Chapter 337: Idol Pirates

Chapter 337: Idol Pirates

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe,



YouTube channel: Geraint Ch.


- One Piece World -

Meanwhile, the Idol Pirates which is led by their Captain named Marine are currently at full scale war with Marines, surrounded by multiple giant battleships that rains cannon balls on their single small pirate ship.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The pirate ship was barely able to avoid the attacks with the maneuvering of ship. It was young girl with white fox ears and tail driving the wheel while two girls with animal traits are protecting her back from attacking marines, jumping on their ships and tried to overwhelmed them with numbers.

"Nice, Fubuki!" Korone who has dog traits gave her a thumbs up then when a marine suddenly sneaked up to her with his sword, she punched him with her fist protected by boxing gloves.



The marine was knocked off the ship and fell on the sea.

"There's no end to them."

Korone who has cat traits suddenly jumped and kicked off the approaching marine soldier out of their ship. The marine soldier also fell down to the sea





Suddenly, a large marine battleship bumped on their ship, trying to sink them.


Marine who's dealing with three Vice-Admiral Swordsman pouted then she glanced above, looking at Botan who's standing at the top of the pillar while shouting the approaching enemies.


Botan noticed her gaze and Marine nodded to her, telling her to do something about the battleship. She grinned and jumped high to the battleship as she took out several explosive grenades from her belt. She took off all the pins and scattered the grenades around the battleship.

"Poi! Poi! Poi! Poi!"

The marine soldier was surprised by her arrival and also confused on what she drops at their ship but suddenly, all the grenades explodes.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

While standing on top of the ship, a high ranking marine soldier wearing a cape came out from the explosion and attack Botan with his big saw sword.


Without looking, Botan just disappeared which shocks the high ranking marine.


Botan appeared on his back and shoot him with a pistol gun instead of her rifle.



The high ranking marine fell down from the roof.

Botan looks not happy and she became annoyed.

"Tsk! You guys are at fault for attacking us. I'm glad Aunt Mine prepared me for this."

Botan planted several explosive devices around the battleship then she went back to her ship.


The large marine battleship sinks down while engulfed in flames together with it's crew.


Botan noticed another two Marine battleship chasing them and she frowned, taking another magazine for her rifle when Suisei appeared behind her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Huh? Sui-chan?"

Suisei who was carrying a large golden poleaxe has sinister smile on her face.

"Leave those to me."

She jumped off from the pirate ship as she swung down her poleaxe which is covered in Haki.

"Super Slash!"


The battleship got destroyed then split into half then Suisei jumped on another ship. She was surrounded by marine soldiers but they are all trembling in fear seeing her aura.

"I have to destroy something worthless again."

She touched her face while squatting down. With her glare, one of marine soldiers tried to attack but suddenly, ice surged from Suisei's feet and engulfed the soldier, freezing him in ice which shocks the marine crew.

"The weak should fear the strong."


Suisei touched the floor and froze the whole ship in ice including the whole crew.

When she was about to return to their ship, her eyes widened seeing the back of their pirate ship burning.


"Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Please help me! Please help me!"

She saw Miko panicking while dealing with the spreading fire.

"There's no time for that! I have to help her!"

She immediately went back to the ship and stop the fire from


- Konosuba World -

It was already evening when I returned home from the Underworld in order to send my disciple Millicas home and see his parents and family. They were surprised by his growth and improvement especially in using his devil power. I already reminded Millicas not to tell anyone about his newly acquired power from our training because he has now the power to break the balance between three powers; the angels, devils and fallen angels. He has to lay low for now and be responsible in using his powers. Not to mention, my son August taught him some of his magic too.

Looking at my hands as I gripped my fist, I thought about my daughter Kurē and her future. Her smile appeared in my mind which was the real reason I gave up some of my cheats and passed it Millicas.

"It's up to you now. Don't disappoint me, my Disciple."

While walking home around the market, I decided to visit our ran down shop.


- Highschool DXD World -

Meanwhile, Millicas was dropped by his Master near the Kuoh Academy. Looking around the school after his Master left, he decided to visit his big sister's club room or his Aunt to be real. Every student who passed by him as he enters looked at his young looking appearance, guessing that he's from a middle school based on his height. Girls who saw him got captivated by his good looks and he just smiled at them while slightly waving his hands. He rushed and got excited to see his Aunt then he ran around the school campus.


It might be only three passed on his own world but he actually didn't go home for two and a half because of training. He really missed his big sister and his parents.


When he arrived at the Occult Research Club, he found his Aunt Rias having a tea prepared by Akeno.

"Huh? Millicas?" Rias was surprised, seeing her nephew visiting her club.

"Ara!?" Akeno also recognized him.

The club members was surprised by the sudden visitor.


Millicas suddenly disappeared from their sight.


When Rias stood up, she froze when she noticed that Millicas was already hugging her. She noticed that he grew since the last time she saw up.

"So fast!"

Everyone was shock when they turned towards Rias and saw Millicas was already on her side.

"Millicas, how was your training with that Sun God?" Rias curiously asked.

Tears fell from Millicas's eyes when he remembered his training with his Master.

"I really glad that I'm still alive..."

That's all he can answer.


Rias hugged him tightly.

"I will speak with Onii-sama about this. Don't worry, you don't have to come back there anymore."

"No, Onee-sama. I'm fine. Master taught me a lot of things." Millicas humbly refuse.

"Haru? What kind of things did he teaches to you?" Issei asked as he approached them.

Millicas tried to remember all names of the techniques he was taught but unfortunately, it's too many that he barely remembers all of them. Also, it's not only Haru who trained him but also August, Silver Fang and Atomic Samurai.

"Well, a lot of things." he just smiled with that response.

"A lot of things? Like what? I'm curious what kind of techniques he taught you. He's the man whom I aspire to be and becoming one. To become a Harem king!"

Issei looks inspired and felt excited, remembering Haru with his harem of girls.

"I will become the Harem King and surpass him! Just you wait, Sun God!"

Asia looks worried while Koneko was disgusted, seeing him like some trash.

"Just to remind you that Master actually has more than 30 lovers."

"Ugh!" Issei fell on his knees when he heard the number of Haru's lovers.

"Despite that, he refused to say that he wants a harem relationship."

Everyone became silent.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'm too lazy to write that it took me few months before I can push myself to write. Also, I'm playing Genshin Impact and I'm AR50 now. My line up is a hyperbloom team which consist of Tighnari, Mona, Dendro Traveller and Kuki Shinobou. Of course, I'm a Lisa main but I want Raiden Shougun. Just waiting of her rerun banner. I'll fix my mistakes later.)