Chatter Guard

"Shadows of time, hear my cry!" His voice was confident, yet pleading. "I bargain a piece of yesterday, let the walls speak they've witnessed, and show us a tragic play."

Even his spell was theatrical.

Suddenly, the skull released dark smokes from its sockets. It played around for a bit, twirling in circles before it went straight for the alley's walls, the darkness of the magic taking on different shapes, forms, and even events.

Something being destroyed, someone being destroyed, a fight, a fall, a promise broken, an experiment, and finally… a shadow of a vampire, fangs sharp and deadly. 

"Seems like a lot has happened here huh?" Giles said, folding his arms together. When nobody spoke, his peers only waiting for what the wall would show, he nodded to the shadows.

So the shadow moved, fangs hidden in the darkness. Lean and tall, the vampire wore a loose robe, the wind waving it in a graceful fashion. In their arms was a lump.