Chapter 5: Stroke of danger.


Violet woke up from this thought in her mind, a new day to go search for answers. It's been a very long time since she arrived in Montana and didn't really bother to go outside and explore around the small town. She prepared herself some breakfast, a toast of bread with a side of canned beans to have some energy to get the morning started right.

She looked at her closet and found that she didn't really pack that much for the trip, thinking that will be a temporary stay, which turned out to be an indefinite place of living. In her heart, she can't stay with Granny Lou forever, as her mother would be expecting her to come back to San Francisco. As she looked at the clothes at the closet, she was limited to a straight plaid skirt that she thought would looked great in a green, but turned out to be a fashion disaster.

Violet was quite tempted to get the old clothes inside but kept a mental note that when rummaging through the clothes that remainders of the 1920 and she placing them in the hamper, where she can get them washed for the day. She managed to find a white blouse from her very own closet and is ready for the day. As she was about to go out of the house, Granny Lou was up and early for the day too.

"Where are you going my dear?" Granny Lou questioned. "I'm just going around the town, getting myself familiar." Violet replied back. She checked her light brown cross body bag for anything that she has anything that was missing. "You can take the bicycle in the garage, it hasn't been seen a day in light for a very long time." Granny Lou said, making her nod.

Violet didn't know that there was a garage here but she nonetheless opened the obscure door, which she thought it was only a decoration, which lead to a very dusty, old garage. Cobwebs is what hit her the most, some getting it into her mouth and instinctively spit it out. There are plenty of boxes lying around the floor that even the graceful and statuesque Violet almost slipped into one of the boxes, either falling on her face or the head.

Managing to go through the obstacles of clutter, she removed the blanket that was covering the thing and it was a bicycle, a unique and quirky bicycle. Splashes of neon yellow and pink, is not what she had in mind. She examined it carefully before she could take it out for a cycle around the neighborhood. The tires are quite soft, so she rummaged around for a air pump to get the wheels all set. Once she's done getting air inside the wheels, she brings it inside the house and gives it a go for today. Violet bid Granny Lou goodbye and is off to the library.

The cold breeze hit Violet's face, a winding road down to the town below. She only thought about Althea, what was life like for her, home and school life. Once arriving town, her eyes are now looking for the main library, and maybe ask someone if they know the story of Althea. Then she saw a large library and stopped to have a look inside.

Violet entered the library and just entered with no warning. "Um, excuse me," The librarian called out, "do you have a card with you?" Violet can only widened her eyes in fear, "I don't have a card." The librarian can only chuckle a little, "are you new around here? I can sign you up with a new card." Violet nodded and they have a minutes and she receive the card to enter. She stopped and went up the desk again.

"Just a question, have you ever heard of Althea Hammerstein?" Violet questioned. She nodded, "everyone around here in town knows, and also your grandmother." She felt dumb when she asked that question, of course this is a small town that everyone knows each other. "The name is Aisha Johnson, you must be Violet, the granddaughter of the Granny Lou that she is always talking about." "Yes, I am the famous granddaughter." They both laughed at the statement, she's starting to like this vibe here.

From what Violet can examine, she's tall, dark skinned, and short curly hair. Aisha is a caring by the way she is talking to her, not really the intimidating that she was so used to back in San Francisco.

"But we really don't know how did she die, we all have some theories on what happened, but I do hope that you could try to solve it." Violet's eyes only widened, sure she was much into with the case, but she doesn't know where to look for the answer. "To be very honest with you, I just happened to stumble upon this part of family story, that I have a great auntie, who turned out to have much of an interesting life than I do. But anyway, I was going to ask you if there is any newspaper clippings back from the 20s until 23?"

"I think we have some archived papers at the back. Just come follow me." She said. Violet followed Aisha to the backroom, where she took out boxes after boxes of things from the shelf. It took awhile for her to get the labeled boxes, but she finally got the newspapers that Violet is longing to get her hands on it. She can only sigh in happiness when it was unearthed again, with old newspapers that are now here. But like old things, time has not been too kind, some of the ink has been faded but she can still read with what is written.

"Do you need anything else?"Aisha questioned. "I think this will do, I'll take it from here." She replied back. Violet grabbed the box out of the back, and headed to the quiet library, right away starting her investigation.

"Serial killer on the lose, Hammerstein and Dean are on the top of the list of ridding crime of New York City!"

December 20, 1920.

Althea Hammerstein along with New York's rich hotshot, Edward Dean are one step closer to revealing New York's Jazz Killer.

Violet for a while read to this article for a little while and it goes on to explain that 5 people in a span of 3 days have been killed on December 16, 17, and 18. She was much too intrigued and wondered if she has somewhere in those journal entries that would later on mention about the case. Of course, the ultimate goal here is to get to the bottom of what happened to the mysterious death of Althea.

She continued to look through newspapers and did her detailed notes of her findings. Althea used lots of her skills in the force and has managed to solve cases, a era well known for unsolvable mysteries because of corrupt police force.

Violet went through the papers that are unrelated to the topic but she all of the sudden stumbled upon a particular paper.

