
Growing up in Scotland you see things you wouldn't be able to see in the rest of the world.

Like that man in front getting put into the back of police car for trying to break into his own house.Or the older man arguing with a junkie about useing the post offfice machine, yeah I really do love this place.

I suppose I should start at the beginning, see there once was a happy family, mum, dad, daughter living the life then the next.. like a black cloud on a sunny day everything was gone.

Thomas star was the devil in disguise he came in with that god forsaking blue suit took my mum and they just left!leaving me and dad in our council house in Glasgow and never looked back.

Anyway that was when I was 6 he also has a son but that's a cunt but that's a different story for another day fast forward 9 years and everything's went to shit.

Dads been drinking and drugging his self to death since she left.

My mum was worse she was American who came to Scotland to get away for whatever shit she couldn't deal with met dad never gave up partying mind you then I was born,but enter fuck face Thomas star and he singled handle destroyed everything.

Now here I sit on a bench with my boyfriend Scott smoking a joint drinking a wkd thinking about how I would love to kill that fucker.

"What you thinking right now bird"Scott asked bring me out of my favourite day dream.

Scott's been my everything for as long as I can remember he's older by 2 years but he's been there when everyone fucked up for that I don't know what I'd do without him.

"My ma and Thomas are visiting tomorrow" I say shrugging my shoulders taking a sip of my drink.

"Is He coming "he asked with a hard edge to his tone.

"Aye"I say a breath leaving me.

Thomas's son Lucas is what we Scots call a fucking bawbag he's 18 and a daddy's spoiled little rich brat a child living off daddy's income pathetic.

Over the last nine years I go and stay with them every summer and 3 weeks in November if it was up to them I would live there but I don't want to leave my dad he needs me I couldn't abandon him like that. Win

When she first left she came back One year later wanting to take me with her I screamed and begged to stay with my dad.He wouldn't let me go after realising I wasn't willing to leave him they made a deal. I would spend time with them in America but I'll be permanently stay with my dad.

I go when I have to if it was up to me I wouldn't step foot in Thomas cage of hell.

"Do you know why there coming? it's weird that they just phoned said they where coming here with no explanation"said Scott looking at me with a confused expression.

"I don't know Scott  I shouldn't have to see them until June I don't want them here if they see dad.."I let that hang there.

If they see him in the condition he's in I don't want to leave.My dad has demons he doesn't need to see her to trigger it.I tried asking why they where coming when I usually just fly on There private jet (yeah that's right rick prick has his own fucking private jet).Mom wouldn't give me a answer just see you soon.bitch.

"Your sixteen in 2 weeks bird then they can't keep making you jump every time they say how

high"said Scott smiling.

At 5"9 Dark hair and a lean body Scott's handsome,Brown eyes white teeth tattoos up and down his body small freckles on his nose small lips and a clean save face.To put simply Scott's beautiful but also caring and a bubble personality it shines I think I'm more attracted to that they his physical appearance.

I don't reply back to his comment as I lean over and press my lips to his it's a kiss to show how grateful I am and how much I love him.Ive been with Scott for a year but I've known him since we where children.

Lifting his hand so it's on my face he kisses me back but just for a secend before he stops.

Resting his forehead to mine he says,

"Lets go out tonight well not tonight I mean the whole Day it's already 2 I'm drinking I've took a couple lines I'm up for a drinking binge if you are?.

Smiling dispute my mood that sounds like an amazing fucking idea I don't know why but I know somethings going to happen big tomorrow I just wish I knew what it was.

"Fuck yes we will crash at mine tonight dads staying over with tam for a few beers.lets go and get fucking wasted"I say. Giving him one more last kiss before we are jumping up and heading to drink the night away.If only I knew what was would happen tomorrow I would never have returned