Offline Meet-Up

As far as I can remember, we're going to meet here beside the mall... Is my dress enough? My stupid brother just fetched It up from one of his girlfriends so I don't know If It looks good...

I see two girls laughing over there... What Is It? Are they laughing about my dress!? Is It still not enough after all!? Does It look funny!? Maybe the dress is beautiful but because I'm the one who wears It, It looks so ridiculous!?

I feel sorry for the dress!!! I'm sorry for having a soiling your beauty with my unattractiveness!!! For a moment, I feel like tearing up...

I came 15 minutes early but Is that weird!? Do I look like I'm desperate If I'm the one waiting here!? Another thing, I can't stand the crowd... Why the hell those three picked this spot to meet!?

Wait... I don't know what he looks like!!! How the hell I can find one guy in the middle of this crowd!? It's like finding a lizard in the middle of Prehistoric Times!!! Okay, that simile looks weird...

"Uhh, Miss... Isn't waiting under the sun kinds of tiring? Why won't you come with us to the shelter and talk about-"

While I'm almost having a mental breakdown here... Three guys out of nowhere suddenly appeared and asks me If I want to go with them...

"Eh? Uhh... Uhh... I-"

Dammit, I don't know what to say... My mind is full but I can't find the words to reply... If I process bit by bit what's happening... The only conclusion I can pull is...

"I'm being hit on, right now..."

Someone's hitting on me!!! Ehhhhhhhhhh!? Me!? An ugly, unattractive, stupid girl with a flat chest and basically no redeeming figures, they're hitting on a girl like me!? If they're hitting on me... that must mean... they find me attractive!? Me!? I can't help but giggle...

"So how about It, mind coming with us?"

I don't know what to do... This is the first time It happened to me... Should I just nod my head and come with them? But they're total strangers!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO!?


"What is It? Wright!?"

I instinctively looked towards Phoenix Wright, a young defense attorney with spiky hair... I do hope he has a good point in the midst of all this and not some bluff that he always pulls off...

"They're total strangers so why should you come with them!? Just turn your back away from them!!!"


"You're not just a clown... you're the entire circus!!!"

"What did you say, Edgeworth!?"

All of a sudden, Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth objected to what Wright had in mind... I don't really understand his point so I pounded my gavel and asked him:

"What do you mean, Prosecutor Edgeworth?"

"I'm saying that you should just go with them... They're the first-ever people who actually acknowledged that you're beautiful... outside your relatives... It might not happen again in your life..."

He has a point... maybe I should just go with them... I won't ever have a chance like this... But I'm meeting someone here!!! I can't just go like that!!!

At that moment, Prosecutor Edgeworth flicked his finger... For a second, I thought he's von Karma...

"Then just go back to him after that..."

Good point. Edgeworth... Then I'm going to pound my Gavel and pass on my verdict... With that, my decision is...

"HOLD IT!!!"

"What Is It Now? Mr. Phoenix Wright?"

All of a sudden, Wright has something to say... Let's hear what you've got, Wright...

"I challenge the Prosecution's claim... I demand them to show proof that no one will ever say that the judge Is beautiful in her entire life!!!"

Wright said as he points his finger towards Edgeworth, wow amazing...


"So you can't present anything after all... In the court of Katachi, evidence explains all... The fact that you don't have one, makes your objection overruled!!!"

Wright makes a good point, It's not like Edgeworth can see the future... I hope someday, someone will definitely say those words to my own face... hehehe

After that Ace Attorney monologue on my head, I finally decided...

"Uhh... so-sorry... I-I can't..."

"So let's take some shelter and talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"