"Summer Memoirs of 1914."

Violet took it out of the box and a pen drawn portrait of a woman. Her regal stare, poised posture and small smile, still captivates for those who looks at the portrait, even for her. She looked at the bottom of and it was Althea Hammerstein. This is the very first time that a portrait of any kind was shown of her.

As she read on the article, she got to know Althea in a personal level, apart from knowing her hardships being in a multiracial family, she spent her working at the family ranch and at the same time, studying and having great grades. Althea personified the Gibson girl image. Her slim figure, slender hands and the regal stare piercing through your soul.She never entertained the glamour and demure lifestyle. She fancied the idealism of an equal opportunity between the sexes. She dreamed to be seen as equals to her male counterparts, a long dream to not be ridiculed and distraught in a patriarchal society. That's who Violet came to that conclusion after she finished looking through the newspapers and all she can see is the adventures that she has done in her life.

Violet went to fetch Aisha to put the box away. "Are you done with these?" She questioned. "Yeah, I was just taking some notes there and now on the list is the school where Althea went." She replied back. "The school she went is around the neighborhood here, I can show you it to you."

Violet declined, did not want to bother Aisha's work, but mentioned that the school that Althea attended is called St.Agatha's, an all girls school. They both exchange their numbers, just in case they want to get lunch or hang out around town. "See you around Violet!" She waved goodbye as she got out of the library. Riding the bicycle around the town again as she looked around for the school.

This is an enjoyable day out of around the town, such beauty all around the place, but Violet still can't get her mind off of this letter from Althea. She debunk the theory that it was not Edward to be giving those expensive things, when they only met. Can it be that someone along in her life, was involved or possibly a secret admirer. Before even knowing it, she stumbled upon the school. In all Gothic Font lettering, "St. Agatha: All girl's school." Violet got off her bicycle and fixed the creases off her jacket and blouse. She took a deep breath and walked inside the door and following the red carpet, heading to the front desk.

"Hello there miss," The front desk lady greeted the nervous Violet, "can I help you with something?" She felt her hands start to sweat profusely and wiped it off her pants. "I would like to check your records of the name Althea Hammerstein?" She questioned.

The front desk lady looked her up, "What do you need the files of Althea Hammerstein?" She questioned. "Shoot." Her mind raced immediately when she asking for the reason. Blurting out from the top of her mind, "It's for a research that I am doing."

The desk lady shot her suspicious look at Violet, "I can't give you the files of Althea's papers." She can in frustration, "look here, I have been looking around here and I would've given up but I didn't! Althea has inspired me in so many ways and I have even though about writing a book. Can you at least ask your principal if I can have the permission to look."

The desk lady finally sighed at Violet's request, as she got up from her seat and headed inside the principal's office. She can only sit down in patience, just praying that something that she could get to take a peek at the records, maybe, just maybe. What it felt like an hour, that's when the principal got out of her office and looked at Violet, anxiously waiting.

"Are you the one looking for the files of Althea Hammerstein?" The principal questioned, making her nod with her answer. "What's you name?"

"Violet Toussaint." She replied back. The principal's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh dear! You must be the granddaughter of Louise Toussaint?" She stood up and was escorted into her office. Violet looked at the nameplate and it was revealed to be Chelsea Hock, a coincidence much.

"Your grandmother has always talked about you last night, you were doing a research on Althea Hammerstein." Chelsea Hock explained, making her nod in approval. "I'll give you the files at hand, if it helps you further your investigation." Chelsea Hock handed her the files and Violet opened up, and saw her photograph, beautiful was an understatement but bewitching and heavenly. Althea' s eyes were tenderhearted and her full lips fits the profile perfectly with her God gifted beauty. Violet stood up and was about to say her goodbyes to Chelsea Hock, but had this itching question she need to ask.

"I am very much curious Mrs. Hock. Who named you Chelsea?" Violet questioned. It maybe a stupid name to have a question like that but she only smiled. "Well, my mother named me Chelsea."

"Really, I hope I don't mind asking your mother's name do you?" She questioned. "Her name is Valerie, why do you ask that dear?"

"Oh I was just curious, your first name is familiar." Violet takes her leave and exited out of the school, now everything is looking up for her, now on to the final errand, to the local town hall for her birth records. She looked at her clock and it was almost lunch time now, and felt her stomach a grumble a little while inside the office for a very long time. She stashed the files at the front basket and took a deep sigh of fresh air.

Violet rode on her bicycle and pedal onto the path of town hall. She reflected with important documents that held her tightly that could piece of the story from beginning until the end. Later onto the narrative of her life that she was eventually engaged, she has always maintained her independence until the day she died. Such a beautiful tale of a woman filled with dreams and hopes of the future, despite her demise, her story still remained in people's minds in this little town.

Before she knew it, the town hall is already in her sight, medium size hall unlike the one in San Francisco. Violet grab her files and held it tightly to her arm, as she entered inside the hall, there weren't many people coming in for something here. The clatter of her boots rung clear as day of the empty halls.

