Chapter 326: Oden Joins

Chapter 326: Oden Joins

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe,



YouTube channel: Geraint Ch.


Three days after we embarked from the Land of Wano, just waking up in the morning, still yawning from drowsiness, I saw a commotion from behind the ship and most are gathered over there.

"What's wrong? Huh?"

Oden who was holding on a chain for almost three was missing and everyone looks worried. Pops saw this and he ordered the crew to stop on a nearby island and dock the ship.

Everyone found Oden accompanied by a woman named Toki and Pops finally allowed them to join the crew.

When sunset arrives, Oden found me staring in the distance and he spoke to me. He was looking at my outfit. I'm currently my wearing a white Kimono with pink border which is given to me from heavenly realm.

"That Kimono, are you also from Wano Country?"

"Nope, I just like this dress."

"I see..."


Hearing a loud steps which I easily distinguish from others because it follows a sound of Naginata used as a walking rod in every two steps.


It was Pops who's walking towards us and I smiled, taking out a large bottle of wine from my dimensional storage. Oden was surprised when he use one of my special ability.

"What was that?"


I passed the bottle to Pops then he quickly opens and drinks it.


"It's been a long time, Kid."

"Yeah, it's been 8 years since the incident in God Valley."

"I still want to give you my payback."

"Hahaha, Sure, but maybe next time. I'm not really on a mood to fight. I still need to find my missing daughter."

"Aren't you have too many children?"

"You're their Grandpa now so, please help me raise them."

Pops expression became distorted and he became annoyed.


I just laughed at his reaction.


- Konosuba World -

In my home, my daughter Kurē was sleeping in my lap while I caresses her head when I saw Gaia packing her things from my twin brother's room. I'm feeling that she's up to something when my twin brother left last night and disappeared with other. He told me that they will having a training together for three months which really sounds suspicious. Despite that, I'm willing to wait for him to come home and we'll be with each other again. He's my twin brother and loving husband now. Just saying that we're not blood related and I'm free to marry him but his little sister from his past life acts so suspicious. This girl named Lolisa was head over heels with my twin brother despite being real siblings in their past life.


Gaia puts her things inside her backpack and carried it on her back.

"I'm leaving now. I'll be back with Sun-kun and others within three months."

"Where did Harukin went?" I asked her before she left.

She smiled and answered.

"In another world to train himself."

I moved Kurē's head from my lap and I stood up, approaching Gaia from her back then I grabbed her in the shoulder. I smiled and said,

"Fake Rem, you know what's going on over, right? Answer me honestly."


Gaia's eyes moves, looking away from my line of sight.

"You're hiding something from me, right? Tell me!"

Gaia decided to tell me everything she sees on another world and I was surprised especially about his training regimen. After hearing the details, I decided to come with her in that world. Gaia told me it dangerous but I didn't care and followed after her. I left Kurē and Komekko at Yunyun's care then I left with Gaia. She summoned a magic circle and we teleported.

Arriving in front of his apartment complex, looking at Gaia's grinning face, I can already guess that she's up to something no good again. We climbed up the stairs to the next floor then we arrived in front of his door. I rang the doorbell and the door quickly opens, showing Lalatina who's wearing an apron. She looks really surprised when she saw us at their entrance.


She looks so flustered and she panicked at the same time then she glanced behind her. There's something suspicious happening inside.

"Tell my twin brother that I came--"

As I pushed the door and entered inside their apartment, Harukin quickly appeared before me, half-naked and only wearing his underwear shorts. He looks so sweaty and his breathing was unstable and rugged.


I noticed Lalatina's face was beet red that it reaches her ears. It looks messy in the living room.



Gaia jumped on my twin brother and embraced him.

"I miss you so much!"

"How is Sana? Is she okay?"

"She's fine. The girls are taking care of her."

Something was suspicious inside and I walked towards the door which seems to be their bedroom. After glaring at the door, I immediately turned the doorknob and opened the door to look inside.

I was shock, seeing the familiar faces which are the other lovers of my twin brother.

"Ara, I guess we got found out."

Kurumi was sitting at the side of the bed while only in her underwear. Komi quickly hide under the blanket when she noticed and I saw her wearing only an unbottoned long sleeve shirt which exposes her cleavage and tummy.


I turned and went towards Lalatina then I flipped up her apron.


She's wearing a frilly pink shorts which means nothing happened yet. I just thought she was in naked apron.

"Harukin, where's the others?"

"Oh, you mean the other girls? They went back to training. They'll come here from time to time."

I looked around the room but there's nothing else suspicious.


Earth's expression suddenly turned pale.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell her, Sun-kun."


"That we're locked here in this world for three years. The time will stop in our worlds and we can't go back."

"I see..."

Harukin glanced to me and explained.

"Nee-san, as you heard from her, we'll be here for three years but don't worry, time will stop in our home world. It's just like when I'm stuck in Fairy Tail world for almost 400 years."


I was shock from his explanation.

"Well, it's only for three years. It should be fine."


Several days later,

I immediately rushed to the location when I sensed an approaching to the city. I arrived with Saitama when I found Esdeath and Krul totally beaten up in the middle of a crater and both of them are unconscious with full of injuries in the body.


"Damn that monster! Why does it ridiculously strong despite looking lame?!"

Krul's body is slowly regenerating with her vampire abilities but her legs are so crippled that I need to use my stand ability to fix her.

"Crazy Diamond!"

I quickly healed all their injuries in an instant.

Esdeath looks very furious after losing someone other than me.


Krul was stomping her feet on the ground out of frustration.

"There's nothing here, I guess I'll go ahead. See you, Haru."


Saitama ran and left as I waves my hand at him.

I smiled, seeing their reaction.

"Come on, let's go back. Time to go back to training."

"But we lost, Husband. Is there any point to it?"

"That why, I brought you girls here to train. Even someone powerful like me can lost to someone here."

The two of them looks shock.

"The most powerful being lives in this world. You girls will bare to witness the true meaning of power here. Train hard and survive. That will be our mission here. When we get back home, you'll clearly see the big difference in your strength."

I gave them both of hands then they smiled and grab my hand. They clang on my arms as we walked back home together.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)