Chapter twelve.

An auction?.

Out of all places I expected to go this really wasn't it.

"SOLD FOR $24000 dollars." Shouts the small looking man on the platform.

Sitting at a table with mum Lucas and Thomas. I'm so bored I'm also close to tears.

Who spends twenty-four thousand pounds on a painting.? Rolling my eyes as everyone claps for the man who won I look around the room.

When Lucas said we were going somewhere. I didn't it would be this. This has to be the most boring event I have had to go to.

There are at least fifty tables full of men and women. We have all been handing paddles with numbers so we can bid on the items. Pfft as if. Everyone's dressed to impress. Mums in her green long floor dress. With her hair pinned up in a Green clasp. Thomas is wearing can you guess.? Yep, blue fucking suit. Me.? I'm in leggings Trainers and a white top. So much for fancy.

I've had dirty look's off of every rich cunt in this place. My tempers going and if she over in one of the tables looks at me again I'm going to throw my glass at her. Stupid rich people and their stupid money.

I could think of a lot more things I could buy then a fucking painting.

"Enjoying yourself." Come's Lucas's voice who's sitting beside me.

Given him a glare I cross my arms huffing.

"This is stupid." I tell him.

" It's not stupid sweetheart it's fun. If you see something you like just hold on your paddle." comes mums chipper Voice.

Lifting an eyebrow to her I shake my head. Even if I wanted to everything is too expensive.

The only things that have been sold so far were a vase, two paintings, and a chair. Who the fuck auction's off a chair?.

Yawning I finish off my drink before focusing back to what the stupid small man is saying.

" Alright next piece we have is this beautiful vintage gold necklace. Made in 1777 from the highlands of Scotland. Twenty four carat gold with a beautiful diamond incrusted dock of birds..."

I can't hear the rest of what he's saying. My eyes are glued to the most stunning piece of jewelry I've ever seen. The gold birds are covered in diamonds that go all across the necklace. It reminds me of when you see the birds in a Formation in the sky. It's beautiful.

Ripping my eyes away I swallow the lump in my throat. My dad would have loved that.

Looking around the table I see Lucas staring at me with a frown on his brow.

Turning away I put my attention back on the man. The bidding has already started and my mouth slightly hangs open.

"$50000 do we have anymore bids.?

Well, there goes any chance of me having it. No matter how much I like it I highly doubt Thomas would be ok with me spending fifty grand on a piece of jewelry.

No one lifts there hand.

"Going once,"

" Going twice.?" before he hits his hammer down.

Lucas raises his hand and shouts.


I spin my head around so fast I almost give myself whiplash. Why is the bidding on it? What in the world is he going to do with that.

" We have $80000 any more bids.?" The man shouts.

" Sold to the young gentleman at the back of the room." He declares before slamming his hammer down.

I peek around the table and see Mum is smiling. Thomas, on the other hand, has a disapproving look on his face and It's directed at Lucas.

"yo you alright big man." I ask Thomas.

Turning his attention to me he gives me a smile and says.

"I'm fine keir." he simply says before turning his attention to Lucas

"Lucas a word."

Getting up he walks away from the table without waiting for Lucas to follow.

A small laugh escapes Lucas before he gets up and disappears after his father.

"What's that all about." I say. Watching them leave.

"oh nothing Sweetheart I'm sure it's fine." says mum with a wave of her hand. Turning to look again can't see them. have this feeling whatever Thomas wanted to say to Lucas wasn't good

About an hour later it's finally over thank God and we all are on our way home. Mum and Thomas took there own car and it only has two seats so looks like I'm riding with Lucas.

Since he came back from the conversion with Thomas he's been in a mood. He didn't talk the rest of the evening and that we aren't far from home. The question that's been annoying me since we left slips out.

" Why did you buy the necklace.?"

Given me a slide glance he clears his throat.

" I bought it because I wanted to." he tells me.

"Okay but why.?" I ask him again.

"because I wanted to drop it Keira." he firmly says.

Well someone is still on mood.

"Why are you being such a prick.? I'm only asking ." I explain.

"I'm not being a prick I answered so can you just leave it." he snaps at me.

"Okay fine don't tell me,I couldn't give fuck anyway." I tell him while crossing my arms.

The rest of the drive goes by in awkward silence.

When we pull up to the house. I hurry out the car door before banging it. I hear him cursing behind me before he spins around and races down the driveway. What the fuck is his problem. I only asked a stupid question. A tiny part of me was hoping he noticed how much I wanted it. I kind of hoped he bought it for me.

What an arshole. Shaking my head I make my way up the steps and head to my room. Shutting my door I take off my clothes before throwing on a pair of shorts and a blue top.

Moving to my bed I pick up my phone. Since I've been here I haven't had time to call my friends back home. I do miss everyone and I've been avoiding calling them over Scott. I don't know their numbers but I do remember one of my friend's emails. Typing It in I start to video call her.

After a moment she answers. But doesn't show her face.

"Are ye going to talk or make me look at you're roof?" I ask her.

The next moment her face appears and and she give me the biggest smile before shouting.

"ohmygodohmygod Keira is that you.?"

"hey Natalie." I say.

"oi everyone shut the fucking music aff keiras on the phone." she yells to the room.

The music goes off and the screen appears with more faces.

"oi keira what's happening.?" comes from one of my old friends Lee.

"im orite lee, what's happening " i ask him back.

"Kiera how's it going hen." comes my other friend Ryan.

Before long all the faces I've grown up with are on screen. God, I missed them.

"I'm orite guys it's been a hard couple of weeks." I go on to tell them what happened between me and Lisa not leaving a detail out.

"Fer fuck sake Keira you want me to come Over there and bash his fucking cunt in.?" Asks Ryan.

"Nah not the noo i have a plan." I tell them smiling.

"Well ye better fucking Involve us en coz see when I get that daffy bastard, I'm gonna fuck Him ma self." Says lee.

"Dinny worry I'll deal way him." I mutter. Changing the subject I ask them.

"So what's been happening over there."

"It's been orite Keira but you heard aboot Scott's new bird?". Natalie asks me.

Nodding my head she continues.

"Well she's a fucking skank. She came over here the other day and tried it in with my da."

"No way" I shout.

"Aye fucking way and I just fucking told her to get her cunt oot and fight and she wouldn't. I swear Keira I was gonna burst her fucking cunt like." Finishes Natalie.

"What a skank eh. I have a question has Doctor mentioned me.? I ask them.

The room goes quite and no one talks.

"Come in guys I coundny gee a fuck anyway but has he.? I ask again.

"Naw really Keira. After you left he took in bad man and when he started going with the skank. We all told him he shouldny have done that." Says lee speaking up.

"It was a dick move." I agree sadly.

Noticing my change of mood the ask when I'm coming back.

"I'm naw the noo. It's naw so bad here and beside I have a plan for that fucking cunt Lisa." I tell them wiggling my eyebrows. "I'm going to make her fucking pay."

"Ye better coz I'm planing a holiday soon and I'm gonna be coming to yours, and I'm fucking Charles." Says lee.

Throwing my head back and laughing I try to calm down but they all join in soon we can't get a word out. When I finally calm down I tell them that's a plan And say goodnight.

Plugging my phone in I lie back on the bed and drift off to sleep with the biggest smile on my face.