
The First Unforeseen - Part 3

Looking at the hut as he walked towards the mountain, Kalui said:

"Shall we go to a village again?"

"We will probably pass through a town. In case you do not remember, a city is something much more amazing than a village. For now, just focus on not getting tired, because we are going to walk a lot."

After some time walking, the hut became more and more distant, barely visible to the eye. The area was rocky and trees were no longer part of the landscape. They were reaching the mountain.

"Are we really going to climb this? Roldi let us go around! Please! I am already tired."

"Relax, kid! We are not going to climb to the peak. We cannot go around it either; it would take too much time. We will just climb up the lower part and camp right after we get down.

The climb was steep, even Roldi would have difficulty.

"Kid, can you keep going?"

"I can't take it anymore, I'm exhausted! Will you push me to the top?"

"I think there is a more fun way to take you."

Kalui was full of enthusiasm.

The wind was strong; Roldi pushed her hair out of her eyes at every moment. With the boy on his back - holding his arms with one hand and the bundle with his belongings in the other - his skin hardens and veins pop out of his body.

"Hold on! Seriously, hold on tight!"

He got ready to accelerate.

'I think if I run at half my maximum speed, it won't hurt the boy.'

Kalui could only laugh with excitement and joy, seeing the whole landscape passing rapidly in front of him. Even the cold wind did not shake him in the face of such joy.

"Is it too fast, kid?"

"I cannot hear you!" — shouted Kalui

After a few minutes, the climb was unfortunately ending. Roldi began to slow down slowly so as not to hurt the boy. Neither of them looked tired.

"Will you take me downhill too?"

"No, the descent is up to you! I know you can handle it."

A short time later, the climb ended. Now they were at the top of that lower part of the mountain.

The terrain was still rocky, without much greenery or trees, just rocks. He climbed off Roldi's back and marveled at the incredible landscape in front of him. All he saw from the top were trees, mountains and the sea to his left.

The child climbed on top of a rock with great difficulty, in order to get an even better view of such immensity; when he looked back towards the hut that was now far away, Kalui saw an even more beautiful view, containing a large river that cut through the entire forest and a plateau miles long, absolutely straight, as if it were a mountain split in half.

All along this plateau was a gigantic city, surrounded by great walls and villages. The plateau was so large that it occupied the boy's entire view, both to the right and to the left.

"Roldi! That's a city, right?"

"That is Elfen's main territory."

'Probably where you come from.'

"Incredible! It's gigantic!"

"Maybe we will pass through places like this. Of course, if you are not going to get tired every time we start walking!"

"It's just that you keep on carrying me!"

'Training him will not be easy... hahaha!'

"Let's go Kalui! The descent is easier."

The two of them proceed down the mountain towards the dense forest, which, even from above, seems endless. The descent was not as easy as expected, large stones made the path dangerous.

A little embarrassed, while scratching his head, Roldi asked:

"So... Kalui, do you want to eat something besides fish? We will have our second meal just about the time of the fourth. You can choose something different!"

Still panting, but excited, he replied:

"I want the hottest one!"

Sometime later, they reached the halfway point of the descent.

'At this rate, it will take us a long time to get down. Camping in a dense forest with a child will not be easy.'

"Kid, do you want me to drive you again? This time it will not be so windy, so I can go a little faster."

Without any hesitation, Kalui, in leaps of joy, shouted loudly:

"Let's go! Let us go! This time, take me further!"

"Don't regret it later. Remember to keep your mouth closed and not open your eyes too wide!"

'I should have told you that the first time... Well, everything worked out fine!'

Roldi crouched down and said:

"Kid! Get on my back."

Kalui entwined her arms around his neck and her legs around his belly.

"I am ready!"

Again, Roldi strengthened, preparing to accelerate; just like last time, only his skin became tough and large veins popped out all over his body.

Running slowly, the descent down the mountain was not as fun as the climb up. Roldi needed to be careful, one wrong step and he could trip.

"As soon as we get off the mountain, I'll speed up. It is too risky to go down at high speed carrying you. We will be there in five minutes, enjoy the view!"

"That's good too."

'How nice it is not to have to walk...'

Seeing that the mountain was ending, Kalui braced himself for high speed, steadying his hands and legs firmly on Roldi.

'His skin is hard! No matter how hard I squeeze, my fingers do not sink! How cool!'

The green began to take over the landscape again. A few meters before the descent was over, Roldi held the boy's arms - which were around his neck - with one hand and with the other, holding the bundle of clothes.

"Hold on tight with your leg, the cool part starts now! Remember kid, mouth closed!"

'I need to be fully strengthened in this forest. I don't want to be knocked down by a tree while running!'

