Chapter sixteen

Almost two years later.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Groaning I roll over and switch off my alarm that's blasting from my phone. I hate alarms.

I don't want to get up. I love sleep. I don't know who invented school but I hope there in pain somewhere. Yawning I give myself a stretch before opening one eye. Rubbing them I give the blanket a throw with my foot before sitting up.

With one final yawn, I get up and make my way into the bathroom. Still, with one eye still open, I start the shower feeling the temperature before removing my pajamas and hoping in.

Leaning back I try and wake myself up. I'm turning the big eighteen tomorrow. I still can't believe it's been two years since I've come to stay with Thomas and mum. Two years since Lucas left. Two years since dad died. I wanted to go over for his anniversary but mum and Thomas didn't think it was a good idea. To say it caused a rift is an understatement. I have not really spoken to them properly since.

Since Lucas left he has made a point to call or least text me every day. I cried on the phone to him for hours after they said I couldn't go. I ended up on facetime to Natalie as she and my friends went down tot he grave. The lit a joint and drank a bottle of Buckfast in memory of him.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts I quickly rinse off before coming out and getting dressing.

Once I'm done I apply a bit of make up, grab my bag and make my way downstairs.

I have not eaten breakfast for weeks with Thomas and mum since the argument over my dad.

Hitting the bottom step I'm almost at the door. When I hear my name getting called.

"What" I shout at Thomas.

"Can you come here for moment please?" he calls back.

Spining around I quickly make it way into the kitchen where him and mum see eating.

They're both at the table as I approach. Mum in her cream dress and him in his fucking blue ugly suit.

"What do you want your highness." I Sarcastically ask him.

Given me a disappointing look he Jesters for me

To sit at the empty chair.

"I'm in a hurry what is it." I ask again crossing my arms over my chest.

Sighing, he rubs his temple before talking.

" We have an early birthday present for you."

"I don't want it." I tell him.

"Keira can we have one conversation with you being Civil please."

"Oh sure, how about this I don't accept your gift you can shove up." I declare to him.

" Don't be like that Keira, I know you're still upset but can you just push aside our difference for one moment. "

"Oh sorry is my attitude annoying you? The only thing I wanted for my birthday was to go and see my dads grave, But noooo. You decided I can't go so I Dont want anything from you. When will you get it, Thomas?. I won't accept anything from you. From both of you." I talk pointing at him.

"Enough Keira, I told you that you couldn't miss school. It's your senior year and it's the most important." He tries to reason with me.

"I couldn't give two monkey fucks. It would have been two days. I would have come back. Your just a selfish asshole. It's like you thrive on making my life hell." I shout.

Not listing to him anymore. I spin on my heels ignoring him calling my name and make a run for the front door. For my 17th him and mum Bought me a red convertible. Making a dash ofoe the door when I open I come to a stop. Standing there right in front of me is Natalie, Lee, and Ryan.

"Surprise" the all scream at the same time.

After a moment to come to my senses I scream and launch myself at them. Grabbing Natalie, I hug her with all my strength. Lee hugs me from behind and Ryan joins in. God, I missed these guys.

pulling back I look at them and ask.

"What are you all doing hear.?"

"Well that step da ye have called a few days ago and asked us to come for yer birthday. " says Lee.

" He did.?" I ask confusing on my face.

" Aye let us take a private plan and that." comes Ryans' voice.

"Oh my God guys I'm so happy your all hear." I say hugging them all again.

"Nea bother lass. Anything for you, you ken that." announces Lee.

" Well I see You guys made it." Thomas's voice booms behind me.

Peeking behind me I see thomas and mum standing. He has his hands in his pockets and she's got her hands clasped in front of her.

"Thank you." I tell them both. I'm not going to forgive them that easily, but right now I just want to spend time with my friends.

"Your welcome," says Thomas nodding his head at me.

"Does this mean I don't have to go to school.?" I ask.

"No you don't have to go today Keira." he tells me a sad smile playing on his face.

Over the past two years, me and Thomas got really close. He taught me how to drive and when he got me my car I actually cried to him.

Not letting me go and see my dad really hurt. It's put a major strain on our relationship and I can't seem to forgive him. I know it's hurt him because he's tried best to talk to me. He's tried to plead his case but I wouldn't hear it. I also found out a big secret about Thomas I didn't know before. He was born in Scotland. West end of Glasgow to be exact. His accent is so American I had no idea. He told me he perfected it because like me people made fun of him for it. He did get drunk one night with mum and I got him too do his own voice. I laughed so hard listing to him. We have our own inside joke about stuff only Scottish people would understand.

Looking at him now I feel bad for what's happened between us. Yet, I feel betrayed on the biggest level from him.

Turning my eyes away I tell my friends I'll show them to there rooms.

"how long are you here for." I ask Natalie to walking up the stairs.

" Two days bird we leave the day after your birthday." She tell me given me a sad smile.

"Oh, ugh well we are going to have So much fun I can't wait for you to meet Mia and Alex." I excitedly tell her

Giving me a cheesy smile she laughs and follows me up the stairs.

" Bird I'm naw being funny way ye, but his place is huge. You ma is loaded." Lee shouts not caring about them hearing him.

"Imaging Being pished and trying to find yer way aroond here,"

" Wait until you hear the story about the ghost that hunts hallway outside your door."I tell lee.

His face pales. I try and keep a serious face but his makes me break out in laughter.

Scrolling he says "That's naw funny bird."

Laughing hysterically I show them to there doors before making my way to mine to get changed.

I need to take this uniform off and call Lucas.

Going in my room I close the door before making my way over an grabbing my phone.

it's just after seven hear so it will be four in the morning there. Instead of calling, I send him text telling him what happened. He will probably text me when he's up so it shouldn't be long. Just as I go to out my phone down it rings.

" You're up early." I say

"I couldn't sleep." comes Lucas's raspy voice.

"I can see that. How is everything at work."

" It's fine can't complain. so your friends are there."

" Yeah Thomas arranged it. I was so happy to see them." I can't contain the smile on my face.

"That's good princess, I'm sorry I can't be there tomorrow."

"Its ok Lucas I know to have work to do" I quietly mumble. He couldn't make it last year as well and I haven't clapped eyes on him since he left.

"I promise ill try soon. I'm just swamped the now."

" I understand beside I have lee and Ryan to banter with." I tell him.

"Now you just making me jealous. I'm still your favorite right?." He teases.

"You know you are." I tease back.

I Hear a noise in the background and Lucas tell me he needs to go.

"oh ok I need to get dressed anyway talk later.?" I ask.

"Always princess,be good." His voice says before the line cuts off.

Grabbing a change of clothes I make my way to the bathroom with a big smile for the first-time in weeks.