Chapter 2 Opening Festival




After meeting the representatives of the monsters living in the Great Jura Forest,

the talk with the representing group from the Western Nations went smoothly as

well. There were many more details to discuss in the future, but the ideas brought

up in our discussion were a good start.

Last night we held a rare founding eve celebration. The event concluded

peacefully with the various attendances from guests all over the continent.

I was very satisfied. I seemed to only have to talk to people I'd been

acquainted with in the past yesterday. In terms of actual agreements and

demands, I ordered Rigurd and Myourmiles to document all of them. They even

stopped guests in secret to prevent them from chatting with me.

Very impressive. They're truly men I can count on.

To be honest, had someone directly negotiated with me, there was a good

chance that I'd screw up and end up getting myself lumped into something I

shouldn't have. If that were the case, we could have been held accountable for

something in the future. Their buffer-zone really helped me out.

That being said, if I am able to establish good relationships with other nations

in the future, I wouldn't really mind helping 'em out a bit… But for now, it's best

we act with caution until we can ascertain their true nature.

I couldn't just roll over and simply acquiesce to their requests.

Regardless, right now we were still lacking in manpower. We still had tons of

work left to do even after we concluded the festivities. There were a lot of pending

issues to attend to.

Practicality aside, even if we were to moderate and establish relevant

departments, we still wouldn't have had enough people to fit in administrative

roles. And I couldn't just pile on more work for the existing people either, or else

they truly would be busy forever.

Rigurd and Myourmiles far exceeded my expectations. Their due diligence on

all the work I assigned them had at times caused me to be a bit over-reliant on

them. I also invited them over last night, despite things being hectic as they were,

causing them to lose some sleep. I need to avoid becoming dependent on them—

this was my conclusion I reached following the emergency meeting we had last


As such, I had decided to take on some responsibility as the ruler of this nation

and do my best to receive the guests.

The Founding Festival of Tempest would be held today, under a sky as clear as


Even if it rains, I'll just blow the clouds away, I thought to myself.

This was the capital of the Monster Kingdom, Rimuru, a city crowned with my

own name. The location was the meeting hall in the center of the northern district,

where most political institutions resided.

I glanced down upon the people gathered below. The streets leading to the

meeting hall were packed to the brim. They were once unruly monsters, but they

were now my citizens and regarded as demi-humans.

The majins from all over the Jura Great Forest had congregated here before

me. With them were also merchants from neighboring nations as well as

adventurers bodyguarding them.

Moreover, there were also peasants that came for the festival. From what I

saw below, the total population here numbered over one hundred thousand, and

we had become a huge melting pot of races. A sense of fulfillment gradually filled

my heart as I realized that we had finally achieved a kingdom where humans and

monsters could peacefully coexist—feels good man.

Next, it was about time. I stood up and held the microphone in my hand.

"Everyone, I… I mean, I *royal sounding*…I am the Demon Lord Rimuru…"

Umm, whatever goes. This is too troublesome.

To me, delivering a serious speech was not only just a difficult task, but also a

burdensome responsibility. That's why I decided to just put forth my honest


"I am Demon Lord Rimuru, and it's nice to meet you all. Well—thank you all

for coming to my kingdom upon invitation. I am very pleased. Although for some

of you guys it might be your first time visiting, please rest at ease. While it is

indeed a fact that I have become the new demon lord, I have no intention of

antagonizing humans. I simply wish to build a kingdom where everyone can live

in harmony. As opposed to fighting each other, I believe humans and monsters

should cooperate. I believe only in this way can we build a better future."

I observed everyone's reaction as I continued my speech. It seemed that

everyone was intently hanging onto my every word. This not only applied to

citizens of our kingdom, but also to the peasants that came for the celebration. I


"Some may be wary of the fact that I am a demon lord. While this sense of

caution is understandable, I hope everyone would put trust into your genuine

feelings. I won't force you to accept my views. It would certainly be pleasant if you

were to find me trust-worthy, but even if you are not willing to trust me, it is

something that cannot be helped. Trust is not built overnight, but rather through

persistent communication in the future, which is a conclusion that I shall not rush


As the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Things like trust need to be

nurtured over time. However, how the people interpreted my message was entirely

up to them. Next, I addressed the royal ruling classes:

"Fellow nobles gathered today, I hope that you will relay what you see and

hear here today honestly when you return to your respective nations. Some

kingdoms have already established diplomatic ties with us. Even if you can't put your faith in us, will you not find those nations trust-worthy? I hope that you will

not be prejudiced simply for the fact that I am a monster and a demon lord."

With that being said, this wasn't something they could determine by

themselves. It had to be a decision made by the nation as a whole. What everyone

thought here wasn't that big of a deal, but… I still wanted to believe that there was

some use to say these things.

But I'll need to give them a fair warning, so we don't end up with a Farmus


"I won't wage war against you simply for the fact that you did not cooperate

with us, but if you treat us unfairly due to our monster status, or attack us with

the intention of invading: that is something we absolutely will not tolerate. I figure

that everyone here has an idea about what I'm talking about after seeing what

happened to the Farmus Kingdom."

These were my genuine thoughts as well. Perhaps some would consider me as

a threat for doing so, but those were just my honest opinions. I disliked war, but

if anyone dared to invade our kingdom, I would retaliate without hesitation. An

indecisive ruler will only bring about harm, especially for innocent civilians.

After all, ensuring the lives and properties of our citizens was the responsibility

of the state. It was my primary objective to protect, and that included friendly

monsters as well as future immigrants. A world without military conflict was

nothing but an idealistic dream. A citizen had every freedom and right to dream

about peace and prosperity, but that wasn't a luxury rulers could afford. They

needed to always be on their feet, ready to handle any situation that may arise.

This was the bare minimum for a nation to function. That was my justification for

the speech I just delivered to the higher-class guests.

