Chapter 316: USJ Incident

Chapter 316: USJ Incident

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me of my fanfic, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I just fixed because no one find it because there's no video so I tried to upload anything.

Geraint Ch.

Feel free to watch my videos while waiting for me to upload chapters.


After Harukin bought all the groceries he needed from the supermarket, he put all of it inside his dimensional storage.

"I guess that's all of it."

Trying to remember if he forgot something and King appeared in his mind.

"Ugh! I forgot about him. I should go and check him before he gets found out."

He decided to teleport back in UA Highschool.

Appearing in front of the large iron gate of the school, he doesn't want to trespass on the campus but he didn't have any choice.


He took a several steps back then he charges forward and jumped very high.

Reaching on the top of the gate, he jumped over and went inside the school.


In a place with several buildings, King was surrounded by several tough looking guys which are called villains.

"Isn't this guy..."

"Yeah, it's him! The one who's hanging around All Might at that time."

"He defeated his opponents without even touching them!"

The villains are intimidated by his presence as their legs trembles.

The truth is, King was actually nervous that the villains will attack him. His heart was beating loudly that they can hear it clearly.

'Harucchi!' he yelled in his mind.


Suddenly, one by one, the fell down and became unconscious on the ground.

"What's going on--Ugh!"

Harukin was behind them and he just used conqueror's haki to take them down.


King became teary-eyed, seeing him.

"Where's All Might?" Harukin asked.

"I don't know. I was just teleported here suddenly."

"I see... Now, let's go and find him. I have to thank him for helping me before going home."


(Harukin's POV)

Climbing up the mountain with the strongest man on earth, he was breathing heavily while following me from behind.

"Harucchi, is this really the right path? Why are we climbing up a mountain?"

"This is a fake mountain used for hero training--Huh?"

Suddenly, electricity surged on the surroundings but it didn't reach us.

"Something is going on over there. Let's check it out."

"Wait for me!" King followed after me.

Arriving at the top, I saw tall teenage girl with mature physique and her huge chest was completely exposed. She has long black hair that is normally tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face. Her eyes are big yet sharp, dark in color and paired with short eyebrows

Beside was a petite, fair-skinned girl with a slender, narrow-shouldered build. She has triangular, lazy-looking onyx eyes with notably long lower eyelashes and rather small eyebrows. Her hair is short, around chin length, and is dark purple in color with an asymmetrical fringe, and two reflections shaped like heartbeat monitor waves on either side of her head.

The two of them covered by some kind of blanket while they are surrounded by several villains which are unconscious on the ground.

When they noticed me, I just smiled and gave them a thumbs up.


The girl with expose chest immediately covered herself in embarrassment.


"Stop looking at her!" her friend yelled.

Seeing them, I finally remembered two students of this school.

The tall girl is Yaoyorozu Momo and the girl with pair of earphone jack in the ears is Kyouka Jiro.

Behind them was guy with a short gold hair, parted to the right with a black lightning-shaped streak on the left of his side fringe, which is angled so that it partially obscures his left eye. He has slanted, somewhat triangular golden eyes, and notably small eyebrows. He is walking around like an idiot with a thumbs up.

I forgot his name because it's been a long century, so I didn't bother remembering.

"Have you guys seen All Might? I've been looking for him."

"Uhm... Why are you looking for him? Are you a villain?"

"Nope, he's my friend."


"I'm not lying. I came here--huh?"

Suddenly, someone interrupted me and grabbed me from behind. It was one of those villain mobs and he actually took me as his hostage and threatened them.

"Don't move or I'll kill this guy!"

"Hey! That's unfair!"

"Don't hurt him!"

The two yelled at him.

The villain took out his knife and pointed it on my neck.

"This time, I'll make sure that you two suffer from this."

Since, he's taller than me, I glanced up at him and gave him intense stare.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Shut your mouth or I kill--"


I grabbed the blade of his knife and I crashed it with my grip.


Dropping the pieces of scrap metals on the ground, I grabbed his head next and lift him up.

"Arrrgh! My head! My head! It hurts! Please spare me!"

"Why should I?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Tell me what will be your worth if I spare you alive? Doing bad thing again? That's a big no, no."


"Okay, I spare your life."

"Ah, thank you."

"But not your memories."


I used Hamon to erase his memories.

After that, I just drop him on the ground.


As I sigh, I remembered Nee-san telling to get back home quickly before sunset.

"Harucchi?" King approached me while being tired from climbing up here on top.

"Sorry, but I have get back quickly."

I snapped my fingers and a huge magic circle appeared on the ground which surprised everyone around.

"What is this?"

"A magic circle? I only saw this on TV!"

Raising right hand, I casted a spell.


All of us disappeared.


Appearing on the entrance, everyone was surprised when they appeared on a different place.

Looking around,


I found All Might standing but I saw smoke rising from his back.

"Oh, All Might!"

I immediately approached him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hehe! I just finished my shopping. Thanks for your help, I had more than enough money to buy groceries."

"Okay, but... I think it's not the--Haru-shounen! Behind you!"

"Stop getting in my way!"

At All Might's warning, someone suddenly touched me on the back.



Glancing behind, I saw a slim man with pale skin, tinged yellow teeth, and a great deal of wrinkles around his eyes. His lips are chapped and uneven, a small mole on the right underneath, with visible scars on his right eye and under his lip. He has messy, grayish-blue hair of varying lengths, the longest clumps reaching to about his shoulders, left hanging over his face in uneven waves. His face is covered by a severed hand.


He tapped my back several times with his fingers.

"Why is my quirk not working?"


I punch him in face for interrupting me and he rolled over the ground several times.

"Anyway, All Might. Thanks again for helping me."

"Okay..." All Might awkwardly responded.

I tapped him in the shoulders,

"Crazy Diamond."

All of wounds and scratches disappeared which surprised him when he felt his strength returned back.

"I'm going back now. Feel free to visit us anytime. I'll give you a discount on my potions."

"Sure." All Might nodded at me.

I just opened up a World Gate to my home world,

"See yah!"


I entered the gate and King followed inside.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: My head was blank but I tried to write and rush this part and it's kinda rush because I already forget what will write in this part I guess I have to finish what I started to this fanfic. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'll fix my mistakes later.)