us come here for an adventure." Miko followed.

Well... I kind of understand him. I can't let these girls see something awful.

"HA↑ HA↗ HA↘ HA↗ HA↘ HA↗ HA↘HA↑ HA↗ HA↘ HA↗"

The troublesome rabbit girl appeared, laughing.

"Yay! Finally! Dad agreed to let me come here!"


My cheek twitched seeing her.


I sighed,

"I'm going back to sleep! You girls should behave yourselves."


I went back to the cabin to sleep.

A day later,

It was noon when we saw several Marine ships going towards our direction.

Pops and I grinned, seeing them approaching us.

"Should I sink them?" I said, cracking my fist.

"No, Haru. It's better to avoid them or they will send more to chase over us."

"Okay then..."

Turning towards my future daughters,

"Girls! We're going to avoid---"



I saw something launched towards the marine ships.


One of the marine ships was hit and sinks in the sea.


"Wow! You're amazing, Botan!"


"As expected from the FPS Lioness!"

Gura raises her trident,

"Everyone! Let's sink those Marine in the sea!"


Together, they all raised their arms.

"Marine sucks!"

"That's right! Marine are jerks!"

"Stop yelling those words while looking at me!" Marine retorted.

"Destroy them!"

"HA↑ HA↗ HA↘ HA↗ HA↘ HA↗ HA↘HA↑ HA↗ HA↘ HA↗"

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

They all launched a barrage of cannon balls towards marines ships.

"Gurarararara~ You're daughters are really troublemakers."

"Yeah... Looks like we're too late."


(Thought Projection's POV)

- Konosuba World, Present -

While partying together with the members of the group chat, sitting together with them while drinking alcohol.

I noticed Arc was looking around nervously then he gazed at the food in his plate. The others are already starting to eat while he only stares at his food.

"Arc-san, is something wrong with the food? You can tell me if there's something you don't like."

"No, Haru-dono! It just that... I was cursed so my appearance is a bit..."

He became flustered unable to move explain to me.

"Oh... you mean you're conscious of how will others react if they saw your real appearance inside that armor? Then don't worry about it and enjoy yourself without minding us."

"Is that really okay? What about the others?"

"Hahaha! Arc-san... To tell you the truth, some of us here are actually not human."

I drunk a cup of beer.

"Aaah~ Whew! It tastes good!"

I noticed that Nee-san and others are staring intensely at me.

I felt like I'm forgetting something very important.

"What do you mean, Haru-dono?"

"Uhmm... Harukin? I think you shouldn't drinking with them."

Wiz approached and told me.


"Oh. Nice timing, Wiz-san!"


"Let me introduce you, Arc-san. She's one of my lovers and her name is Wiz."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me as I introduced her to Arc.

"Wow! She's beautiful! You must be really lucky to have a lover like her!"


Wiz became really embarrassed.

"Yeah, I'm really lucky to have her! And I already have a cute daughter with her name Nana." I said with proud tone


She was fidgeting around.

"Oh, she's already your wife!"

"Yes, Arc-san but she's actually an undead lich."


"What?! She's a lich? Aren't lich supposed to be look like a skeleton?"

Arc was completely shock.

"That's right, but look at her, isn't she adorable? Completely different from the lich you know."


"That's why... Arc-san! Don't be afraid to reveal yourself. I think I might have the idea what's your real appearance right now because you thought it was cool but you can trust us."

"Okay, Haru-dono..."

Everyone curiously glanced at him as he took off his helmet.

What we saw was a skeleton whose eyes sockets shine with blue lights.


Everyone was surprised while Wiz beside me was amazed.

I grinned, filling Arc's cup with alcohol.

"Drink up, Arc-san! You should try the wine I brewed myself!"

"Thank you, Haru-dono."

He drinks up his cup of wine.

"Ah~ Amazing! It tastes really good!"


I poured him another cup.

"Thank you."

He finally can join and eat with us in this banquet.

"You doesn't seems very surprised seeing my face."

"Oh, Hahaha! I already met a lot of strange people living for a very long time!"

"Eh?! Aren't you suppose to be only 13 years old, Harukin?!" Wiz was completely shock.

"Ara! Sun-kun has reveal it."

Gaia grabbed Wiz's arm and pulled her.

"Come here for a little bit and I'll be the one who explain it witheveryone. You can talk it with him later."