"Excuse me," Violet went up to the clerk, "can I ask about Althea V. Hammerstein files?" The clerk folded her arms, "why do you need the birth certificate of Althea Hammerstein?" Violet took a deep sigh again, another question that she has to make up an excuse for. "It's for research purposes." Violet said.

The clerk lady nodded and she headed at the back of the file room, making her stand in silence. It was pretty awkward, the only thing keeping her company is the wind swaying at the large halls. Violet can only hum to a tune that she heard in a radio one time, a slow jazzy tune somewhere. Finally the secretary came out of the back room with a files at hand. "Make sure you return it back to me." She said, making Violet nodded in approval.

So she went to the secluded area of hall, and started to read it's contents.

Althea Viola Hammerstein:

-Born on December 8, 1897 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

-Died on August 24, 1923.

- Members of the family: Klaus Hammerstein (Father), Felicidad Robredo (Mother), Emile Bette Hammerstein.

-Cause of death: Murder.

Left anything behind: A will and testament.

Violet's eyes widened in surprise, a will and testament? How did she get hold of this and why isn't she informed about this story of a mysterious will. Violet took a picture of the death certificate and other things from the the files of Althea. Everything seems to be stacking up and up with Althea's murder.

Violet returned the files and turn it into the secretary. "Thank you letting me take a look at the files." She said. She nodded and Violet left the city hall to get some lunch at a local diner around here. She didn't ride her bicycle around but is instead walking, taking in the sights around here. The last time she really walked around here was when she is only 10 years old. It was clear as day like this, eating vanilla lavender ice cream and when night comes, stars fall down the sky like sapphires of the night. That is one of the most fondest memories that she always vividly remembered at that time, but of course, with the death of her father, things start to shift between the family. Her own mother forbid Granny Lou to not visit the young Violet and there spoke ill fated things about her grandmother that she has come to love and look up. With these resentments, comes with the consequences at hand. Violet became disobedient to her mother and it can only strain their relationship, the tipping point when she sent her away to Montana, to be with her grandmother, such irony.

Violet tried to contact her mother every other day, but it's always going through voicemail, much to her dismay. She always questioned that if the sayings that her mom said were true and to tell that truth is by asking Granny Lou if these accusations are true. Then she looked at a contemporary diner, it still there after all of those years. She headed there and the waitress sat me down at the table.

Violet looked at the menu and found to what she likes. She signal the waitress, with pen and paper at hand. " I would like a medium rare filet mignon and a glass of your merlot." she frankly said. The waitress nodded and said, "your food will be here in 20 minutes." She replied back making Violet nod.

She placed her papers on the table and examined everything in sight that she has. The merlot came in swiftly and Violet said her gratitude, going back to what she was doing before the food comes in. A whiff of the scent is bitter and quite fruity, and a sip of the red euphoria. A bitter taste that lingered on as she read the story.

"I can't seem to get my mind off of the mysterious pen person of 'The Protector,'" The journal entry started off, "and the figure of the man outside my window, along with such intoxicating smell, that I cannot remove off my mind."

Violet turned the page, "I didn't have any sleep from thinking about the mystery man, I have work, I hope to get through the day without sleeping on the job."

(POV Althea)

I made some breakfast, toast and pork and beans for today, too tired to cook any real food for myself. After breakfast, I cleaned up my plate and got ready for work today. I looked at my closet and grabbing my fitted sweater and woolen dark brown skirt. It's almost nearing summer, so needing a jacket in a time like this would have to be placed in my storage box.

I tied my hair with proficiency into a tight chignon like yesterday and looked through a box of jewelry, which are some from gifts of suitors trying to marry me back then. I was much too shocked before when they give me jewelry but in the end of the day, I would have to break their hearts but it was for the best really. Then I thought about wearing the pearl earrings and necklace for today, they look quite flattering on me actually. I tried it on myself easily putting around my neck twice and paring it with these pearl earrings.

I did my final evaluation to myself and affirmed that this is how I am getting myself to work. I grabbed my purse and take a final look if I haven't left anything that I may have forgotten. When I was about to open the door, I was ready to punch someone, when Chelsea came into the door. "Good morning Althea." She happily greeted. "Hey there, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Silly, we are walking together to work," she replied back, "and at the same time, I was looking around the apartments around here." I laughed at the comment and we headed out to the apartment complex. As we exit the building, the humid air hits my whole body. "My I didn't know it could get this humid here." I exclaimed. "It's the smoke around the factories and car smoke here, I bet you aren't used back in Montana." She replied back to my exclamation.

"Oh yes, Montana is all clear skies and no dirty smoke. I don't think you could see the sky from here." I can chuckled and then looking up the sky, you could only see the smoke up in the air, a color gray almost black in that matter. "So where were you last night? I heard that you did some vendetta mission on your own." Chelsea questioned, and I was of course, can't reveal anything to anyone except to the people involved. (For instance like Edward.)

