Grow Up *editing*

The author is still editing the first parts of the story so she advises you to PLEASE NOT PURCHASE THIS CHAPTER IF ITS STILL LABELED AS EDITING. And also, please forgive her for she promises to place the real content here in no time.

Evelina grimaced. Maybe having West as her mentor was not the right decision? Or maybe having Giles pick the script they were to perform was the wrong one? It might be short, but would assume that someone so ill-tempered would pick something sweet?

Why can it not be something that was revenge-filled, anger at its center, maybe then, she would be able to relate with the character.

But love and drama?

Between the two male witches… or was it she who committed a mistake? Perhaps. 

Evelina took a step back, as if that would change anything. But it only made her realize how deep she was going.