Chapter 340: Darkness Fruit

Chapter 340: Darkness Fruit

Author: Geraint

Start: Thu, Feb 29, 2024 @ 7:44 AM

Finish: Thu Feb 29, 2024 @ 10:17 PM

Updated Date:------


- One Piece World -

Thatch was lying flat on the bed, gritting in pain while I take off the thread on his big stab wound in his back. He's a tall man with a light brown pompadour hairstyle, which went to a point at the back of his head, and a goatee around his chin. He also had a stitched scar running down his face, around his left eye, reminiscent that of Garp. He was the 4th division commander and the culinary chef of our ship.

"Uuuuugh! Vice-Captain, please be a little gentle!"

"It's already healed but don't push yourself to much."

After wrapping his wound with bandage, he finally stood up and wore his shirt.

"That bastard, Teach! Next time that I see him, I'll kill him myself! If weren't from Vice-Captain saving my life, I'll be dead now."

"Go back to your room and rest. If I found you exerting yourself, I'll tie you on your bed."

Thatch shivered then his face became pale.

"Yes, I won't do it anymore and focus on my recovery!" he immediately left out of the room.

I sighed, remembering the incident which happened more than a week ago. Thatch found a devil fruit then at that night, he was stabbed by Teach and stole the Devil fruit in his possession. Fortunately, I was there to stop the bleeding and save his life.

As for Teach, I let him escape on purpose while leaving a warning. I let him loose to do his role then when time comes, I'll destroy him myself.

I walked out of the clinic then I went to the deck to check on Whitebeard who's sitting on his throne. He was already too old to move around too much.


"What is it?"

"About Thatch. Thank you for saving him."

"It's nothing."

Whitebeard took a deep breath to calm himself.

"You were right about Teach. I never thought that someday, something like this will happen. I shouldn't took that kid as an apprentice."

"You'll never know. I already warned him several times but it still happened. It's also my fault as Vice-Captain."

"I already have this feeling that you already predicted that things will end up like this."

"I can only see ten seconds in the future using my Observation Haki."

"I wonder..."

We just continued to gaze at the horizon of the sea.

"The new era of pirates will rise up and we old fossils will soon fall or step down from the throne."

"What about you, Haru? I can feel that you're up to something. Is that the reason you let Teach leave like that? I'm not convinced by your action."

I went in front of Whitebeard and spread my arms, telling him.

"Then Pops, what's beyond our journey? I already reach the Last Island and found One Piece but it's not a treasure that I could take. Roger disbanded his crew then he surrendered himself to the Marines and ended his life by execution before his illness can even take his life."

"I see... You're asking me when will I retire? You don't have to be vague about it."

Whitebeard frowned as he picked up his Naginata.


Suddenly, he swung it on me then I took out a dull sword from my dimensional storage and imbued it with Haki as I block his weapon.

"I am Whitebeard! I won't fall that easily!"


The whole shop shook and the sea started to create waves. When the whole crew glanced above, the sky was split into two.

"What's going on?"

"It's Pops and Haru!"

"What are they doing?!"

Some of them falls in the sea while the others held on anything that can save them.

Whitebeard was grinning at me while he tries to push me down.

I got angry and tried to pushed him back,

"Like hell I let you die just like that! We already talk about this in the past when we started this crew and became pirates."


Whitebeard was shock and I continued.

"Once I became your son, you have the responsibility as a Grandpa to my children."

"Don't tell me!"

"You have to help me raise my children! Don't you remember them?"

Whitebeard pulled away and his expression change to an annoyed face.

"Ugh... Those children?"

"Of course, I've been waiting for you to retire."

He sat back on his throne and sighed,

"Aren't they adults already? Why do you need me to help you raise them?"

"You haven't met the youngest. I'll tell everything at the end of our journey."

"Okay, if I'm still alive when that time comes."

"Worry not, Pops... I have planned for everything including our retirement."


"Pops, you don't feel motivated at all."

Suddenly, the 1st Division Commander Marco flew down in his phoenix form and landed in front of us.

"Haru! Take a look at this!" he threw a new paper to me then I read it.

I frowned when I saw a news about a certain notorious pirate group that causing an uproar in the New World. It seems like there's a confrontation between them and one of Big Mom's 3 Sweet Commanders which made the Marines felt uneasy in the sea.

[Idol Pirates going against Big Mom Pirates]

"Those girls... They appeared again here to cause commotions."

My hands trembled in anger.

"What wrong, Haru? Do you know those girls from Idol Pirates? It seems like their crew consist of only girls just like Kuja Pirates." Marco asked.


Whitebeard sighed when I didn't respond,

"Not only he knows them, they were all his biological children."

"WHAT?!!" Marco was completely shock.

Everyone from the ship who heard us made their jaw drop.


"Cats out of the bag." I sighed.


Somewhere in New World,


At the command of Captain Marine, their ship shoots several cannon towards the Big Mom Pirates.


Idol Pirate Captain, Marine

Age: 17 Years old Season 52

Bounty: 1,740,000,000 Beri


Big Mom's fleet was being led by Smoothie as she stood up from her seat. She's a statuesque tan-skinned woman from the Long leg Tribe with wavy white hair that stretches down her back with bangs covering her right eye, blue eyes, prominent lips with silver lipstick.


Charlotte Smoothie

Bounty: 932,000,000 Beri


Marine pulled her sword and pointed it in front of her. Suisei and Botan came to her side with their weapon axe and sniper rifle.

"Let's sink them!"

When they were about to launch an attack, the sea suddenly got frozen in which spreads towards the fleet and covered them in ice.

Smoothie was shock when her whole crew was frozen in ice. She tried to escape but her feet was covered in ice until it reaches her whole body.

"What is this?"

Marine and Botan glanced at Suisei but even her has no idea. They turned towards the source of ice wave and their faces became pale when they saw Esdeath walking on a frozen path together with her companions.

"Mom?! What is she doing here?" Suisei was bewildered.

"Even my mom too!" Botan saw her mom Leone with them.

"Docchi? Wah, it's really Mama!" Ayame waved at Akame.

"Rushia, your Mom is here!"


The girl with pink twin tail was looking at Krul.

Esdeath ran then she jumped off to the enemy commander ship and she saw smoothie shivering in cold with her huge body unable to escape from her ice.

"You're gonna pay for this if Mama found this out!"

Esdeath smiled conceitedly and she moved closer to her.

"Why don't you call her here?"

Krul smashed the ice that covered the snail phone then she passed it to Esdeath.


"Go call your Mom!"

They let Smoothie talk to Big Mom.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)