"You know Chelsea, I'll just have to say that I went somewhere not too far around the neighborhood, to do some sightseeing." I frankly replied back, not wanting to sugarcoat any further than it should be. "You sure about that? I saw Edward coming in with lipstick marks on his shirt, cheek and neck, wondering that he's going to a club around here, maybe doing something that he is not supposed to do." She said. I tried to ignore what Chelsea said, but she added on that that lipstick is exactly like the color what was shown from yesterday.

"Maybe the color shade is different." I simply said. When arriving the station, it was much more hectic than my first day on the job. "This is a long day for you today." She whispered in my ear. I sighed and waved goodbye to Chelsea for now, this would be a very exhaustive day.

I ascended up the stairs, 2nd and then third floor, to be much too chaotic. I quietly sat down on my work table and immediately got myself to work, typing away for the reports of what happened to Jennifer and her testimonies. I have to give this to the lead prosecutor handling this case but of course, I have no idea who the prosecutor is.

So once I finished up with the statements, I asked around the office who is the lead prosecutor and of course, they always say that I am pretty stupid to be asking and I have to figure it out for myself. I can sigh in frustration and then that leaves me with Edward Dean. I knocked on the door and there was some silence. I am much too impatient, when I swung the door, I found him holding a girl in his arms.

I shrieked in surprise and Edward is also surprised too. "Is that your girlfriend?" The lady questioned, which made Edward nod no, "she's my co worker, there's nothing to worry about." He had the audacity to try to hold her hand after what I witnessed just now.The lady rolled her eyes at him and flat out left the office. Still confused and extremely dazed with what happened, I didn't really realized that he was calling my name.

"Althea, why did you just barge in here, don't you know how to knock?" He questioned stupidly making me sigh at to what he is asking. "I knocked at the door once and that is enough for someone to wait a little and open the damn door, I don't fucking expect to be knocking the whole day." I retorted back. There was no one talking and I looked back to see that everyone is looking at us, well mostly me. Edwards closed the door behind us and crosses his arms. "You know, that attitude of yours has to be toned down especially in work place like this. I can see in your eyes that you are very passionate with the work and trying to solve this case, but sometimes you have to follow protocol." He explained.

I can only stare at him as he rambled on that I almost lost myself in what he is saying. Once his mouth stopped moving, I can only sigh in relief, now the question that I have been dreading. "The reason I was here is that I'm wondering who is the lead prosecutor in for the death of Irene Adiamak." I said.

He gave out an obnoxious laugh, the thing that can only irate me even more. "I am the lead prosecutor in this case, doll." I was much to bewildered, "Lead prosecutor? Are you joking with me?" I realized what Chief Traver said that he's a prosecutor, I was not paying attention to that one little detail about him.

Edward again, gave a hearty laugh again, that I can't seem to get it off my mind. "Doll, I studied double major in philosophy and law, until I finished law school in Harvard." I have my brow cocked up in surprise, double major, I would be stressed out, let alone doing double major in anything. I hesitated to give the papers to Edward, "don't worry, I'm quite a great debater and know how to win." He winked at me, making me flashing him in disgust. I gave my paper to him and walked out of his office, returning back to my desk.

I was doing my own thing for the rest of the day, and when lunch came around, I saw Chelsea waving at me in the stairs. I sighed, as I put my stuff on the desk, with my keys at hand. I grabbed my bag and headed down, accompanying Chelsea.

"I heard that you have an attitude problem with Edward." She whispered in my ear, making me roll my eyes. "Well, I saw him with a woman, his hands wrapped around her waist. I don't want to think about what they are going to do next." I replied back, removing that thought off of my mind, such dirty illustrations on my mind.

Chelsea can only sigh, as if she isn't surprised with what I said, "he is very much well known and for a wrong reason too. Sure he is a law abiding man, serving the public as a detective and prosecutor. But people over shadow him as a lady's man," I listened to her intently to what she is saying, "who can resist him, intelligent, courteous and passionate man."

I didn't protest anymore from Chelsea, that I would just have to accept that I cannot change of the deep fondness of Edward, hell they would make a better couple if she thinks so highly of him. We headed to the local general store and bought a simple sandwich to make my stomach full. "So since you have moved here from Albany, have you been shopping something for yourself?" Chelsea questioned.

"Oh well, I haven't been shopping for clothes, the last time i bought clothes around 1916." I replied back, making her a gape in surprise, "Lord have mercy on my soul, have not shopped around for clothes for that long?! This is a new decade, you have to keep up with the trends of the future. Tomorrow we are going shopping at one of the most popular districts in all of Manhattan! Of course it's payday today and you have your first cheque as an intern detective, why not spend your money on it."

Now that I think about it, a nice change for once to get new clothes for myself then. We finished up with our lunch and headed back to work. "How did I not notice this right away, but your necklace and earrings too, they are to die for," Chelsea complimenting my jewelry, "tell me, where did you get that?"

"A good friend gave it to me." I replied back, smiling at myself. Now arriving to the police department and they went their separate ways. I went up the stairs and continued on with my work, looking through Irene's files at the file room. "Irene Adiamak," I muttered her name quietly, "where are you?" At first, I could not find any record of Irene Adiamak, I just could not find her name, not on this record. I scratched my head in frustration, something is not right, I knew from prior knowledge that she used to go to jail here for petty theft, surely they would have some kind of paperwork.

