
Are We Good Now?

My parents joyously greeted us as we entered the condo unit they bought for us — which I didn't expect was this big. It has two rooms, one wide living room with a cream colored and L shaped sofa. In front of it looks like a 65 inch tv that hung on the wall, next to the living room is a wide kitchen. Complete with all new appliances and a lovely island in the middle, perfect to accomodate guests. Almost everything was set in its rightful place, the culprit — my mom — was happily organizing things. "How is it dear? Do you like it?" She looks proud of her work which only made me smile and nod. 

"Of course, mom knows the best, right? You know my taste very well,mom." I hugged her arms as she ruffled my hair in return.

"Dinner's already prepared, we'll just wait for Kiefer's parents and Kiesha. Oh that's right, why aren't you with your sister?" Mom asked and my eyes immediately darted to Kiefer. Of course I can't tell her I tried to escape so I wouldn't have to live with Kiefer, dad would go insane! 

"She had things to take care of with Shai." She nodded, but right as I sighed, she held my hand up and looked closely. 

"Where's your ring?" She asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I took it off last night. I was worried it'd fall off while I was sleeping." I was now having a staring contest at Kiefer who was now intently listening to the lies coming out of my mouth. "And yeah, I was rushing this morning that I forgot to wear it again, it's on top of my drawers." 

"My goodness, Keira! You might lose that ring, it originally belonged to your grandmother you know." I only smiled and helped her set up the plates on the table. "Why are there only five? His parents are eating here and him too." I secretly rolled my eyes at mom's statement.

I guess this really is the part where I have no say in it and just follow as they order, but too bad I am no ordinary protagonist of this fucking story.

"Auntie, sorry but my parents can't come tonight. They have an emergency meeting in the company and might not make it to dinner." Said by Kiefer as he showed me a sly smile. I was expecting that he would even add a 'I unfortunately can't dine with you too 'cause they'll need me there' but I was wrong.

"Oh, is that so? That's such a pity, I was looking forward to meeting your mom over dinner." Mom got a hold of the plate in my hand and placed it right next to mine, "You can take a seat next to Keira since you two will get married soon in months time, right?"

I nearly choked on my own saliva as I caught that directly from mom. I peered at Kiefer and saw him scratching his head, as if feeling shy due to what mommy pointed out, "Regarding that Auntie, we've already agreed to get married after graduation, right Kei?"

That moment, if Kiesha and Kieth didn't show up, I would've throw the plate in front of me at Kiefer for the lies crawling out of his mouth. 

"Hi Kiefer!" Blithely greeted by Kiesha as she set foot in the dining room. "Hi sis!" She added with a booming laugh at the end. 

Dinner went well, although they were the only ones enjoying it as I was only listening to them for the entire dinner. It even seemed like Kiefer was their child and not me.

It didn't take long before mom and dad decided to go after dinner, Kiesha wanted to have a minute with me to whisper something horrid, "Sis, I left a box in your walk in closet, on the left side. It's my engagement gift for you." She giggled and winked before bidding us goodbye.

Kiefer volunteered to clean up, he insisted so I just let him do what he wanted. I surprisingly didn't expect him to be mindful of house chores. 

"The left room is all yours!" I hear him call out from the kitchen.

I directly went inside my new room to finally rest. A smile was instantly glued on my face when I was greeted by my favourite teddy bear sitting on top of my bed. I bolted and quickly gave him a tight hug, "Teddy, I'm so glad you're here, I might go crazy 'because of the happenings in my life right now." I whispered to its ear. 

I was suddenly reminded of what Kiesha told me a while ago, causing me to hop off the bed and look around in what seemed like my walk in closet. I wasn't really sure what to feel when I realized that they brought everything I own here at our shared condo unit, it's like they really don't want me coming back to the house. 

I didn't have a hard time finding the box, thanks to its shiny gold designs that reflect the light. I let out a handful of curses as I saw what was inside. It was full of sexy lingerie dresses. 

Tempted to do the sign of the cross when I attempted to look at them one by one. "Oh, Kiesha, you've done it this time." I muttered and hid the box at the very back of the closet in a flash, "I swear I'll pull all that girl's hair out once I see her again." 

I was so busy cursing the life out of Kiesha when I  interrupted by a quiet knock on my door. 

I peaked out and saw Kiefer who was already in his casual outfit, a loose white shirt with simple basketball shorts and in his hands was a big bowl of popcorn, "I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me watch on netflix, you know, just chill?" 

I forced a smile and nodded "Sure, I'll come right out." 

"I think we need some rules to follow while we're together in this condo." I abruptly blurted out in the middle of the movie. 

"Later." He replied, eyes still glued at the film in front of us, "That can wait."

I impulsively faced him and snatched the remote from his grip, which made him turn to me, "No mister, we'll talk, now." I said and turned off the tv resulting him blurting out a swear word. 

"Okay miss Keira, what exactly do you want to happen?" Anger was evident in his voice, giving me a feeling of satisfaction. I seriously felt like I already had my revenge with all my teasing, "What? You'll just stare at me?"

"Pfft grumpy." I made a face before getting a pen and paper from my room. I came back out to him busily fumbling with his phone. 

Probably snitching on me with my brother. Whatever, I don't care if he feels infuriated by me because I will only continue to pester him.  

"Okay, ready." I said. "First, I'm not used to household chores so it'll all fall on you — from cooking to cleaning." 

"What?! What am I a maid?!" 

"Okay, I'll just move out if you want?" 

"Fine, fine. What else do you wish to tell me, your highness?" He asked with a sarcastic tone. 

"I will always go to school first, I don't want people to notice that we're always with each other." 

"No, we'll go at the same time. It's a waste of gas, we'll use one car." He contradicts.

"Okay, fine. Sure, I'll go with you to and from school, BUT you don't have any say if I have plans to go out or if I don't want to come home yet." 

"If that's what you want. Are we okay now? Can we continue watching?" I nodded and handed him the remote, satisfied of our said rules that I wrote down while talking. 

Before he played the movie, I added another rule. "One more, you must know your limitations, Kiefer. Even though we're engaged we still have no say in each other's lives." 

"Okay." He answered plainly and continued watching. 

I grew quiet when he chose a new movie, Us Until the End of the Year. It was about two exes, whom after five years met again. I already saw the movie, but this is the first time I'll be watching it right beside my ex. 

I was unconsciously too absorbed in the movie. Until I found myself crying which made Kiefer alarmed. He knows I don't usually cry for movies unless it's really sad or something relatable. 

"Can I at least hug you?" I heard him ask and though I didn't give him an answer yet, I already felt his warmth and his arms carefully wrapping around my shoulder. 

He leaned my head on his shoulder as I felt his gentle kiss on my forehead. All of our happy moments come rushing back for a short while, it was as if we were back to the days of just getting to know each other and me realizing I was slowly falling for a guy I randomly met, which I often bury in the deepest part of my mind and pretend to forget it.  

"I know we can't go back and change the past, but I hope you let me make up for my mistakes. Please let me love you again, Keira."