And to wrap it all up—

"Whether you're a merchant, adventurer, or peasant, I swear not to lay my

hands on common civilians. But that does not apply to criminals. Our country is

lacking in manpower. As such, there are plenty of jobs available, so anyone who

wishes to fill an empty role can consider immigrating. Naturally, with more people

come more opportunities. Here, you will have freedom of speech and the ability to

choose the occupation that you desire. But even so, please speak and act

responsibly. If you are still interested in our nation after my speech, please

consider my proposition. There are all sorts of events planned for our nation in the

future as well. Today's Tempest Founding Festival is but the first debut project.

With that being said, I hope everyone will have fun!"

After that promotional message to the commoners, my speech concluded.

Was that a bit too on the nose?

Oh well, I didn't really mind. I was just a clerk working nine-to-five in my

previous life, which is why my speech was nowhere near as eloquent as those

delivered by kings and nobles despite my quick rise to fame.

But, even with that being the case—

The crowd exploded into deafening cheers. My citizens aside, even the visitors

were in an uproar. Although there must also be people who still had their suspicions, most people were willing to trust me and put their faith in this nation.

That would do for now. It would be odd to have complete trust from the get-go.

Our heartfelt thoughts had been delivered to everyone. All that's left was to see

their reactions.

And so, with my speech, the Tempest Nation Founding Festival was officially



After the speech, I made my way to the main hall on the ground floor. The children

had finished dressing up and gathered there.

"Sensei turns out to be the king of this country?"

Hmm? Did I not mention it?

"So, you didn't know, Kenya? Since you are now aware of my greatness, it's

never too late to show me a tad bit more respect."

"What did I—"

"Yes—! I respect sensei a great deal!"

As I was teasing Kenya, Alice interrupted and hugged me. Chloe followed up

with a "Me too—!" and similarly sprung on me.

I smiled, patting both their heads before gently pushing them away. The two

seemed rather displeased since, after all, I only had one body. They'd just have to

suck it up for now before they started arguing amongst themselves.

"Speaking of which, this is quite a surprising turn of events. Just yesterday I

was guessing whether sensei was a king or not…" Gale said as Ryota nodded in


"Ahh, this whole king thing was after I parted ways with you all. By the way, I

have been really busy lately."

"R-right… Of course, you'd be really busy after becoming a king…"

Kenya still looked very pissed, but at least it seemed he was willing to forgive

me a little.

"Then, sensei, will we not have any more chances to see you again in the


"Hmm—I'll check on you guys when I have the time. Don't be fooled by my

appearance! My king status is only in name."

"Tsk, what's that supposed to mean? Are you great or not?? Make up your

mind!! Seriously…"

I attempted to comfort the complaining Kenya before giving all of them a

couple words of caution.

"Listen well now, you guys will undoubtedly be very excited to join in on the

festivities, and as a result you may easily go out of control. Don't get over your

heads and stay out of trouble!"

" " "Alright!" " "

They're quite the lively bunch today.

"Did you bring your handkerchief, napkin, and that necklace?"

" " "Of course we did!" "

These brats sure answer fast. It's probably better to find someone to

accompany them, but all my subordinates had their hands full. Diablo was busy

refereeing at the Colosseum. Hakurou had a date with Momiji, and Benimaru was

my bodyguard.

"Are you sure you want to give the chance to date Momiji to Hakurou?"

"Please give me a break, it's all too soon for me…"

Benimaru seemed to be dodging the question. Fine then. I guess only time can


Shuna should be running the cafe, Shion also seemed to be occupied with

something as well and has been missing all morning. While this fact alone brings

me great unease, I want to cling to the faint hope that everything will be fine.

Souei will be covertly keeping watch over the town. He'll inform me if something

happens. Souei's men will be keeping an eye on the kids, so I guess there's no

need to worry too much—

"What's the matter? Something troubling you?"

As I was in the midst of contemplating how it was never good to overthink

things, someone suddenly interrupted my train of thought.

It was Hinata. Hinata was standing there in casual attire with a saber sheathed

on her belt. She was wearing a navy-blue sleeveless dress which occasionally

allowed for glimpses of her armpits and chest, giving off an indescribably erotic

allure. Moreover, the saber strapped on her belt accentuated her slim waist

Ahhh, what a pleasant sight.

While I wanted to appreciate her body a little bit more, Hinata's icy gold glare

shut down my hopes. I gave a dry cough to get through with it.

"Eh, sensei!"

"Who is this?"

Alice and Chloe warily asked after seeing my expression.

"Her name is Hinata. She's the powerhouse that fought me to a draw."

"Huh—? This old hag managed to—"

Kenya was only halfway through his sentence before Hinata cut him off by

pressing her saber to his throat. It was only one centimeter away from his neck.

Any move and his throat would have been slit open.

"Now, what were you saying?"

"I-I was going to say… T-the beautiful big sister…"

Kenya's eyes were filled with tears as he squeaked out his words.


Ryota had tried to save Kenya but was now frozen in place. It seemed that

Hinata's glare had made him stiff with fear. Gale, who had been mesmerized by

Hinata, was also standing stock still. So shocked was he by Hinata's sudden

appearance, that his body was straight and rigid as a board.

I can't really blame them. Even I find Hinata a little bit frightening, so I guess

it's only natural for Ryota and Gale to have that type of reaction.

"Kenya, watch your manners! This person was also the disciple of Shizu-san

just like Yuuki. In other words, she's basically your senior."

Kenya looked at me with sad puppy eyes that seemed to say: Geez, couldn't

you have said that earlier! While I could definitely sympathize, it didn't change the

fact that it was Kenya's own fault this time. I warned them not to get in over their

heads just moments ago. Kenya ignored my warnings and had his just desserts

served to him.

"Shizu-sensei's disciple… Could it be?!"

"Could it be the person that allegedly surpassed Shizu-sensei in a month…"

"The Holy Knight commander of Ruberios, Hinata Sakaguchi-sama?"