"Are you done looking around intern?" They questioned and I didn't realized that I kept them waiting. I stood up, "I'm sorry to keep y'all waiting." I got up and took my leave heading to my desk. I was tapping my pen on the desk and I had this realization that someone threw that files to the trash. No, that can't be, maybe they mistake it for something else but it seems to be the most plausible. I sighed when I opened up my desk, to find my drawers to be opened. That's weird, did I forget to lock the drawer, but they didn't take anything inside.

I took my gun from the drawer and other personal objects, and decided to have my own investigation. I immediately closed the drawer and locked it all up, before slipping away from the department. I went to the camera booth to find Philip working hard as ever. "Hey Philip," I called out his name making him look at my direction, "do me a big favor for me?"

"Say the favor and I will do it free of charge." He replied back to my comment, making me giggle. "I don't know if you remember the name of Irene Adiamak? I looked around for her files for a very a long time there, it just felt like it disappeared out of oblivion." I explained, making him stroke his forehead, recounting the memories in his mind. "Irene Adiamak? I did remember taking a picture of her, charged for petty theft if my memory serves me right. I have extra copy here, not really contains anything that might have anything detailed like the one from upstairs, but I do hope it serves a purpose." Philip handed the files over to me and I opened them up.

It was dated on January 23, 1920, so six months ago. And I looked around the updated files and said she was murdered and the cause of this murder, loss of blood from a bullet wound, which they are wrong about it. I looked around that might be of interest and saw her address, 43rd Avenue, Mott Haven, New York City, isn't one of the most dangerous parts of New York. I took a mental note of this and gave it back to Phillip which a graciously thanked him so much.

I exited out the camera booth, all the way to the entrance of the department. I remember that there is this services of yellow cars, that can take you to town. I waited around for 5 minutes for any car that had the description of yellow on it and wouldn't you know it, I saw one. I waved at them feverishly, that they stopped completely, opening up the door. "Where are we heading to mein Fräulein?" (young lady.) The driver questioned in his deep German. "43rd Avenue, Mott Haven." I replied back. "I'll take you there in a flash mein Fräulein." The old driver sweetly at me, making me smile back.

"You're from Germany?" I questioned in German. "Nein mein Fräulein, I'm from Basel, Switzerland. Are you German?" He asked back. "Yes, my father is half German and French, but my mother is Filipino." I replied back.

"You're good with German mein Fräulein! I bet you would be great at French and Filipino too!" He exclaimed. "Yep, I am quite proficient in all three languages." I said. We continued to talk about our little life stories, and finally introduced himself as Bernard Becker. We finally arrived at 43rd Avenue and I sighed in worry. "Mein fraulein, if you want to get a ride, here is my phone number, it's a great discount since you're a friendly woman," he said in German, "take care of yourself."

"I will Mr. Becker, take good care of yourself." I replied back. I closed the car door and he drove off, leaving me with a sinister feeling at the pit of my stomach. I took a breath and let it all out in the air, "just pray to the lord that he protects me." I said to myself. I asked around the neighborhood if they knew where Irene lived but they didn't say anything to her. But then I reached to this particular home and cautioned myself to enter inside.

I was greeted by roaches crawling around on the rotted floors and a pungent smell of feces and trash overpowered my nose. I have to venture forth to get the answers, even though in these conditions like this. I asked around again and told me that her family are residing at the upstairs complex. "I have to warn you dear, that place is a messy place to be in." They said, making me nod in for the warning. I cautiously took a step and heard a loud creak coming from the staircase, making me quiver in anxiety.

Slowly going up the stairs, until I reached the third floor and the person who told me is quite right, it's messy but this was far a clean and be done with it, no, it was far too worse. This is by far the worse conditions that they are currently living and they are not doing anything to get this fixed, or give them a decent space for them to be living. This is the third time now asking around of where Irene's parents lived and the literal answer is they don't know where they live.

I felt all hope is lost, when I saw a woman looking at me, her brows furrowed. She starts to walk up to me, with her arms cross. "I heard people around here that you are looking for me." She said in a deep Polish questioned. "And who you might be?" I asked.

"I am Irene's mother, did something happened to her?" She said. I took a big gulp, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, especially when it comes to her parents. "Can you take me to your home, I think it is better to tell what happened to your daughter." I explained, making her nod with my explanation. I followed her to the complex, where there's four boys inside the complex. Mrs. Adiamak closed the door behind me and yelled at her children to what I assume to behave themselves when they stopped what they are doing and stayed silent. The complex is much immaculate unlike the corridors were dark and masked with this lingering pungent smell.

"Why are you asking where I live, do you know what happened to my Irene?" She questioned. I again took a deep sigh, ready to open up the bad news. "Your daughter has been found," I started off, which she held my hand with so much optimism and hope that everything would be fine, "but I'm so sorry Mrs. Adiamak, your daughter is dead."

