Consequences of A Theatre Superstition

"You have the nerve to get yourself punched when YOU ARE THE MAIN LEAD, PATRICK?" 

Giles gladly took the stress of being angry away from Nelle, his voice heightening with every word. He did not even excuse the witch to talk to him privately. He screamed at him in front of everyone in the room!

What a harsh bastard.

Patrick did not speak. And West was the only one who was brave enough to save his idiotic bum. 

"Relax, Giles. You should be proud that he defended us from their insults."

Giles possibly became redder. Lowering his face into his hands, he released a sigh of complete exhilaration. "Breathe, breathe," Evelina heard him whisper. He then counted in a random order before bringing his head up to face West, lips stretched into a sarcastic smile. "West… how is that an excuse? We are supposed to- Oh! Our life is just so full of misfortunes, isn't it?"

Yes. Actors really were this dramatic.

"It's not an excuse-"