The war (part 7)

Felix immediately tried to crush the two half bodies into nothing, only to realize they were way harder than they looked.

The moment his fingers hooked into the flesh of one of the twins' half bodies, he realized that their defenses exceeded Binela's!

Their skin toughness was off the charts. But their strength had lowered by more than 60% after they were separated.

It seemed these two were something of a specialty even among their race. While together, their strength was at full power, but if they were separated their defenses would increase immensely so they could survive whatever separated them in the first place.

Felix's eyes narrowed as he tried once again to destroy the body halves. Only to find out that he couldn't, yet.

So he unleashed his full power, his aura inflated as lightning engulfed him and both of the body halves as they were currently in his grasp.