Wiz came with Gaia.


This is when I realized that I messed up.

I haven't told them about going to the past.

I'm still waiting for Kurumi to show up so she can help me with my situation.


"Don't worry, Sun-kun... Leave everything to me! If this continues, things will be more complicated for you in the future."


Gaia left together with Wiz.

After that, I send them all back to there home worlds except White Queen Lolisa and Enterprise Shizu-nee together with her maid Belfast. Shea Haulia was able come here and Nero's whereabouts is currently unknown. I hope they are doing okay.

I accepted Vali's challenge for a duel and I defeated him for few seconds with only one finger. Lolisa sent him back to his home world unconscious on alleyway.

In the kitchen, I was washing the dishes together with Wiz.

Nee-san was already sleepy and went to sleep on our room. Sanae and Rikka together with Komi-san, Menma, Bocchi and Karen went to Yunyun's house and sleep over there. Yunyun looks really happy right now.

"Harukin! We're finish cleaning up outside!"

Akane and Erza was carrying a pile of plates and they handed to me.

"Thanks as always! Akane... Erza..."

I looked at each of them.

I noticed that Erza was giving me a suspicious gaze.

"Uhmm... is something wrong, Erza?"

She just smiled at me,

"I heard from Gaia that you were sent in the past in my home world."

"I'm also finish here--Huh?"

Mirajane followed in the kitchen.

Remembering about Irene, I felt guilty looking away from her.

"Yeah... just like she told you, I was sent by Kurumi in the past 400 years over there. That's why, my age became a little bit complicated."

"Harukin! Are you hiding something from me? Tell me!" Erza shook me.

"I think it's not the right time for you to know..."

"Why?! Harukin!"

She became teary-eyed glaring at me.

But I can't answer her.

"It's futile! He will not tell you."

Suddenly, I heard a very familiar voice speaking about me.


My eyes widened in surprise seeing Irene from the present sitting in our table.

Erza and others was also surprised when she suddenly appeared out of nowhere without them noticing.

"Haru! Can you prepare me some tea?" Irene requested.



I immediately went and prepared some tea for her.


I served it to her.

"Thanks, Sweetie."


They were all completely shock.

Sweating profusely,

"Irene... How did you get here?"

"I met up with the emergency food."

"Paimon!? Where is she? I've been looking for her!"

"She's with Nero, Esdeath, Reginleif together with your three goddess daughters. Well... we made a promise that we should wait for each other before we meet up with you here."


Erza furiously pointed at her,

"Harukin! Who is she?! Why is she calling you sweetie?"

I felt nervous,

"Erza... She's my--

"I am your mother, Erza." Irene interrupted me and answered.


Erza trembled.

"I am also your boyfriend's lover." Irene followed drinking her tea.

Erza stiffly glanced at me.

"H-Harukin... What's the meaning of this?..."


I bowed to her,

"I'm sorry, Erza! Forgive me! All she said was true!"


I can completely feel Erza's anger directed to me.


Irene suddenly grabbed Erza and carried her on her shoulder with no effort.

"Don't get angry without hearing him first!"


She slapped her butt

"Hey! Let go! How dare you do that to me!"

"I'm your mother so it's fine."


Erza struggled but it was futile.

"Sorry, Sweetie but I have to go now."

Irene drunk the rest of her tea then went outside through the backdoor.

I followed after her together with others.

"I just went and dropped by when Coco and August came back home drunk. It's your responsibility to look after them!"

She scolded me.

"Irene, they're not children anymore so drinking a little bit should be fine."

"If you think like that, how about you married off your daughter Coco to someone---"

"Wow! The stars are beautiful tonight just like at that time." I glanced above changing immediately the topic.



Irene sighed,

"Hold on tight, Erza!"


She transformed into her dragon form, becoming huge.

"You can come and visit me in the Alvarez Empire if you have time, Sweetie!"


"Kanata! You can open now the portal!"


Suddenly, a huge portal appeared above and Irene flew holding Erza in her hand.

"Goodnight, Sweetie. Goodbye and see you later<3!"

Irene entered the portal.

I just waved my hands then the portal disappeared, showing the beautiful night sky.

Now, I just have to wait for others to arrive.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Imagine Breaker in MHA next. Shazam! I'll fix my mistakes later.)