
The Nameless Child - Part 2

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"I was in the forest very hungry, then I went... to drink water! Then I woke up here."

"Do you know how old you are at least, kid?"

'He is probably about seven years old.'

"No..." — Said the boy lowering his head with a sad look.

'I think I better stop with the questions, he is still very weak, maybe he will remember when he gets better...'

Mussing the boy's hair with his hand, Roldi then said:

"Well, there's nothing to do, let's just eat in the meantime!"

The two of them were sitting on the grass next to each other eating their fish; the sunlight was still very strong and only the sound of the crackling wood burning in the background.

"Boy, it pains me not to call you by a name... How about we think of one?"

Apparently, this was everything the boy needed. The boy jumped up smiling and answered:

"Let's go!"

"What do you think of the name... Anthony?" – Roldi ask.

Laughing heartily, the boy answered him:

"Sorry Roldi, I didn't like it!"

"What about Larkin? Ah, that's a good one, don't you think?! — Roldi asked extremely excited about the idea.

Placing his hand on Roldi's shoulder, holding back his laughter, the boy replied:

"Roldi... You are very bad at this!"

After an hour, many names and many laughs…

"Boy, this is my last attempt! What do you think of Kalui?" - Says Roldi while laughing.

"Well, of all of them, that was the least worst." - Answers the boy.

Lying down on the grass, the boy then says:

"I'm going to sleep some more."

"Yeah, kid, that's a great idea."

The sky began to orange, the sun was about to set, and the wind and cold increased moderately, the leaves of the big trees sway a lot. Roldi gets up extremely lazily and searches inside his hut, among the pile of clothes, for a blanket for the boy.

As he covers the boy, a silhouette in the forest catches his attention. Roldi stood with a serious expression, his large and extremely strong body stiffening, his skin seeming to harden, even reflecting a little moonlight. The silhouette began to take shape, slowly coming out of the dimness of the tall forest — a tall and strong body, just like Roldi's, yet a little thinner; long hair, just like Roldi's. - The silhouette finally came within range of the light, showing a man wearing white knitted armor tightly knit to his body from head to toe a white vest with green edges, with the emblem of a closed yellow fist. The stranger continued walking toward him. Roldi stood up with open arms, with a surprised yet joyful face he said:

"As always, you make no sense, of all people, wanting to be sneaky from the darkness! You almost kill me in my heart, Enion!"

"Oh, and you as always... eating!"

"What brings you here? You came back earlier than usual! What is it? Did you miss me? I know you love me!" - Says Roldi walking towards Enion.

Roldi takes his arm.

"First of all, sit down, eat with us!"

Enion turns her face to the side and looks deep into Roldi's eyes

'With us? Don't tell me he brought someone here?'

He looked more closely at the hut and noticed the child sleeping near the campfire.

"Roldi, we need to talk." — Enion said in a serious tone.

With joy, he answered him:

"Food first, trouble later! Sit down!"

Enion remained tense, but respectfully agreed to eat willingly.

"I hope you understood that when I said "sit down" I meant on the floor!" – Says Roldi while smiling aloud.

The two went towards the fire and sat down next to Kalui.

"So... Do I speak first or do you? — Enion's question.

"You can go ahead! Definitely not good news indeed."

The atmosphere between the two has become thicker. Enion raised his arm, pointing to the northwest, and said:

"They are close."

'Dramatic as always...' – Roldi thought.

"Won't he eat? When the boy wakes up, he will eat the rest by himself if you let him."

"Speaking of him, who is this boy? He is very thin! Also, why did you bring someone here?"

Enion and Roldi caught a fish from the campfire.

"He was passed out in the river, floating. He was going to reach the waterfall at some point, so I had to rescue him. Before you ask me, I have not taken him to the city yet, but I intend to as soon as he remembers something. He apparently has no memory about anything, I have asked his name, where he lives, but he does not know anything. We have chosen a name for him, to have something to call him by."

"Have you ever taken him to any of the nearby villages?" - Enion asked.

"Not yet, he was very weak. Still is, in fact. Anyway Enion, let's eat."

"Roldi, back to the point. The army is coming to this town now; you had better leave as soon as possible. Jehan wanted to come this time, but he had to stay in the army."

"Thank you for letting me know. I intend to leave as soon as I find the boy's family."

"I see..."

"Have you been back home since last time? You must be missing me! — He put his hand on Enion's shoulder, smiling. Just wanting to comfort an old friend. Nevertheless, even with a smile, his gaze was sad.

Enion hugged him with her eyes full of water as she said:

"Not yet, but I know who they miss the most is you!"

"I am fine. Stay calm. But how is Mila?"

"She is fine! Your brother is not being as bad a king as we thought. Thinking about it, not much has changed. Now that the troop has reached the tip of the continent, it is time to head for home. Soon I'll see everyone."

Roldi stood up, drying his few tears.

"Sorry to bring this up. Sometimes I feel so much like coming back, to face everything head on and without caring about the consequences, but that would be like throwing all our efforts so far in the trash. Sorry, I do not even know why I am saying this - hahaha, is not good for me or for you. Eat one more, there are only three left.

While the two friends were eating in silence, the boy woke up rubbing his eyes, his face genuinely crumpled from sleep. He instantly gets up and grabs another fish, not even realizing that there is now another person near him. He sat down again and began to eat with his eyes closed. Roldi and Enion hold back from bursting into laughter, watching the boy's lack of concern.

"So, kid, what is your name? — Enion asked.

The fragile boy gave a little jump for the fright he got.

'When did he really get here? He also has green eyes, just like Roldi...' - pensa Kalui.

He looked at Roldi and replied:
