Aaltarox pushing back the invasion

Felix looked up at the sky for one last time before his silhouette slowly started to disappear from the Balton continent- he was returning to the lion tribe to get some more shut-eye in.

"I have done the best I could, Aaltarox. Everything relies on you now..."

Felix felt quite bad that he couldn't actually go and help them. Considering that he was stronger than Aaltarox, a god, he thought that he could certainly push those invaders back. Unfortunately, there was no way for him to arrive at those upper realms that the gods habituated.

It wasn't like when he left the planet and went to space, nor when he broke through space and entered pocket dimensions. He could feel that the spatial difference between himself and Aaltarox was immense through their communication connection.

There was no way he would be able to pinpoint the location. And breakthrough space with his current strength.

So he couldn't help them.