Ok... so I'm gonna talk about some things.
First off, this fic is definitely over. It wasn't planned at all. Like, I had the idea for maybe a week and did nothing with it, then I sat down and immediately started putting words to paper. I didn't make a timeline, I didn't really plan out the OC, and a whole host of other things. Also, I completely burned myself out writing this. This was my very first fic and writing project. I had no experience with dialogue, action, pacing, or anything at all really. I'm sorry to say but this fic was over before it even started. So, yeah, this fic is over completely.
I neglected to let any of y'all know and for this, I apologize.
Continuing on, I still love writing. I have a pretty hefty note on my phone with every idea I've had since starting this one. Some are fics, some are originals, and others are just scenarios I wanna see happen. I've yet to actually expand on any of them and they're becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore. So maybe, in the near future, I'll release a new fic and it'll definitely be more planned out.
Next, I want to thank y'all. some people have been very kind with their words and defense of this fic. It means a lot and, while I'm not an overly sentimental person, with all my heart I thank you.
let us next talk about the new fic. Currently, I have an mha fic floating around in my head that is banging on the walls to be let out. I'm certainly going to be doing a lot more planning and detail work before I write anything at all. I cannot and will not do what I did to this fic to any other fic again. I hated doing it and seeing people still comment about wanting more because it didn't feel right to me. So, new mha fic, with a lot more planning and hopefully a more elegant execution within the near future. Marvel is still one of my favorite worlds to write about purely because of how expansive and open-ended it is, so don't count on never seeing another marvel fic ever. After all, marvel takes up most of my note ideas.
In conclusion, this fic is over, sorry, I still have ideas, thank you to everyone, and a new fic is being planned. Sorry, this note was everywhere. Truthfully, this message was a spur-of-the-moment action too and I just couldn't wait any longer.
Stay safe everyone and thanks for reading! :)