"That's rad! But, is it really her…?"

"Hey… Shouldn't you mention something as important as that first…"

Hinata smacked her lips and then sheathed her sword at incredible speed.

Kenya slumped to the ground, exhausted. He probably lost all strength in his legs.

I'd wager he won't be getting back up anytime soon.

"I almost pissed my pants—" Kenya said, his face pale. Alice sneered at him,

calling him "Disgusting."

"You can't blame me! That was really horrifying."

"But it was Kenya's fault as well."

Kenya was silenced under the pressure of Chloe's facts and logic.

"By the way, Rimuru-sensei, did you really fight to a tie with Hinata-nee?"

Since Gale asked, I at the very least had to give him an honest answer.

"I guess. There was no decisive winner or loser since the losing one ran off

before the end of the fight."

"And the 'losing one who ran off' is referring to you, right sensei?"

And after all that trouble of avoiding specifying who… That roast was on point.

"Whatever you say."

But that was just me trying to play cool. I wasn't lying; I just wasn't revealing

the whole truth. Something which, by the way, shall just be kept as a lil' secret

between you and me.

The children wanted to ask more but Hinata interrupted them.

"So, what was it that was troubling you just now?"

Having been asked, I recalled worrying about who to entrust to accompany the


"It's nothing really. It's just that these kids are gonna be going to town soon.

Even though there are safety patrols and such on duty, it's still gonna be really

crowded, and I'm a bit worried for their safety. Preferably I'd want someone to

accompany them…"

"Oh—in that case, I can take care of them."

"So, I was thinking about whether there are any suitable candidates… Eh?"

What did she just say? Hinata's gonna take care of the children? Wait wait

wait, that joke's not funny at all!

"What, do you think I'm not qualified?"

"No way, what are you talking about—"

She glared at me again. What a terrifying woman. Kenya managed to not pee

his pants. Good work on his part; I'll need to praise him a little.

"You guys won't turn me down now, will you?"

"No, of course not!"


"Please help us!"

"Even Gale has… Fine then, so be it."

The two boys—Gale and Kenya—had fallen. Seeing their reactions, Ryota caved

in as well.

"I can't believe I get to see Hinata-nee that I've always looked up to! I'm so


Alice was practically an idol-chasing stan. I used to think she looked up to

Masayuki, but it seems that she looked up to Hinata like some idol. Unlike the two

boys who were complaining, she was more than happy to be close to her. And

there was also Chloe.

"Big sis is such a nice person! I feel like you are so similar to Shizu-sensei!"

She went on to hug Hinata with a smile. I guess Hinata really was a good

person if even Chloe was tagging alongside here. Even though her eyes were scary

as hell, Chloe didn't seem to mind.

Speaking of Hinata, if I wasn't mistaken, she had a small smile on her lips.

Hinata seemed to have grabbed the children's hearts in an instant.

"Let's go then!" Hinata announced. "They seem to be selling chow mein and

corn on the cob there, so let's go eat at the vendor stand."

" " "Okay!" " "

What amazing leadership. Impressive was the only thing I could say about her.

Now I could rest assured with the children entrusted to Hinata.

Having been relieved of a heavy burden, Hinata suddenly snuck next to me

and whispered.

"Now that I am helping to take care of the children, I'll leave Ruminas-sama

to you!"

Huh? I didn't see her last night, but could it be that Ruminas is here as well?

"Is Ruminas willing to join the ceremony?"

"Weren't you the one that invited her? She was overjoyed and even prepared

her maid outfit!"

I didn't expect Ruminas to disguise herself as a servant of the Holy Knights

Arno and Bacchus when coming to attend the event. She seemed to be operating

alongside the nobles on the first day under the guise of her maid outfit. Holy

Knights were, after all, of noble status. That being the case, it would be fine for

her to accompany the people that I'd be receiving today.

Should I call her astute or…

Apparently, she spent the night over at our newly constructed church. I didn't

realize it at all, meaning that she had hidden her real identity perfectly.

"I'll leave the rest to you."

And with that, Hinata left with the children. By the looks of it, I'll be the one

putting in the work now, won't I… Hinata seemed to be pretty smug about it. I felt

like she had checkmated me yet again.

Just as Hinata left, someone came up to pat me on the shoulder.

"Ah, how surprising, Rimuru-san. That's the first time I've seen Hinata


It was Yuuki. He wasn't wearing his usual suit this time, but rather a formal

outfit that was modeled after his old school uniform. He was standing there with a

welcoming smile on his face. It seemed that he'd been looking for me to go to the

gathering location. Since that's the case, guess I'll have to lead the way.

"Right, I didn't expect Hinata to offer to take care of the children. I was thinking

that she would say something along the lines of 'How annoying' while looking


"She's not like that at all. Hinata is actually a great caretaker. That being said,

I'm still surprised. By the way, her casual clothes suit her super well, don't they?

It gave me quite a shock indeed! That piece seems to have been purchased in this

town, and now she's like a charming, fashionable university student. Ain't that


I see, so they were indeed our domestically produced clothes. And I had

thought that I was mistaken, but I guess not.

"That girl turns out to be pretty wealthy. Perhaps it's rather impolite for me to

say, but that dress is pretty expensive.

That dress was made from hell-moth silk, which not only provided comfort, but

also had the effect of 'Thermal Fluctuation Nullification'. It even had defensive

capabilities that exceeded your run-of-the-mill leather armor.

With all those features, it was no wonder why the dress would be pricey. Even

with the production of silk stabilized, the supply was still scarce. And of that scarce

supply, even fewer were finished products. Given that to be the case, we could

only sell them at an incredibly high price. It was a product tailored for nobles and

not meant for the commoners.

I heard that Hinata bought it without hesitation upon seeing it yesterday. She

even had someone custom tailor it. I figured that she must have spent a good load

of money on it. Well, if that was the case, I couldn't complain about such a good


"I guess it's possible that her spending mood is related to the festivity? She

was also quite eager to explore things around here yesterday as well."

Are you serious!? And I thought that I was just seeing things… It seemed that

peoples' expectations towards the nation founding festival of Tempest had gone

beyond my imagination.

Ah, I guess that's why she said those things. Based on these considerations,

Hinata decided to take a break herself and pushed the duty to receive Ruminas to


"What was she investigating yesterday by the way?"

"The food stands. Wasn't she just animatedly talking about chow mein and

corn on the cob?"

"Oh, so she did…"

That means Hinata has indeed done her thorough research.

She seemed to take enjoying the festival very seriously. Any wariness she may

have had was gone with the wind, fully immersing herself in the festivities.

Indeed, we had lots of fast food stands on display outside the Colosseum, and

among them was one that I had personally planned. Everything went very

smoothly with the help of Myourmiles's arrangements.

We offered hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, and a panoply of juices. There

were many other shops as well. We had stands that offered chow mein, corn on

the cob, cow-deer BBQ, and snacks. Even though it might have been off season,

we even had shaved ice for sale. It would definitely become a best seller during

the summer. Shaved ice was thin, delicate, and it melted in your mouth. Now just

add some sweet syrup on top of that… I had tried it before, and I could definitely

vouch for its fantastic taste. The aromatic smell of soy sauce combined with the

sweetness of fruit sugar was mouthwatering.

This was all possible thanks to everyone's careful preparations for this day. I

communicated my memories of the dishes through 'Telepathy Net', and as a result,

Shuna and the others were able to successfully recreate them. With Myourmiles

doing the planning, my projects were able to come to fruition. Even more

surprising was the fact that we made it so that Veldora could open a teppanyaki


Hinata seemed to have checked out stores beforehand and had made her plan

to tour around the town.

"By the way, she seems pretty different compared to how she normally

interacts with people. Does she really like eating junk food that much?"

"I mean, who doesn't? It tastes good. I'm a fan of junk food too, so you can't

really just judge her like that…" Yuuki agreed as I was mumbling to myself.

I had stumbled upon a rather surprising side of Hinata, and I wasn't sure

whether I could call that a blessing or a curse. At least she wasn't stingy with her

money, so she should be a good client.

Although I feel like she may be a negative influence on the children…


Accompanied by Benimaru and Yuuki, I arrived at the guest hotel. Rigurd was

already explaining the planned schedule to the large group of nobles gathered


"Oh, Rimuru-sama! Your speech just now was truly wonderful!"

Eh, really?

Rigurd's joyful expression was contagious. He provided me reassurance that

my speech just now was perfectly fine. I exchanged smiles with Rigurd all the while

thinking to myself, nice, nice!

"Then, we will be leading everyone to attend the first event of the day!"

Rigurd began walking as he finished. He moved towards a building near the

hotel. It was the opera house. We managed to redecorate the interior on a crunch,

and the end result was more majestic than what we had hoped for. We only

arranged these high-quality chairs in this particular manner after considering the

acoustic effect in the theatre.

The guests were seated properly.

The standard of culture in this world was a bit lower when compared to Japan.

This was…umm, a genuine observation even from other people's point of view.

While there was a relatively high artistic and musical achievement, that was limited

to royalty and nobility. They were entertainment for the upper echelon that had

both an abundance of money and time. The angels would assault any city that

developed past a certain threshold. As a result, most aspects of advanced culture

were tucked away in the realms of the privileged. To the nobles, these forms of

culture were merely considered as minor entertainment. But to me, culture was

something that required a collective effort to build together.

Geniuses had been buried in this world. It was not only difficult to discover the

genius in these fields in a world with such a narrow view, but they may also even

be buried and eventually not be developed for their entire lives. Art is the product

of entertainment spawned from extra vitality of life, and the same goes for any


In this world, the search for such things is a luxury, but I'm not giving up

because of it. I will, however, search the world to discover the geniuses that were overshadowed by the average people. In order to achieve this, first I need to foster

a culture appreciation trend within my nation.

And the first step is—today's appreciation concert. There were plenty of

musical instruments in this world that were similar to my original world. To my

surprise, there was even something like a piano.

And these were all discovered at Clayman's base. He seemed to have been

living life no worse than court royals. In one of the countless luxuriously decorated

rooms of his, he had stored a large number of instruments. Some monsters already

understood music. They seemed to play beats to the performance of flute and


. They also had a culture of holding festivals every year. I loaned instruments

to these people and, with time, their talents here and there blossomed.

We prepared instruments for those conscious of learning, and gave them basic

instructions such as teaching them how to read music notes.

My knowledge alone was hardly enough, and it was a time like this that Wisdom

King Raphael would shine. With the music schoolbook from Japan combined with

the knowledge related to instruments within the library of this world, we produced

a paper book. How amazing(-ly terrifying) it was for Raphael to recreate such longforgotten knowledge of mine.

The personal effort of the monsters came next. As the saying goes, "Interest

is the best teacher," soon enough, the monsters started to master their favorite


By the way, I also had someone faithfully recreate the music notes. I wasn't

someone qualified with traits such as "pitch perfect hearing," but it was no problem

for Raphael-san. Not only did it recreate the sheet music, it even re-composed the

songs. Although I was worried about copyright issues, there was no JASRAC9


this world. Moreover, the rights holders were not here either. So please give me

some leeway for wanting to further foster the culture.

Our powerhouse was comprised of violinists, but there were also instruments

such as the trumpet and kettledrum. While it was surprising to see that there were

pianos, how easily the monsters played them moved me quite a bit.

The opinion on whether to add a piano into the orchestra was split. But this

alone was not enough to concern me too much. If we wanted to further dramatize

the performance with the addition of a piano, we should just add it in. I wasn't

musically talented, so the decision was handed to the monsters. The result of the

performance was guaranteed by Myourmiles.