I felt her eyes all go down like block of toys, "dead? It can't be?" Her hands starts to tremor uncontrollably, and all of the sudden, a mother's scorn that her daughter died was suddenly raged on with such vigor of anger and misery. She hugged me tightly as I felt tears was felt in my clothes, and a loud groan that followed through. "Do you know who killed her or where her body is?" She questioned.

"We found her body at a apartment complex, of where I live and we have found who did it. That's why I wanted to look for you so I could interview you so we could ask the last time you saw your daughter." I explained, which she took a deep sigh of relief.

"Are you working for the police," she questioned, making me nod at the question, "you're a great one then. You went through all the trouble for looking at me to breaking the news for me. Bless your soul child." She gave me a kiss on my hand and I gave a small smile at her.

Mrs. Adiamak explained to me that the last time she saw Irene is when she's at home at this very home, two weeks ago, stating that she's found a job in the city, that would pay lots of money, to provide for the family. "Ever since then I didn't hear anything from my dear Irene, I only thought that she was busy, so I didn't bother her, but when Saturday came around, not here as she told me that her arrival is that morning. I went to the Police station to report that my daughter is missing and said that they would look into it and ever since then, nothing came out out of it."

I took some key notes of what Mrs. Adiamak said, that could make the prosecution much stronger for this case. Night was nearing now and finishing up with the testimonies now, but for some reason, I can't seem to be on my way now. I always reflected upon a grieving mother, will my mother ever be like this? No I can't be thinking like that, you can't for certain, I won't die right?

"I'll have to go now Mrs. Adiamak, I will give you the phone number, if you have anything that you need or information, please do call me or go to the station and just say my name." I said, handing out a piece of paper to her. She can only nod in understandingly and then I headed out for the night. I was back to the dirty and the pungent smell hits me back clearly hard. It was a full moon and that was the only thing that is lighting up this whole neighborhood. I paced myself to get myself out of there and possibly get home safely, I should've done this in a tomorrow morning but of course, it's better to get myself the answer needed instead of later.

I walked to the dim light post and then my breath is in sync with my heart. Then i had this sense in me, a hint that someone is watching in the shadows. I stopped myself to take a deep breath, and continue on with the walk, surely I was imagining myself, there's nothing to worry now. Then I heard footsteps coming from the back of me, one step and leads to 6 steps and in my mind, there three people following. I don't know what do they want from me, but I have pace faster, hoping that they would lose sight of me, but all of the sudden.

"Finally got you." they whispered, now holding my wrists and now ganging up on me. I tried to break away from their grips and I have no idea what they want from me. "What you did with the brothel there was the very bold of you to sneak your slimy way in there and reported to have it raided," they explained to me, "since you caused this much trouble, he wants you dead!" They displayed their menacing laugh and I felt my anger rising through my face, that I spit them in their face. Of course, I rebuked them and punched me in the face. I was helpless, too helpless like a child to do anything for themselves. I saw their filthy hands about to touch me, I saw an opportunity that didn't know what they are aware of and break away from their grip.

Quickly grabbing my clutch and running for my life, I hear multiple steps following me and I have no clue where to go next. Adrenaline was fueling in my system, grabbing my gun in my clutch and attempting to shoot them but it didn't fire back. I soon realized that when I came back from my lunch break that someone had looked through my desk and possibly, disarmed my gun. This thought alone, made me trip down a concrete. I felt the pain in my feet and I knew that life flashed upon me, is this the end of the world for me.

I felt my body rising up, is this my soul going up the sky and maybe to heaven. My hands instinctively went up to my eyes and it was not my hands. This hand feels so familiar, that I tried to remove this hand from me. "Don't remove your hand my Palumba." A deep pulsating whispered to my ear and my body froze in place, his voice is so familiar, where did I hear this voice.

Before I could talk, the roars of guns fired back and all I can do is just stay quiet and my eyes closed. I don't know why but I held tightly to his hand and for some reason, I felt some kind of comfort, as if I've known him for a very long time. Silence sets in, and I opened my eyes to see that all six men in total are on the scene. I looked around for the mysterious savior, and I stepped onto something quite soft. Picking it up from the ground, it was a small pouch and upon opening it, bullet casings, a single gardenia flower and a letter in it.

"It was a stroke of danger and I am glad that I came at the right time before it was too late," it started off, "be careful around these parts of New York, though you may think you are safe as you have the law by your side and skills, you are certainly wrong. Trust less with who you work and always be vigilant. Your gun is not loaded too, make sure it's always loaded, I can't always be there for you, Palumba."

I took a deep sigh and then looked through my clutch and my gun is still intact. I sighed deeply and was ready to go to the phone booth, when I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I looked back it was Edward, looking at something in the distance.


It was nearing night already and Violet has stayed the restaurant the whole day. She looked at the clock, it was almost 9 at night and few people are coming out to have some fun, unlike in San Francisco. She packed up her things and headed out of the restaurant, getting herself now home.

Violet noticed that a such small town like this, it feels like it hasn't been doing it's part to maintain it. Lights aren't working much that and concrete sidewalks that are broken. Nonetheless, she continued to move forward, as the cold breeze swept over her long black brown hair.All seems well when.


Violet stopped her bicycle and looked around behind her, left and right of her. Her heart starts to gain momentum, well as if she is at a high stakes horseback riding. She tried to destroy that mind off of her, that maybe someone dropped something, which could've contributed to the loud booming sound. "Deep breaths Violet," she muttered, "you've been reading Althea's journal too much now."

That assurance died down when she heard three rounds of what she heard to be gunshots. Her mind started to race, should she check out where the sound is coming from. "Why the fuck would you think of that?" Her mind yelled for her stupidity. Much to her judgement Violet investigated the sounds,which in turn could potentially be a dangerous affair.

She slowly followed the sound and then her eyes widened when she saw a murder happening. Violet can't believe what she witnessed, and has to tell the police. She quickly took a picture of the scene and immediately left, looking around her surroundings, just in case if she is being followed.

"Where are you going to?" A deep mysterious questioned. I looked up and he had the most sinister smirk on his face. Violet's eyes widened in fear and has no idea what her next step is. "Do you want me to tell you where I live?" She questioned. His laugh was menacing and is now fearing for what comes after her choice. That's when all of the sudden, not only a single drop of adrenaline, she pushed the tall man out of the way and ran to her bicycle, escaping at the pitch darkness.

Violet's breathing is pacing more as her legs start to wear her down. "Keep pushing V, you life is in danger and I have no clue how long it takes for me to survive." Her mind is motivating her to keep going and never looking back. What kind of scuffle to the point that someone would take someone's life.

Then she has this idea but it might be a stretch, as Violet is not familiar with the town that much. So she turned right and they went up a hill and afterwards, turning left, where she see a single brightly lit lamppost. Finally she gave all of her might that would reach the light, it was almost there, just more pedal to the power.

But then she saw someone at that lamppost, making Violet almost fall off her bicycle. She felt her heart rise up the sky, she has no clue if it was a friend or foe. Then a puff of smoke came out from the brightly lit lamppost, which made her stop completely in her tracks. She can't really trust anyone in this situation so she tried to go on her way, despite that this is her chance.

But all of the sudden, shots were fired and this time, the lights of houses lit up to see what the commotion is going on. Violet looked back and saw the chaos that ensued, flashed of yellow ember that emits from their pistols, it was a frightening sight. Then an old lady came out of the house and signaled Violet to come in, cover from the warm shelter of home.

Guns roared loudly and Violet was much to shocked of what happened that night, that she didn't bother to thank the kind old lady who let her in, knowing that she is risking her life to saving her. Then the sounds of the guns and she hoped that it's the last. She looked up to the old lady holding the phone and it was Chelsea Hock. "Mrs. Hock!" Violet stood up, but Mrs.Hock puts her delicate yet strong hands on her shoulder, commanding her to sit down.

"Are you alright dear? What were you doing this late at night?" She questioned, making her sigh, "well I was eating at a restaurant and I was reading a story of Althea and wouldn't you know it, it was already dark now." Violet explained, but nothing can come out of her mouth afterwards, the only thing that repeats in her mind is repetition of the present thing that happened to this night. The questioned remained in her, who are the people who are killed the poor man and why does it feel like that the mysterious person would be around for a while?


Edward was looking through the paper report that was made earlier by Althea and was much too impressed with how it looks. He placed it on his drawer and locked it up tightly. He grabbed his beige tailored jacket and his hat, looking the door behind him for him to do more investigation.

As he got out of his office, he saw something quite suspicious going on. "Hey!" He yelled to the people looking through on of the unknown work desk. "What are you doing?"

Two of the men stood up instinctively, "oh we were working on this desk, they commissioned it to someone." His brow cocked up in suspicion, "really? I would like your names here, just in case if I want you to fix with my desk" Edward emphasized the 'fix' with his desk and they wrote down their names in a piece of paper and he went off to do his own thing.

He headed down to the file room, to look through the file of Irene Adiamak, and to his surprise, he found her files. Edward opened up the files and saw that she was arrested 23rd of January 1920, six months ago for petty theft. He examined through and found that she lives in 43rd Avenue, Mott Haven, that's in the Bronx.

Edward grabbed the files and then headed on out to the front door, where he was greeted by an officer out on front. "Good day Mr. Dean, taking your car?" Officer Palmer questioned. "Yes, I'll be taking my leave to have a lovely lunch." Edward replied back, Palmer giving his keys. Before he could enter his car, he whispered to him to keep an eye on the two boys. "I will Mr. Dean." He said back. Edward can only sigh, as he entered his Mercedes Benz white car, a marvel to see when they see him drive by.

As he started his engine, he looked his parents portraits and touched the rosary from his little compartment and said his prayers as he drove to not a lovely lunch, but a drive to Mott Haven, searching for where Irene Adiamak lived. Edward was far too impressed with what Althea displayed yesterday, sure she was a bit of a teapot to work with but he can see in her that she has the fire that she possessed and that's what he liked about her.

