Chapter twenty-nine.

I wake up the next morning with a pounding headache. My mouth Is dry as Cotton wool and I feel like shit. I open one eye and see lee cuddling into my feet.

Moving off the couch I get up and make my Way to wards Lee's toilet.

After doing my business and washing my hands I head back downstairs to the kitchen.

Making myself a cup of coffee I make one for Lee to and go to wake him up.

"Oi wake.up" I shout at.him.

"Naw I dinny want tae." he shouts back.

I roll my eyes and tell him.

"Well I would lee because there's a massive spider on your head." Just as I say that Lee jumps off the couch and lands on the floor.

"Where is it get it aff Keira Where the fuck is it! he screams rubbing his head.

I start laughing.

"There no spider you shitebag here" I hand him the cup of coffee.

Lee glares at me.but takes the coffee.

"I hate you."

"love you to." I tell him one him blowing him a kiss.

Lee sits down on top of the couch and rubs his face.

"You going hame today bird."

"Yep I'm gonna drink this and go and get Alex. I think she's at Natalie's but I was that fucked I can't remember."

" I wish I could see you off but I promised my dad I would go and meet him today."

Waving my hand I say.

"Don't worry about it at least I got to spend the night like old times." I smile sadly.

"Aye it was a laugh."

When I'm done lee goes up the stairs to get dressed and I switch on my phone

Shit. I think

I have 44 missed calls from Lucas. 28 from Thomas and a bunch of messages.

I send Lucas and Thomas a text telling them I'm coming home today and put my phone back in my pocket.

When lee comes down me and him leave the house lock the door and head up towards Natalie's.

Giving him a hug I wave bye as he turns and heads towards the bus stop.

Reaching Natalie's door I knock and wait.

Five minutes later she answers with Alex.

"Do you really had to go home so soon." She asks me.

"I do I need to get back Thomas is going to go soe shit." I try and smile.

"You'll need tae come back over it's naw the same without you bird." She says her eyes full of Water.

"I will I promise." I tell her bringing her back on for one last hug.

I pull back and step away looking at Natalie.

"I'm going to miss you." I tell her.

"Don't Keira i'm just gonna start crying." She wipes her eyes before leaning into hug Alex.

"I'll miss you both just be careful the fly home and call me as soon as you land."

"We will." Says Alex.

Natalie goes in and closes the door and me and Alex walk up until we are standing on the street.

"I really like it here." She tell me.

Smiling I say.

"I'm glad I had a lot of fun growing up here."

Alex looks at me and gives a small smile.

"I'm sorry about Scott I know I've said it already but I am truly sorry."

"Thank you." I tell her trying to clear my throat.

Our taxi pulls up and we get inside.

"Airport please." I tell him before leaning back.

Just as we are leaving the scheme I see someone walking down the street.

"Stop a minute." I tell the driver.

He pulls over onto the side of the road and I hop out. "Two minutes." I tell Alex. Closing the car door I walk fast until I reach him.

"Tam." I say pulling on his shoulder.

Tam turns round and his eyes widen.

"Keira.? Whit you dain here ." He ask scratching his arm. The

"I was back for Scott's funeral I need to ask you something". What lee said last night hasn't left my mind. I need to know.

He looks shaky but nods his head.


"That night my da died what happened?"

He looks left and right to see if anybody is looking at him before looking back at me.

"Yer da took to much hen snd OD you ken that."

Tams looking to shifty my instincts are screaming to me that something is wrong.

"Tam my da had no money that day how did he get it.," After what Lee told me I thought about it this morning and the thought has been bugging me.

"I Dinny ken." He stutters. He's lying.

"You better tell me or so help me tan I'm going to the police." I threaten him.

I don't have anything on him but he doesn't need to know that.

"Did you have something to do with it Tam?" I ask him.

He looks taken back before saying

"Naw man I loved yer da ye ken that Keira."

"Then tell me what happened then? How did use get the money."

"I'm naw getting involved Keira."

Something is wrong my blood starts to boil before I shout.

"You have five minutes to explain everything to me before I phone the police and become the biggest grass this street has ever seen"


"Don't keira me tam what the fuck happened that night? How did you and my da get that much money??" I shout at him.

Rubbing his hands up and down his face I see tears leek from his eye.

"orite. That morning johnny boy came over to mine and told me he had a choice to make.

He wouldn't give me details just that if he accepted he would be getting load of money and a better life for you." he tells me

"It was a no brainer keria I convinced him to do it and we could have a load of gear.

Me and Johnny went up to the toon and we met a couple of men at that pub.

I dinny ken what was said but him and johnny boy had a bit of a argument.

Him and this fucking man went around the ally out back

Johnny came in with the money and me and yer da took off.

We went to Jamie's bought the gear and headed to mine.

The rest well you ken hen."

"What did the man look like tam?

" I never got a good look at coz I was withdrawn but I remember he had a blue suit*

My world Please no

"What was his name tam."

"Bird I can't.."

"What was his fucking name."I shout.

"I don't know I think Im sure it was Tommy boy."

Tommy boy where have I heard that.?

Pulling out my phone from my jacket I pull out a picture.

"Was it him ." I ask showing him the picture.

"aye that's him there"

"Are you sure?"I ask him.

"Aye he had a young laddie with him tea but I can't remember what he looked liked."

I'm frozen. It takes every bit of me to utter.

"How much.?"

"wit.? He asked confused.

"how much did he give him tam." I ask quietly.

"A few grand keira."

A few grand that's how much I was worth.

That motherfuckinglyingpeiceofshit.

Its making sense now everything is coming back.

That's why they where here.

Thats why Thomas wouldn't let me come back over for my das death. This is why he wasn't wanting me to see Scott.

They have been at the back of everything.

Him and Lucas.

They fucked me over. Everything was a lie.

"Thank you tam.." I tell him before walking away heading into the direction of the taxi but first I have a stop to make

I knock loudly on the door waiting for him to come

and open it. I haven't told Alex what's going on and told her I needed to make one more stop.

After minute he answers.

"Can I come in." I ask him.

He opens the gesturing for me to come inside.

I walk in and go to his living room. When he sits done I just come out with it.

"Thomas is your son isn't he.?"

He doesn't Even look shocked I know.

"How did ye find out." He asks.

"I just did. Why didn't you ever tell me.?"

He takes a breath before answering.

"I promised him I wouldn't. He didn't want ye to know. I made a promise and couldn't break it."

"You could have told me." I say bitterly.


"Don't derek." I say Holding up my hand.

"You lied to me."

"Naw I didny I just never told you. Thought it would make things complicated."

"Complicated.?" I sneer.

"Did you ken about he paid da to take me.?"

"what.? He wouldny have done that-"

"BUT HE DID!" I scream.

"He paid him three thousand pounds derek. That money ended up killing him."

Derek moves his eyes to the ground.

"I'm sorry lass."

Looking at derek I feel so betrayed. Everyone has lied to me.

"I don't want your apology. I trusted you. You could have told me the truth I won't forgive you for this." After that I March outside. Derek didn't try and stop me just looks hurt.

I Bang his door closed and head to the taxi. They better be prepared because I'm raining hell when I get back.