New Found Confidence

It was as if nothing had happened.

A huge burning ceremony and everything was solved. Is that how it was supposed to be?

The people of Eldham continued their lives after they had thought that they'd gotten rid of the pest. The day after that, everyone was outside again, memories of yesterday whisked away from every human being. Stores had opened, witches were once again free to roam with no one suspecting them, inns have gotten more renters for the upcoming festival.

Raoul's death was meaningless. A passing incident that's meant to be forgotten.

But it had been more than a month since then.

Not quite a long time. Yet even with the days when they thought they were free from the glaring eyes of the people, Eglantine made sure to dedicate themselves to rehearsing and making the whole day theirs.

After all, tomorrow is the first day of the theatre festival.