Chapter Eight.

It's the official school sucks.

I have no idea what Thomas or mum has said but they think in stupid. I have had every teacher in every class come over and ask me if I need help. I tried to be friendly and tell them I was fine but obviously going to a Scottish school must make me slow. Ignorant fuckers.

Since the moment I have arrived I can't get anybody to lend me there phone.

I've tried but you would think I was going to steal it with the way they're acting. I just need it for five minutes to make one fucking phone call.

Passsing by the lockers I make my way into the girls bathroom. Sign to a cubical I sit down and close my eyes. I need to think. I don't want to steal one but I'm.getting desperate. The school day will be over shortly and I need to be gone before it ends.

With my hands on my head, I try to think of the best outcome. Fuck it I'm just going to make a run for It and hope someone on the street will let me use it. Jumping up quickly I make my out the bathroom. Checking to make sure everybody is in class I hurry down the hallway to the entrance.

Making my way outside I try to make sure no one's watching me. Running down the steps I turn left and head towards the city. freedom. I thinks to myself.

After walking for about half an hour I see an older woman walking her small dog. Putting in my scared face I walk towards her. This is my chance.

"excuse me," I say making my voice crack and eyes water.

" Can I have a shot of your phone please, I've just been mugged but I managed to get away and I need to call my mum?" I ask her.

The women face is one of shock and then she looks sad. She must be about 60 with white curly hair and a polka-dot dress

" Oh you poor thing yes here of course do you want me to call the police? She asks me in a.Sweet voice.

"no no no" I pretend to stutter.

"i just need my mum" I quietly say as she hands me her phone. Bingo.

" ooh dear well you call your mum and I'll walk down to make sure he's gone. I was once a black belt you know." she says before walking down the path. Huh what a strange old women.

I quickly type in Scotts number and with a prayer hope he answers .

After a few rings I'm about to give up when he answers.


"Scott" I breath out

"Keira?" he asks sounding confused.

"listing I don't have much time but I need you to go online and buy me a plane ticket." I whisper fast.

" a plane ticket?

" yes a ticket,I got away but I've no money for one I need you to buy it so I can come home"

"why would I buy you a ticket? You broke up with me bird" he says his voice sounding confused.

" No I didn't" I shout.

" yes you did the day you left? You text me saying you where going to live with your mum and I should move on.? I have the text if you want me to screenshot and send you it."

" Scott I haven't had my phone since I came here I didn't text you," I notify him. It must have been Lucas. Ohthatmotherfuckingpeiceof.

" Well, I um thought it was you and I agreed.

"what the fuck you mean you agree? I say louder this time.

Before he can reply I here shuffling then an other voice comes on the line.

"Listing he's naw wanting you he's way me noo wanna stop phoning ma boyfriend." Says a female voice. My world stops. No no Scott wouldn't

do that to me .

" listing here you fanny put Scott back on I'm his fucking girlfriend you cunt, just who do you think you are" I say into the phone.

" Scott wanna tell her " I here the whore say. They must have put me on speaker because clear as day I here Scott say through the phone breaking my whole world.

" it's true bird I'm way Lauren".

This can't be happening. Before I can think I start shouting.

" Are you for fucking real? We where supposed to be married by noo Scott. Its been five days and your already shagging some skank!?" I scream. "you havnt even talked to me you prick. How could you do this."

"listing it's naw like that.." he trails off. I don't want to here it. He was supposed to be the . Scott was my world how could he do this.

" I don't care if you received a thousand text. You jumped into bed within five days of me leaving. I didn't even leave Scott I was dragged over here. The only thing that's kept me going was you, and this whole time you've been fucking a whore. Well fine then fuck her but mark my words I will get home someday, and when I do I'm kicking her fucking cunt in. You fucking scoot bag ugly junkie prick" I scream into the phone

" You dumped me bird. Besides you over there how would we even see each other? We can still be friends" he tries to purpose

"Fuck. You. Hope you catch Herpes" I bite before ending the call. I feel the tears starting again. Why is this happening to me? Why big man what have I done to deserve this? I think looking up at the sky.

" it wasn't your mum hun was it" says the old women from earlier. Shit I forgot all about her.

Turning around until I'm facing her. I give her the phone back and apologies before turning and walking down the street. I can't believe this. Within a space of two weeks, I've lost my dad, my home and now Scott. I can't catch a break. My hearts in pieces. I see a park overhead and make my way to a bench before dropping down.

How much more can I take? I just want my dad. He would know what to say.

The pain Intensifies to the point I can't hold the tears in anymore. I don't want to break down on the middle of a Park but I can't hold it in. I start to sob into my hands. How could he do this? Even if I received a text from Scott I would have still phoned him. I would want to talk not just "agree."

He couldn't have really cared about me? No one does. what's the point in living anymore? I could end it all now and see my dad again. No, I need to get those thoughts out my head. I don't want to die. I just want to be happy. Why does nobody care what I want?

Wiping my eyes I try to catch my breath but it's no use. My heart is broken. Getting up off the bench I turn around to leave and standing in front of me ladies and gentlemen is Lucas Fucking star.

With his hands in his pockets, I see he's changed from his suit to a t-shirt and jogging bottom. The bastard knew I was going to make a run for it. He was waiting.

"You" I say pointing my finger on his direction.

He doesn't move just keeps starting at me.

" it was you who text him wasn't it"

He nods his head. One thing about Lucas I've learned is he doesn't beat around the bush. He's brutal and straight to the point.

" Why would you do that? I ask.

" Whatever have I done to you to make you hate me so much Lucas".

Crossing his arms over his chest he still doesn't talk. That's just fine I can do enough talking for the both of us.

" you fucking prick you have ruined my life. You got what you all wanted I'm alone. I have nowhere to go and no one wants me. I'm stuck here now so for that thank you very Fucking much. I really fucking hate you" I scream the last part.

finally, he begins to speak.

" I did what I had to do."

Oh, you fucker.

" Why though Lucas? Why would you do that?"

" because the guys a prick Keira. He would be your destruction and I couldn't have that" he grits out.

" That wasn't your choice to make I loved him."

" You don't love him Keira. You loved the idea of him. You might not see it now but when you're better you will." he claims.

"Oh fuck you. You fucking dick" I shout. " I give up Lucas I don't care anymore. I have nothing and nobody now and it's all your fault."I declare.

Lucas shakes his head and stalks towards me muttering something I can't make out.

Grabbing my bicep he steers me towards I'm assuming is his car. It's done. I've lost everybody and everything. I'm not going to be the same after this. The tears keep appearing. They don't stop. Not when I get into the car. Not when Lucas drives me back to the house. Not even when I get back into my room. Ripping off my stupid uniform I throw myself into my bed and pray when I wake up this is just a bad dream.