Today was also the first day I would be hearing their performance. With

mounted expectations, I nervously awaited the moment.

After confirming that the guests had been seated, the lights were gradually

turned down. The curtain on the stage was pulled up. Members of the orchestra in

uniforms emerged. The ensemble was made up of people from different races as

they held their preferred instruments. Some looked like humans, others looked


Japanese drum instrument


Japanese Society for Rights of Authors

like beasts. There was a lot of variety. Everyone's face was filled with confidence

and pride in their instruments.

A halfling came to the front, likely the conductor, and bowed deeply to the

audience—I recalled this young man sighing that he couldn't do anything. I told

him as comfort that "There's no such thing." Even though he wasn't good at

accounting, his weak physique made him unsuited for construction work and he

wasn't cut out for farming either. When out of options, he went to be enlisted, but

he couldn't win in a fight either.

While this was the case, he was good at raising morale. His singing voice was

most beautiful and united the people. That's when I recommended him to the army

band. I had even given him the name "Taktstock"—

Taktstock then raised his face. Unlike his expression from before, his face was

now filled with enthusiasm. As he graciously subjected himself to the judging eyes

of the high nobles, he turned his little back to everyone. A small and fragile body,

but his back was full of strength.

Everything happened so quickly. These people were lucky that their talents

were developed.

He raised his taktstock (conductor baton), and the next second—they began

to perform. A steady tone started, and soon was followed by a change into a

solemn reprise.

Under the conduction of Taktstock, the performers were acting in unison. They

had also found things to be proud of. The music they were performing seemed to

be announcing: "This is the best moment of my life." It was mesmerizing.

Classical music, these are famous songs that can be recognized in any era no

matter where. There are songs that heal, that inspire joy and determination. These

are songs crafted by many geniuses.

These people, who could barely read, studied these notes day and night—and

today at this hall, their effort blossomed, and they performed music with their

heart and soul. Nowadays, they would no longer be mocked and called useless

trash. If someone actually does that, I'll beat the shit out of them. That's how good

their performance is. I had been to classical concerts a couple of times when I was

in Japan, and you guys are not doing bad at all.

I didn't expect to hear such high-quality music here.

Yuuki closed his eyes and listened while reminiscent about the past, he seemed

mesmerized by it. How about that, aren't they amazing—I couldn't help but feel


But just as I thought so, the music stopped abruptly. They then continued to

play some very familiar anime songs.

No way, hold up… That was an almost natural transition from classical music

to an anime song! And then it somehow transitioned to pop music.

Yuuki opened his eyes and stared at me with a deadpan look. Quit it already,

I'm not the one responsible here.

And the culprit that used my memory to compose songs—


evoked relatively high satisfaction.>>

—This answer filled with confidence came from Wisdom King Raphael-san.

Now I'm gonna carry this for the rest of my life. The good atmosphere we just

managed to create had been destroyed completely.

I did like these songs, but it was too drastic of a contrast when it was played

right after some serious music.

Yuuki seemed to agree. A small, wry smile emerged on his face.

With that being said… It seemed only Yuuki and I felt that way. I guess this

was to be expected. The audience were all hearing these songs for the first time.

They had no clue where they were from. Moreover, with the clever tweak of

Raphael-san, the songs were composed perfectly. Naturally, people wouldn't

suspect a thing.

Whether it was people who were used to listening to famous songs or not, they

all probably heard these songs for the first time, and some were really into them.

The orchestra's music surrounded and dominated the music theatre, the people

in the audience didn't even risk making a sound by blinking; they were fully

concentrated. Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, as well as music

composed by unknown geniuses had mesmerized the nobles and royalty alike in

this world.

The concert today was quite the success. The monsters were able to perform

beautiful music—today, anyone who listened to the concert, would have to

acknowledge that.

That included the anime songs. After hearing the version they performed, they

were just as great as the famous historical pieces. Even the pop songs did too,

they were truly mind-blowing, and the rock songs were morale boosting.

The enthusiasm in the theatre was still very high—and soon, the performance



It was over now. The past hour sure was something else. It was almost like the

moment had been immortalized.

As planned, the performance would come to an end. According to Myourmiles's

explanation, there would be one hour of public performance each day in the

morning and afternoon. Some people who were not familiar with music may find

listening for too long to be insufferable. Based on these considerations, we

shortened the duration.

There was no intermission. This was our first attempt at it, in order to proceed

things quickly, we simplified some steps. And the concert just now was the result

of it.

I only needed to listen to the reports. The people in front of me were the ones

that figured out all of this. I felt honored as I stood up, hoping to give them my

congratulations to their success.

As I was about to clap—

Taktstock bowed to us and swung his baton. All the lights suddenly went off.

The theatre hall became dim, some people seemed to be panicking. But that was

only for a second. Someone was standing on the stage, as a slim film of light shone


She was a petite young girl with light pink hair—Shuna. She had an unusual

charm today as she was dressed in a white open shoulder dress. I had only seen

her in her kimono, which even made me doubt "Is this really her?"

Surprisingly, under the thin light stood a purple-haired beauty as well.

Is that Shion? She wasn't in her usual suit, but an off-shoulder dress. As if she

were bathed under the moonlight, Shion's silhouette was dream-like. The lighting

change made her dress, looming in the dark, give off a rare sensation of sexiness.

Without speaking up, she was a beauty with an incredible body. Such a

presentation had made Shion especially seductive.

Under the light, the two stood at the front of the stage as they bowed deeply.

This alone was like a painting, drawing the eyes of the audience—but, speaking of

which, what were Shuna and Shion going to do?

Could it be…

The light started moving as Shuna walked along to the piano that no one had

played until now. Shion, on the other hand, picked up a violin. There was no doubt

that they were planning to perform. I could see Shuna playing the piano, but Shion

playing violin? Is it really okay for Shion to play in front of so many guests?

I suddenly recalled the travesty that was Shion's cooking. What if Shion's

performance is so horrible that it makes things difficult for us later—no, it shouldn't

come to that. If it was that bad, there was no way Shuna would bring her up.

Moreover, Myourmiles was very confident about it. That man seemed to have bet

his life on this project, there's no way he would let Shion do whatever she wanted.

I needed this confidence. Upon thinking so, I closed my eyes. Although there

were still worries within me, I awaited the performance to begin.

The sound of the piano was calm and smooth. It was accompanied by the

passionate play of the violin like flame. The nature of the song suddenly changed.

Rather than a duet, it was more like a duel.

—But, beautiful, nonetheless.

It's as if the tone reflecting the bad temper of Shion was being surrounded

gently by the piano notes that reflect Shuna's temperament. Tender yet exciting,

the two characters intertwine and support each other. Their incorporation was just


Ah ah, this was amazing. It's as if my soul was being shaken as I was

overwhelmed by the rich music. That was something else. There's no way they

could have reached that level of mastery by practicing on the spot. It must've been

skills practiced since childhood.

Speaking of which, Shuna was a miko-hime (witch princess)—I heard that

Shion was responsible for protecting her. During religious celebrations, music was a necessary component. It must have been for this reason that the music Shion

and Shuna performed was so strikingly impactful—

There was silence. As if a momentary stay in a fantasy land had just finished.

I felt as though I'd been there for an eternity, yet it had barely been five minutes.

Upon coming back to my senses, I wanted to clap amidst panic, but I was


There was a sprinkle of soft applause that broke the silence. Someone did it

before me. I was gonna clap first, but someone got ahead of me. I clapped

alongside to confirm who it was—I didn't expect it to be Ruminas. That gave me a

spook. She had disguised herself as the maid of the two Holy Knights and was

clapping with utmost satisfaction.

I followed up with some intense applause, joined by many others. There was

applause like thunder. Emperor Elmesia of the Sorcerers' Dynasty Sarion, Dwarf

King Gazel and the aristocrats of the Western Nations joined along. Even Frey and

Hermes, as well as Midley, who seemed remotely unconcerned with any culture.

Everyone stood up and gave them their applause.

For some reason, the habit of applauding seemed to be the same as my original

world. Is it that there are so many "Otherworlders" from the start, or is it that this

is just how this world is? I'm not really sure about it, but I'm sure there's no culture

of "Encore" in this world. After all, cultural activities were a rare occurrence in this

world, and the reason was very obvious.

And so I thought that everything was over, but it didn't seem this way. The

stage turned dark once more before the light shone again. The last song was

performed by Shuna on the piano, Shion with her violin, as well as the rest of the

orchestra. This concluded the public performance.

Music—and art—can break through any barrier.

After witnessing it all, I would like to believe that there were indeed good things

in this world, their beauty being something anybody could appreciate.


The performance was a great success. At noon, we dined at the hall of the guest

hotel. As the guests were eating snacks prepared by us, they were passionately

discussing the performance from before.

"That was amazing."

"Aye, you're right about that—"

"I was even mesmerized with my eyes closed—"

"Me too. There's still an echo of the music around. It didn't matter if it were

humans or monsters that performed, there's no difference between the two at all!"

"Indeed. Good things are intrinsically good, nothing else really matters."

And so on, as I eavesdropped nearby, hearing everyone's praise.

"E-excuse me…Lord Rimuru, I wanted to attend that music concert again, how

could I have the chance to do that?" someone decided to just ask me directly.

"Throughout the three days of celebration, it will be held at fixed times every


That's the answer I gave at least, but I may consider arranging regular

concerts after the celebration. There still weren't many songs that they could play,

but we would add on to the list in the future.

"They did a wonderful performance. I had a lot more fun than I had imagined,"

when I crossed paths with Ruminas, she said so in a volume that only I could hear.

I felt that Ruminas seldom gave praise, so her praising them directly this time

could probably be interpreted as praise of the highest order.

Seeing the reactions of the crowd, Benimaru also looked very proud.

"Speaking of which, Shion was really surprising."

"That's right. But—despite her look—she has always been good with rhythms.

That instrument called violin was a great fit for Shion. Even though Shuna gave

me a surprise with that instrument as well, she already enjoys singing, so it's not

that big a surprise after all."

In Benimaru's view, these seemed to be facts that could easily be accepted.

He knew that the two had good singing voices. Having been reminded by him, I

did recall hearing them singing joyfully. Although I seemed to have understood, I

wasn't actually sure about what everyone was truly capable of.

The lunch gathering concluded, followed by the tech presentation in the

afternoon. I followed Rigurd to guide the guests who had yet to calm themselves

from the exciting experience in the morning.

Just passing by the opera house, we moved towards the museum this time. It

felt as if we had gotten to the wrong place, but the historical records room was

our destination this time.

Gabil and Vesta were welcoming us at the entrance of the building. Some of

the guests seemed to be aware that Vesta used to be a subject of the Dwarven

Kingdom. A wave of noise came through, sounded like a commotion of surprise.

But Vesta didn't seem to mind as he laughed alongside the crowd. Under the two's

guidance, we entered the building.

"What's in the box here are the healing potions first produced by Rimuru-sama.

It was a liquid refined from Hippocout grass. The refinement rate was up to 99%.

It is not as good as a resurrection potion, though it is almost as authentic as one—


Vesta explained as we walked further into the building. It was at this point that

I discovered a misstep. While Vesta's explanation was in detail, it was probably

pretty boring to the people without the relevant knowledge. It was possibly for this

reason that some had begun to feel bored.

The arrangement of the event was not ideal either. Had the tech presentation

been arranged in the morning, the crowd would probably still attend out of

curiosity. And it would appear less tedious. But arranging it right after the amazing

concert in the morning, the presentation in comparison would, therefore, be dull.

Moreover, considering that most of the guests are aristocrats, they may have been interested in the outcomes, but the production process would appear less

significant. This must've been on their minds. Vesta seemed to have noticed this

as well, as a wry smile emerged on his face.