It took 30 minutes to reach Mott Haven, the most dangerous neighborhood in all of New York, and it was foolish of him to take his grand car in these parts, as when asking around the people, people all turned a blind eye or try to avoid him. Even when he asked where they lived, it's always the answer of, "I don't know," or "Never seen her before."

Edward can only sigh in defeat, "I'll try tomorrow." his mind said, as he entered his car, returning back to the precinct,checking up with Plan B. He tried to identify who the man is with Irene Adiamak, so he went back to New York City General Hospital and once again looked through his face, that might be in anyway have a certain scars that he bore. But none to avail, so the next resort is asking the coroner.

"Mr. Dean!" Dr. Blight exclaimed upon seeing Edward. "What are you doing here in this fine day back?"

"I'll just have to cut to the chase, Dr. Blight, but I would like to inquire about the man who died, do you have any records of him?" Edward asked. Dr. Blight stroked his chin and has looked through some files in his drawers. He gave the files for Edward to look over and nodded at what he sees, finally found the name that he is looking for two days straight, Arnold Smith.

Name: Arnold Smith.

Gender: Male.

Age: 24

Date of Birth: Unknown.

Cause of Death: Gunshot wound in the chest and head.

Address: 51st Avenue, Brownsville, New York City.

Edward wrote it down in his little notepad for the address, "can I take the files?" he questioned, making Dr. Blight nod no, "you know by now that when looking through the files with me, stays here."

"I get it Dr. Blight, I won't take it from you sir." He got up from his seat and shook hands, thanking for the great service and headed on out his way. Once out of the hospital, he was bombarded with reporters, asking how long the case would last, who are the suspects and finally who are the witnesses testifying in court. "Sorry, I can't really disclose to you who will be there for court. I would like to say that we have two credible witnesses who will be in court and we have our own theories of who killed these two innocent victims." He replied back to press.

Then it came to the most sensationalized stories that every viewer wants to know about the alluring Edward George Dean. "Mr. Dean, there's been a rumors circulating that you are seeing other women in a brothel back in Paris? Is that true?"

"Mr.Dean are you still seeing Madame Florencia back in Turin?" Edward gave his hearty laugh to the reporters asking, "well gentlemen, how did you get this story quickly?"

All of the other reporters laughed along with him, "to answer that, I am not seeing other women in brothels but I have been socializing with beautiful Parisians and the matter of Madame Florencia, we are only very close friends,and nothing in between." Reporters started to bombard again with other questions of his personal life, as he drove away back to the police department. When arriving he went up the stairs to go up to Althea.

It was already night and he is looking through for her but she wasn't there, until lunch time. He asked around his co workers in where she is but said nothing. He wondered if she went home already, so he called her apartment complex, to no avail, she didn't call back. He was getting a little worried now, going down the stairs to Chelsea.

"Hey Chelsea," he called her name out, "have you seen Althea?" She looked at him, "She went somewhere. Did she not tell you?"

Edward sighed, "No, I was wondering if she told you where she went." He cursed himself, how can she go without him telling her where she is going. "Try asking Philip, I saw her went inside the photo booth." She suggested making Edward running to the booth, to see Philip leaving for the day.

"Philip!" Edward exclaimed, making him turn around. "Have you seen Althea around? Chelsea told me that she went here." His voice was much panicked, the first time he has ever been this under the pressure, unlike his down to earth attitude. "Yeah, she went through here asking for any extra files at hand because apparently it wasn't there." Philip explained.

"She went through the address of Irene Adiamak, fuck, I need to pick her up immediately." He thanked Phillip and now ran to his car, it was a race against time. Then traffic struck badly and honked the horn as loud as he can, just to get some kind of attention from people in front.

He looked at his watch and it was already 8 o'clock at night, the twilight of the most dangerous sprawling to some of the most dangerous people that would have ever existed in this city, the devil himself would be feared to what despicable act that she would get herself into. The dim lights didn't help much as he tried to examine any figure of her walking. Then he heard a muffled gunshot sounds into the distance, making him stop what his car and parked it at the side, obscure from the sight of anyone trying to carjack him.

Edward grabbed his gun from underneath the passenger seat and it was fully loaded. He removed his jacket as the summer air has made his body feverishly sweat. As he got closer to the sight, the sounds are more profound and he thought for the worse, maybe she is caught in the crossfires of a gang fight. He tried to get that negative thoughts off of him as he ventured forth to what it felt to him forever.

Then he saw an open wide street with many men dead on the floor, mentally counting to how many are they. In total it was 9 men dead and he has no idea who did it. Then all of the sudden he saw a woman on the phone booth and it felt familiar, "Althea?" Edward called her name out. The mysterious figure stopped what was doing and looked back, to his surprise and relief, she was alive. He was about to ran up to the dazed Althea, until he saw a figure of a man, with a cigarette on his mouth, a smirk on his face. Though it was brief meeting, his facial features was very prominent, black hair accompanied with his deep sunken black eyes and the light post illuminated his semi pale olive skin. He tipped his hat as he entered his black car.