The acceleration this time was slow, but after a few seconds, the landscape began to flash before his eyes. Kalui was ecstatic at the speed, looking back and forth; he realized that he could not see things clearly around him so fast, so he decided to look only ahead.

"Is everything okay, kid? If you want me to slow down, just say the word."

'I think he's so distracted that he can't hear me... I will speed up some more!'

Now he was again running at half his maximum speed.

"Roldi, that's amazing!"

'Strange... I am feeling light again. I hate not sleeping!' - something random went through Roldi's mind.

After four hours, many forests, hills and rivers, Roldi decides to rest. He stopped a few meters from a small lake - surrounded by a well-spaced, clear forest with few trees - and lowered the child off his back.

Sleepy, tired and hungry, Roldi put the bundle of cloth, completely crumpled, on the floor.

"Your leg must be tired from holding on and also, we are hungry. For today, the trip is over, let's camp here. We still have plenty of time before the sun starts to set."

"What will there be to eat?"

"You asked for the tastiest thing and I think the best thing we will find in this forest is rabbit. I will get some fruit before I go hunting. Wait for me here."

A few minutes later, Roldi returned full of fruit in his arms. Placing them on the ground, he said:

"I may take a while, so go ahead and eat a fruit."

"Ok! Can I drink water from here?" - Kalui asked as he sat on the ground with his feet in the lake.

"Not until I boil. Go ahead and eat the fruit, it will quench your thirst a bit. I am going!"

Roldi started to run, but stopped suddenly, looking at Kalui.

"Kid... Whenever someone is leaving where you are, you have to say goodbye or at least wave!"

"Ah... What do I say?"

"You decide, but, you can start by saying 'Good luck!' or 'Take the shade!' things like that, you know?"

"Ok. I'll try!"

Roldi started running, saying:

"I am going!"

"Good luck!"

"Now yes! Thanks."

As he ran, his skin, which had been dark, turned red. Then he accelerated with all his might. The sound of his footsteps startled the boy, who got up quickly, trying to see where Roldi was, but he had already disappeared into the trees.

'Is there really any rabbit here?'

Less than fifteen minutes had passed and he had returned holding two rabbits by the ears. Roldi placed them on the rock near the river and walked towards a tree.

"Kalui, step back. Go well back."

"What for?"

"You will see."

Kalui got up from the edge of the lake, walked away, while Roldi stopped in front of a tree, and strengthened, leaping veins from his body. He took a dagger from its sheath and with his dark metal blade, broke the massive trunk with a single cut.

"How cool! What are you going to do with it?"

"A board, two plates, and a few things for your training."

"My training? But I don't know my element yet..."

"I'll fix that in no time. Now I will prepare the rabbits, I think you had better face the other way."

Somewhat confused, the boy answered:

"No need..."

"It's getting dark soon, sorry if you got hungry."



「Year 950, day 149, Elfen territory, Bee Forest, 07 am.」



The trunks were now thin, the surrounding brush was clearer, and the square hut of crude wood was already made near the edge of the stream. The two of them were sitting eating fruit while watching the falling leaves; Kalui still looked sleepy.

"It looks a lot like the hut from before, don't you think?" - Roldi asked.

"Only it is clearer."

"It has been two weeks since Enion left. He must be getting there now."


"In... his... house."

The two of them spent two weeks traveling. Nothing happened in that period; it was just long, fun trips. Finally, the boy was no longer malnourished.

"Kalui, remember I said I would train you? So, let's start today!"

"Will you tell me what my element is?"

"Come with me, let's go near the water." - Said Roldi as he stood up and extended his hand to the child.

Kalui was excited and curious to know what he was going to do, the gleam in his eye was clear. Roldi made a small fire and set it on fire with the thump of two stones.

"Kid, right now, facing the water, we have the presence of five of the six known elements. Earth, air, fire, water and light."

"And now, what do I do?"

"Imitate me while you channel all your strength into your arms, okay?"

Roldi puts his hands together, in the form of an open shell, and lets out a great shout.

"Come on kid, imitate me!"

Kalui put his hands together and shouted with all his might.

"Did it work?" - Kalui asks, with a sad face.

Holding back his laughter, Roldi replied:

"Apparently nothing happened. Let us go to the second option. Kalui, sit down, close your eyes, and feel everything; the wind, the heat of the fire, the water, the earth, and the light."

"Okay, now what?"

"Are you not feeling anything different somewhere?"


Roldi put his hand on the boy's head and said, still holding his laughter:

"Sorry kid. I really do not know how to help you with this. It is as if I want to teach you to flap your wings without me having one.

"No problem." - Said Kalui walking back to the hut.

"Wait! Did you think that was all? I said I was going to train you, not teach you. Now that I am sure, I do not know how to help you with your element. Let us start the training.