"My, my, it must be tedious for everyone to listen to these abstruse topics. Let

us switch things up and take a look at our experiments."

He turned to signal Gabil.

Gabil nodded in response.

"This experiment is—to ask the rudimentary question of 'What exactly is the

healing potion'. When we dilute the full healing potion to one-fifth of its

concentration, we will have the higher healing potion for treating severe wounds.

A little more dilution and we will be able to produce twenty bottles of lower healing

potion. In other words, that's just how incredible the full healing potion is."

As Vesta was explaining, Gabil laid out all three types of healing potions in a


"If there's any wounded person, we can invite him to test the effect of the

potion. But deliberate self-harm would be too barbaric. So we've come up with an

interesting experiment as an alternative."

Accompanying Gabil's presentation, Vesta took something out—a broken


"Next, will the healing potion be able to fix this sword, can anyone answer this


As soon as Gabil asked, someone snickered at his question.

"Impossible! Hippocout grass only works on creatures!"

The respondent seemed to be a sorcerer, likely a court mage of some kingdom.

He seemed to be well acquainted with relevant knowledge to determine that a

healing potion had no effect on a broken sword.

"Kukuku, indeed you are right. That is at least the case for the higher and

lower healing potions—on the sword, they would have no effect," Gabil nodded in


That was only natural. You didn't need an experiment to know the answer. I

can see Gabil asking it, but why did Vesta continue with the question—?

"Then, what is the range of its effective targets? What would be the answer to

this question?"

To this question, the audience started arguing along the lines of "Do you think

we are stupid?" and started making a fuss to Gabil and Vesta. While such a reaction

was expected, they were really being noisy.

But I could understand their sentiments. However, regarding the application

range of the healing potion… Of course it was not limited to humans, it was

effective for animals, plants and monsters.

Then, what really is the difference? Upon thinking so, that did make me ponder.

Is it a difference between being organic and inorganic? No, my guess was that it

had to do with having will or not.


that the difference has to do with the spirit particle that makes up for magicule,

i.e. the presence of "Soul" or not.>>

Yeah, that. Plants have wills as well. Although they have no clear concept of

self, they still desire to live. But a sword does not have "Soul", in other words,

possesses no will. A sword is purely just an object, and of course—uh, hold up?

Something strange just crossed my mind. I recalled that Kaijin mentioned that

a sword had its own will—

Could it be!

"Kukuku, that's the question I hope to explore as well. We've come to discover

something new out of curiosity on the matter."

"Indeed. I was laughing to myself at how stupid Gabil-san was and told him

not to do such a silly experiment, trying to stop him. But I was the ignorant one.

I was too accustomed to common sense that I forgot my purpose as a researcher."

Vesta, with a smile, poured the full healing potion on the broken sword. And

soon, while only just a bit, the sword was reacting.

" " "—!" " "

"This is the answer. While it is not complete regeneration, the broken sword

does show signs of restoration."

"H-how could this be…"

"Unbelievable. So, healing potion can be applied in this way—"

The guests couldn't hide their shock, as was to be expected. Their common

sense had just been devastated. It was hard not to feel surprised—I was shocked

as well.

I didn't expect them to conduct such an experiment. Neither of the two persons

responsible reported it to me, leading to my unexpected and unnecessary shock

right now.

"However, this only applies to gear that has grown to a certain extent. The

basic requirement for the weapon is that it is made of 'Magisteel'. In addition, if

the owner has not used the weapon for a long time, there will be no reaction."

I see, in other words, it does not work if it does not possess will.

"—What prompted your interest in the matter?"

Gazel opened up quite seriously and asked Gabil.

"It's not anything special, to be honest. I used to think that wild plants and

grass had no will, but after experimentation, I discovered that healing potion works

on them as well."

Since full healing potions were already being mass-produced, there was a

surplus in terms of production. That's why they were able to spray plenty of it on

different materials as an experiment.

Indeed, curiosity is the first step to new discoveries. I recalled a similar

experiment done at a science lab when I was in primary school. I also wanted to

challenge myself a bit due to boredom. Gabil was the same, anything would come

after the action.

The potion was effective towards plants. It was said that it could revive an

almost dead tree and grow new branches over the broken ones.

"This reminds me of the dryads in this world. Could the seemingly weak plants

before us not grow to powerful monsters in the future? On second thought, I

believe there must be some other conditions."

As the explanation reached this point, at least half of the crowd became

intrigued. Normally speaking, such research results should have been kept secret.

That fact must've been in the back of everyone's mind.

Should I let Gabil and Vesta continue the presentation? This thought quickly

went through my mind before I dismissed it and continued to listen to the

explanation with the rest.

"Any entity that reacts to healing potion possesses magicule. And items

without magicule do not react at all… This means that will is something that exists

in magicule—or the two are closely connected."

"Yes. I've changed my mind since Gabil-san showed me the files. It was then

that a question came to mind—'What is magicule?'"

Magicule—one of the unique substances of this world that, like oxygen, existed

in every corner of this world. It was the source of all amazing powers in this world,

and to some extent it could control free will…

"Here's a sample of a certain plant. Let's switch to a different location and have

a close-up image."

After being hurried by Vesta, we moved on to a different venue.

This was a large room with lines of chairs set up. This seemed more like a

multimedia room. An experimental projector was set up there in front of a wall

with a white cloth as a screen.

Gazel was observing the projector excitedly, but he seemed to know that it

wasn't the focus at hand, so he kept his mouth shut. As expected of Gazel, a

mature adult that read the room.

After confirming that all guests had been seated, Gabil began operating the

projector. The device possessed light-magic engravings. It was a treasure that

could project colored images. The room turned dim as images emerged on the

white cloth.

Some people were very surprised to see this, but Vesta ignored them and

continued the explanation.

