
The First Unforeseen - Part 1

「Year 938, day 020, Elfen territory, Fire Family Castle, 11 pm.」


"It is so beautiful when the moon is this half-yellow tone!" – he said Heila.

"Indeed, this night is beautiful. Many things have happened today. The second prince has proposed to his wife, the wife of the first prince is in labor, Your Majesty has prepared a party to celebrate the engagement of your son, what a busy night... Unfortunately, for us, we will just stay here and patrol this time." – said Ryan.

Heila answered him, looking up at the beautiful starry sky:

"Let's pray to the gods that this engagement will work out and that your highness's son will be an elemental of fire."

Walking down the long, wide corridors, their blue eyes stood out in the dark night, both wearing dark steel armor, as well as a red mesh vest with yellow borders and in the center, the symbol of fire. Only the paintings on the walls enhanced the landscape during the patrol. Heila and Ryan continued to wonder at every moment, how the big party in the hall was going.

This giant castle, unlike all other buildings in the city, had been built with rocky bricks and not with a smooth, straight wall of pure stone. This was one of the reasons that made the Fire family's castle so striking.

The two guards heard a woman's desperate cries just as their shifts were about to end.

"Ryan, did that scream come from the delivery room?" - she asked in a distressed tone.

While Heila was still asking, Ryan was already heading to the delivery room, to have the honor of being one of the first to see the birth of the child.

When Ryan opened the red door, he could not believe what he was seeing. The blond baby boy who had just been born was surrounded by fire; at the same time that the fire was coming out of him, the room was surrounded by a strong wind. The cradle in which he was placed was practically no longer whole. The baby, still in tears, emitted a gigantic heat without any sign of burning. After a few seconds, everything in the room quieted down. The baby calmed down as his mother's hands picked him up, and both the fire and the wind disappeared.

Ryan had just witnessed the birth of Agnee.





「Year 950, day 130, Elfen territory, Bird Forest, 6 pm.」



"Kalui, what is your element?" - Enion asked.

'Ah... I forgot to ask this!' - thought Roldi.

The boy replied a bit confused:

"My element?"

"Not knowing your element is like not knowing your own name! Oh, you do not remember that either... Sorry, I'll explain tomorrow." - said Roldi.

"Well, I really have to go."

"Kalui, join us. Enion will rent a horse in the city."

Night was beginning to take over the forest. The sun had already fallen over the horizon, but the moon and the stars did not leave them in darkness.

The three of them headed for the city, which was a few hours away, up the river. Kalui seemed restless during the walk, but at the same time happy not to be alone. Roldi realized that something was bothering him and asked:

"What is on your mind?"

"In my element... Do I really have one?"

"Most probably yes. Let us just say that it is easier for the first drop of a storm to fall on you, than for you to have no element with your blue eyes." - Said Roldi while messing up Kalui's straight, black hair.

"I didn't understand...." - Kalui replied, looking even more confused.

"He just meant that you most likely have some element. Roldi was never good with kids hahaha."

The boy gave a slight smile and they continued on their way.

"Roldi, we will pass through a village on the way to town. I think it is better to rent a horse in this village, there is no reason to make the boy walk any further."

"Great idea. He is probably still sleepy. Since I have never been to this town, I do not know where this village is. Are we coming?"

"A few more minutes and we'll get to it."

The three of them chatted as they made their way up the river following the shore. Enion heard footsteps in the forest; at the same instant, he transformed his ears to amplify his hearing as he stood in front of Kalui.


"How many?"

"I'm sure of six, no... Maybe there are more."

"Kalui! Get behind Enion! Enion! Cross the river with the boy and wait for me there."

Just as the two ran into the water trying to cross the river, something happened to Roldi.

'I am totally out of breath! That means he does not know me... Someone among the six enemies Enion heard is an air handler. He is skilled enough to take my air more than 50 meters away, but if he hasn't exploded my lungs yet, it's because he is not that skilled....'

Roldi stiffened his body completely, his skin reddened slightly and veins popped out all over his body. He starts running to get out of the airless area. When he looked back and saw Enion carrying Kalui on his lap, he jumped out of the airless area and shouted:

"Enion! I will go with everything!"

A few moments have passed since Roldi has run out of air. After the warning, he advanced into the forest. While running almost as fast as a cheetah, with a smile on his face, a large rock wall rose up in front of him, Roldi put his arms behind him and using the palms of his hands, he destroyed the rock wall without any difficulty! Instantly after destroying it, another four walls surrounded him from all sides, trapping him in a cube; again, he smashed the wall in front of him without any difficulty, with a single punch. Roldi continued straight into the forest.

'He seems to have realized that with my speed, he has no way to take out the air around me. Now he will probably attack with another property of the wind... The cut!' - thought Roldi.

Watching the fight from across the river with Kalui in her arms, Enion reflected:

'Why didn't he just go around the walls? I am sure he wants to show off to Kalui...'

The atmosphere began to distort in front of Roldi, forming a large transparent blade larger than his body.

'É... They really don't know me!'

Roldi did not even bother to dodge, just passing through the blade of wind in front of him. To him, it was just a breeze, even though it had opened a gash in his clothing.

'Wind did not work, walls did not work either, what will they try with me now?'

Three hooded men came out of the dark forest - their arms and legs were hairy like those of an animal, their bare hands and feet were claws. - Roldi did not hesitate for a second, continuing to run, their speed was absurd. Less than a second after they left the woods, Roldi was already face to face with his enemies, before they could even prepare for combat, he ran his also hardened nails across the throats of the three. Blood dripped down the black cloaks of his enemies as they fell lifeless to the ground.

'One of the six hasn't shown yet. On the other hand, maybe two of the six have not shown themselves yet.... Maybe the first and the second elemental are the same person. I have to be careful when entering this forest. They see me, but I don't see them.'

Roldi stopped in front of the forest, hoping to see some movement.

Since Roldi shouted at the river's edge, five seconds have passed.

"Roldi! The remaining three are running away!" - Enion shouted.

'What was all that! It all happened so fast! The things that happened, was it the elementals?' - thought Kalui.

As Roldi positioned himself to begin his onslaught again, he shouted:

"Do they intend to run away? Not before a few questions!"

Entering the dark woods, the chase has begun. The sound of Roldi's high-speed footsteps was frightening, echoing throughout the place. Running through the forest, after a few seconds, the first enemy had been spotted desperately running away.

Before he could look back, Roldi ripped his head off using his hand like a spear.

'It's much harder with bare hands! This was an elemental... The other two are in the forest.' - thought Roldi.

Again, he positioned himself — leaning his body forward, his right foot back and flexing his legs — to begin his onslaught.

Still standing on the bank on the other side of the river, Enion talked to the child.

"Kalui, is everything okay? I am here with you, do not worry."

"I am fine. I am more worried about Roldi! He went alone..."

"Don't waste your time worrying about him! Everything will be fine."

'For a child, he does not scare easily.'

After a little more than a minute of searching, he found the last attackers. They were not running desperately. Seeing this, instead of attacking them, he stopped in front of his enemies, a few meters away.

"Are you tired of running? If you are willing to tell me why you attacked us, I will set you free."

"You must think you are so powerful! Do you really think you can defeat us all by yourself?" - One of the hooded men said.