Chapter twenty-four

"What are you doing here.?" I ask Scott taking a step closer.

"Why you talking like that.?" he asks me.

Giving him an irritated look I say.

"Two years and that's the first thing you ask me.?"

He scratches his chin and casually shrugs his shoulders. Scott still looks the same except he's filled out more as he's gotten older. His face which was once sucking in is not more fuller. He's gained a bit more weight but he looks healthy.

"Did ye get ma letter.?"

Nodding my head I tell him. " I did but I Never read It."

"I figured that since you been getting so cozy with him," he says pointing at Lucas.

I hear Lucas take a step forward but I turn around and give him a pleading stare.

"Can you please just wait in the car?" I beg them.

"aye, why don't ye just listing to your sister and get in the car ."comes Scott's voice. I quickly spin to glare at him.

"Can you just stop for a minute?"

I see him close his eyes briefly before opening them to look directly at me.

" I didny come to fight."

"Then why are you here Scott.?" I ask him again.

He gives a small laugh before gesturing his hands at me.

"I came here to win you back but it seems yer brother beat me to it." He sneers at me.

Rolling my eyes I take another step close.

"You have no idea what your talking about so cut the shit. Why would you think I would give you another chance after you jumped into bed with the skank five days after I left?."

Throwing his hands in the air his voice gets louder.

"It wasn't my choice Keira."

"What the fuck you mean it wasn't your choice? No one asked you to sleep with her. You broke my heart Scott. So don't you dare come at me over something you did." I tell him pointing my finger.

"I made a mistake I ken that. I've been trying to get a hold of you to explain. For fuck sake I came to your house today but your daddy wouldny let me in. Why are you still staying with them after what they did Keira." he shouts louder. This must have been what was wrong with them earlier.

"Okay I think that's enough." Thomas intervenes.

I turn to stare at Thomas and tell him.

"Thomas with all due respect this has fuck all to Do with you."

Turning back to Scott I try and talk calmly to him.

"Scott I phoned you and asked you to come and get me. I begged you actually for you help. You told me no. Where else was I gonna go.?" I try and reason.

"That's naw what I.." shaking his head he mutters " Never mind doesn't matter.I'm here coz I want you back. I want you to come home with me. They can't stop you noo bird. Please come hame." He practically begs.

I might not love Scott anymore but I care about him. I was brought up with him. He was my first everything in a sense and to here him beg is crippling. What happened between us doesn't dull how I feel. I was angry at him for so long but I let go of that. I did want to reconnect with him again but not like this.

"Scott I canny come hame. Im happy here. I start collage soon and-"

"Yer happy here? Keira you hated them remember? You never wanted this and I was a idiot for letting you go. I mean look at you" gesturing up and down to what I'm wearing he continues.

"When I knew you, you would have never worn that. This isn't you Keira. Where is the girl who loved her trainers.? Where is the girl who wouldn't be caught dead talking and acting like a fucking snob. Where's my girl."

It might be dark but I can see Scott's eyes water.

I go to talk but he inturpes me again.

"Is that the truth bird? Because you ken what I think. I think you finally let him get ye. Did you let him touch you .?" He roars at me.

"Scott shut up." I warn him.

"It's true though isn't it. He's worked his way in and made you think I was the bad guy. You've always had an obsession with him and no matter how much I Did you always seen him. It was Lucas this. Lucas that. You love him don't ye." He asks me. I'm not going to deny it or confirm it. He's pent up with anger the now and anything I say is just going to make it worse.

"It was a matter of time before you two fucked like some cheap weird porno." He says laughing to himself.

"Scott it's not like that" I try and explain.

"But yes it is Keira!!" He shouts cutting me off from talking.

"You might not admit it to your self but everyone fucking knows it!." His breathing is coming out hard and fast.

"You know it I know it and Trust me he fucking knows it to."He says the last part almost sad.

"You have always had a place from him. what do you think peoples going to say bird? Huh." He shakes his head and glares at me.

"Fucking your step brother is a new low Keira"

"Hold the fuck up in naw fucking him you idiot will you stop saying that. " I tell him my voice getting louder

"Ah but if haven't then you fucking want tae."

"Ken what ENOUGH." I scream this time my accent coming out thick.

"You need tae shut the fuck up. You have no idea what yer talking aboot. You fucked me over arshole. You shagged the whore and broke what was between us. I'm not fucking Lucas so can you stop saying that when my ma and da are fucking right there." I shout without thinking about what I said. Scott looks taking back before he shakes his head at me.

"Yer da.? Yer da is fucking six feet under Keira. He's not your da. These fucking folk have used you and yer to blind it fucking see it." He looks at me as

If he's trying to Memorise every detail.

"Scott I didn't mean that-" I try and tell him. The tears are in my eyes right now and Im trying not to let them fall. I've never referenced Thomas as my dad. I can't believe I said that.

"Ken what fuck this your not worth it." He spits out.

"Enjoy yer new life with them fuck you bird." He says before walking away.

"Scott" I shout after him trying to follow but he doesn't look back.

"Scott" I try again but I'm pulled back and turn to see Lucas has my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me! ." I scream and rip my arm away. I see hurt flash across Lucas face before he steps back.

When I turn back around Scott's gone. He's left. I don't want to leave things like this. I have no idea where he's gone. The first time

Seeing him In years and it ends like that. Glancing back over to where everyone Is standing and There just looking at me. Thomas and mum have sympathy on there faces. I don't need there fucking pity. I feel the anger I've let go for

So long bubbles to the surface. I can't handle anymore arguing tonight. After what has just happened I want to go home.

Rubbing my face I turn away and go and throw myself into the car.

After a beat the doors open and they all pile in.

No one says anything as Thomas starts the car and we head off home.

When we reach the house I rip open the door before heading inside.

Making my way up to my room I slam the door and rip off my shoes. Throwing them at the wall I make quick work of tearing off the dress and throwing

It away.

Unclipping my hair I let it loose before going into

My wardrobe. Tears are falling down my eyes and Im replying the conversation between me and Scott in my head.

*Where is my girl.* echos over and over again.

Looking down to my old suitcase I grab it and tear it open. Seeing my old tattered jeans And hoody I lift them before pulling them on.

Going to the bathroom I scrub my face, grab a bobble and start to plate my hair.

After I'm done I look in the mirror.

This was me. The old Keira. The one who wouldn't allow people to get better of her emotions. The one who swore she would do everything in her power to get back home.

Scott hit a sore point to me tonight. Along the way maybe I have lost who I am.

Staring at my reflection I start feeling so angry snd bitter I draw my hand back and punch the mirror. I feel the sharp bite of The glass hit my skin. The pain is a welcome right now and I keep punching. The mirror shatter with glass flying everywhere yet I don't stop.

Not when I here my bedroom door open. Not when I here someone come into the bathroom. Not when I'm pulled away and I keep fighting. Kicking my legs and arms I start screaming. I don't even know why I am .

The pain of seeing him tonight and everything he said has opened old wounds. I brought to the floor with someone Holding my arms and legs.

I keep thrashing and crying.

I know who's got me and I hate it. Even been this angry and I know it's wrong I want him here.

"Shhh it's ok." Lucas mutter petting my head.

I stop fighting and just lie back and cry. I cry for the loss of Scott. I cry for my dad. I cry for the girl

Who I was. Lucas doesn't say anymore just holds me until the pain I'm feeling finally leaves.