Chapter 307: Returned Back Home Pregnant

Chapter 307: Returned Back Home Pregnant

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- Hayate no Gotoku World –

When Hinagiku was able to pass through the portal and arrived here on her home world, her face was full of joy as she clung on my arm.

"Finally! I'm home, Haru! I'm finally home!"

"Yeah, I'm glad. And I'm happy for you."

"Hehehe... This room... Isn't this the place where we first met? You're the perverted intruder who came out of nowhere--"

When she saw Chiharu and others tied on a chair that making it look like that we turn them into hostages.

Izumi and her other fellow idiots was surprised seeing her.



"Hinagiku?! What happened to you?"

Chiharu can't believe when she Hinagiku standing in front of her.


Hinagiku became silent for a little bit then she glares at me.

"Haru, I'll let you explain this. Why did you do to my friends?"

"Well, Lolisa and her chat group has ongoing quest here and thanks to their system, I was able to bring you back home here. Don't worry, they only tied your friends so that they won't able to contact the security of this Academy. After they finish their quest, they will let go them."

Hinagiku looked at me with squinted eyes.

"Are you sure, you're not involved into this?"

"Well... a little. If its me, I'll just cast a sleeping spell to make them unconscious."

"Then can you untie them. Just leave them to me."


Lolisa went towards me,

"Is this really okay?"

"Don't worry, just leave to her. They were her friends."

"Wait a minute, Onii-sama! They just called her their president. Then that means..."

She pouted at me as I look away from her.

"The reason why we failed the quest last time because you took home the president with you!"

"I didn't took her. She followed me herself in my home world."


"You should know this already... the vice president become the president if the current president is not in her office."


"...I-I forgot!"

She just realized that, holding her head.

When Hinagiku untied her friends,

"Thank you, Hina-chan!"

Izumi happily hugged her followed by Risa and Miki.

"President, you big dummy! Where have you been?!"


Hinagiku became teary-eyed,

"I'm sorry, everyone! A lot of things happened."


Chiharu was completely shock when she noticed Hinagiku's big tummy.

"What is that?" she pointed.

"You're right! President's abdomen is huge!"

"It's like she's--"

The three idiots was shock also while Aika frowned.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant." Hinagiku revealed.


"It's not like I'm trying to hide it but--"


Chiharu became furious which made her really nervous.

"What's the meaning of this?! You followed that intruder guy and returned back pregnant!"

"Wait! Chiharu? At least let me explain!"

"What about us you left behind?! We're so worried sick about you but you are--Hmmp!"

I foresaw something very unpleasant on what she about to say which will cause uneasiness on Hinagiku and make her sick. With my Observation Haki and Ephitaph's future sight, I immediately move and covered the mouth of Chiharu with a plaster before she can say something that will hurt Hinagiku.


Hinagiku was confused.

With Chiharu struggling to take off the plaster from her mouth,

"Hmmp! Hmmp!"

I glared at her,

"Just now, you're about to say something horrible to Hinagiku so I stopped you. As you can see, she pregnant but the baby in her tummy is also my child. I won't let you hurt her even with harsh words!"

Chiharu froze and trembled looking at me. She looks really frightened.

Hinagiku silently went towards her and help her took off the plaster in her mouth. After taking it off, she hugged her tightly.

"I know what I did is unforgivable, Chiharu... But at least listen to my side first. After I followed him in another world, I was stuck there for several months and wasn't able to back home. Instead of abandoning me, Haru helped me and he tried his best to ease my loneliness. He took care of me when I always gets sick and I trouble him a lot. Before I knew it, I fell in love in him. This was result of me getting pregnant."

"What are you gonna do from now on, Hinagiku? Are you gonna quit school?"

"Yeah... There's no other choice."

Hinagiku nodded with sad smile.


Izumi burst into tears,

"Hinagiku, no! You're the only president here! Please don't leave us!"

She clung on her arm.

"Don't quit, President!"

"The Academy became chaotic without you!"

Risa and Miki followed, holding Hinagiku's hand.

Hinagiku trembled.

(Of course, Hinagiku will be saddened. She doesn't really want to quit but...)


She called my name which made a little bit confused.

"Huh? What's wrong, Hinagiku?"

"Umm... I really can't believe this but... I think it's gonna come out now."



"The baby! It's coming!"

"But it wasn't even nine or ten months?!"

"I don't know! Hurry! It's coming out!"

Hearing what she said, I wasn't able to calm myself.

Her friends was also panicking.

"Sorry, Praetor but you two have to go out of this room."

Nero pushed me and Pervy Sage away outside the room.

"Hey! I'm the doctor, Nero!"

"Just leave this to me, Praetor. I've been doing this kind of job with you for a long time."


She closed the door.

"I have to calm myself quickly!"

"You don't look calm at all. It's better to leave it to them."

Pervy Sage leaned on the wall with his arms folded.

Walking back and forth, being nervous.

"How was that possible? Hinagiku has only been pregnant for more than four months and it's already coming out? I don't know what's going on anymore!"

"Relax! I don't really know how it works in your own home world but worrying won't lead to anything."

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

I heard several explosions outside.

Feeling annoyed,

"Tch! Can they tone down their noise?! Hinagiku is currently giving birth!"

I immediately ran outside, arriving on the veranda of this clock tower.

As I looked below, I saw a huge orange robot firing several rockets at someone.


"What is that thing? A golem? This place was actually very high."

Standing at the edge of veranda,

"If they can't tone down their noise, the only solution is shut them up with force."

"Haru? Can you first talk with them what's the commotion going on over there? Violence is never the answer in this kind of situation."

"It's a question, Pervy Sage. And the answer is Yes!" I responded as I jumped down.

"Oi! ...He really jumped down."

As I landed down on top of the robot,


I smashed it with both of my feet, crashing it to the ground.


The people around was surprised seeing me destroying the robot easily.

Looking around the area, in front of me was a young man with has medium height with light blue hair that is styled into a bob cut and blue eyes. He wears a butler's uniform.


Behind him was a young lady with short in stature, she has long blond hair which is tied in two long twin tails, bangs, and she has green eyes. She's wearing a Hakou Academy's uniform.


"I've come... to stop this ruckus!"

Hopping down from the robot,

"If anybody still wants to fight... then come! I will be your opponent!"

*Thud!* *Menacing!*

"Hayate! This man's words sounds very familiar! I feel like I heard them from some kind of famous anime lines!" The girl with blonde twin tail became excited.

"Yes, Nagi-ojousama! He must ripped it off from some anime he watched!"

Hearing their words, I sweated profusely.

(Now, I remember why I don't say any ripped off lines in front of Hinagiku. Because the anime, movie and manga I read and watch in my past life also exist here. It will be embarrassing if she found out about it but I don't think she watches those kind of otaku stuff.)

Seeing some butlers around,

"I guess, I'll start with that quest."

I used my conquerors haki to attack them,

*Qukkwek!* *Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt~*


One by one, all the butlers around fell unconscious including the poor looking butler in front of me.

"Wait! Was that--"


I casted a sleeping spell before she say anything.

"This is really troublesome."

After that, I went back to the student council office and sat on the president's chair while waiting anxiously for Hinagiku.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll cut again here. I'll fix my mistakes later.)

(Author Face Reveal<<<)