"Then, please take a look at this image. This is the dissection of the

aforementioned plant, and there is another dissection graph of a random grass—"

The two enlarged dissection graphs were displayed next to each other.

He didn't mention what type of plant it is on purpose, what is Vesta's goal


"—Aren't these two the same thing? I couldn't tell the difference…"

"Uh—same here, I can't tell the difference."

Many people agreed.

While some pointed out that "Here's something different," "No, over there,"

but I guessed none of them were right.

"Alright, so what's the correct answer?"

"Then let us enhance the image further."

"How about now, does it still look the same?"

Vesta and Gabil gave off a rather devious smile.

It was then that they began to reveal their ace in the hole.

"The first image is the plant known as Hippocout herb. The second is a random

grass we picked by the road. How about it then, do they look the same?"

As Vesta finished, people with pertinent knowledge began to disagree with him.

"They do look different. You can see the difference if you pay attention!"

"How devious of you Vesta-san. It's so hard to see the difference between the

images like this!"

The audience began to express their views.

The Hippocout herb was rare. It was the grass that I ate inside the sealed cave

of Veldora. It was also the famous ingredient that produced healing potion.

The dissection graph looked very similar to that of the grass. How could that

be possible—that's probably the average persons' reaction. Including me, some

had become shaken by the words of Vesta. Gazel was among them, his face looked

quite shocked.

The dissection graphs of the Hippocout herb and grass were the same—this

suggested that both were the same thing. Then, what even was a rare herb? The

common sense of this world had been completely subverted…

While the devious smile still hung on Vesta's face, he spread his arms to have

everyone's attention.

"Please, everyone, calm down, calm down."

Vesta and Gabil comforted the guests and quieted them down. As the room

was back to silent, they continued to play the images.

"The liquid extracted from Hippocout herb mixed with magicule will become

healing potion. The nature of the refined liquid determines the rate of the fusion,

that is a fact that everyone knows. Regarding the point, while I can't give you the

details, we've managed to extract liquid with purity up to 99%. The medicine made

from it is the full healing potion."

They were displaying a series of images while hiding the key technology. Vesta

also explained the production process of healing potions.

"Then there's the leaves of the Hippocout herbs. When you grind them up and

mix in magicule, you can produce ointment that can be applied on wounds.

However, its effect is not as obvious. Because it is considered the remains of the

refined extraction. You will obviously get such a conclusion from a certain point of


A picture of the leaf was projected on the screen.

When you ground up these leaves and mixed them with the refined extract,

you could make ointment. When he showed the steps of production, there wasn't

anything odd, I wasn't sure what Vesta was up to now.

"Next, I'll direct everyone to look at this image."

The screen showed some ordinary grass that looked like the Hippocout herb

grown in the cave. Its appearance looked completely different, so how come the

picture of its dissection was the same…

But after switching to a few different pictures, the image of Hippocout herb

began to change.

"Has anyone noticed yet? I found it purely by accident. While I was growing

Hippocout herbs under Rimuru-sama's order, I came by some leftovers of the herb's refinement waste. Even if we make them into herbs, as soon as our

preservation method is not good enough, its effect would disappear. Moreover,

compared to the juice of the healing potion, its effect is very low. Since these

leftovers have always been prepared in one way, I've not paid any attention to it

in the past. But back then, I thought carefully and realized that there's really no

need to specifically make it into ointment. I kept on pondering as I observed the


It was then that Gabil discovered something.

That was the shape of the leftovers' leaves. They were different from the

Hippocout herb they grew. Gabil was shocked and decided to keep a detailed

record of it, which were the images he showcased.

"—First, in terms of theory, technically speaking, there is no such plant as

Hippocout herb. It was the high concentration of 'magicule' near its surrounding

that caused this particular plant to mutate—"

"Indeed! It was not that Hippocout herb grows in areas with high magicule

concentration, but that only in areas with high enough magicule concentration can

its mutation take place. That is the true identity of the Hippocout herb!"

As Gabil concluded his explanation, Vesta continued excitedly. No wonder he

was so thrilled. The audience was riled up as well after hearing their speech.

"T-this is a major discovery!"

"Something like that, how can you publish that in a p-place like this, Vesta! Yyou need to find a more appropriate venue… You need to contact the universities

and publish something like this by formal procedure!"

Noises abrupted at the scene and the situation was almost chaotic. Even those

who were lacking in interest could not keep silent. As for the people who were

intrigued from the start, the impact on them was even greater. The content of this

showcase was beyond their imagination. From their exclamation that "You

shouldn't have published it in a place like this—" alone could you deduce just how

shocked they felt. Even Gazel's eyes were popping out in awe. Emperor Elmesia

was also whispering with Duke Elalude.

I was scared as well. I hadn't paid much attention to it until now, and was

immediately brought to speed by their presentation. Now that I thought about it,

this made a lot of sense. I didn't think that there was all that Hippocout herb in

Veldora's sealed cave from the start. If it was mutation—the plant itself evolved—

then it would have made sense.

These plants returned to their original state as ordinary grass when all of its

magicule was extracted through the refinement process. When it is completely

depleted of magicule, its dissection graph naturally looks just like your garden

variety grass.

I see, that's why Gabil thought of using a healing potion to fix the sword. Just

as any ordinary grass could be turned into Hippocout herb, minerals could be

turned into magisteel ore. These ores could then be refined into "magisteel" and

could be used to craft weapons. Therefore, he would naturally question whether

healing potions could be effective on swords or not.

The result of which was the demonstration at the start of the presentation.

"As for my question 'What is magicule?', there has not been any clear answer.

Monsters and majins are also affected by magicule. That is a known fact. But what

about demi-humans? Is it possible to make them human by extracting all the

magicule from their body? Questions similar to these started pouring into our

heads, but proving any of these would prove to be extremely difficult."

"With that said, we will carry on with our research. There are many researchers

gathered on this land, we promise to continue our search for the answer. And with

that, our tech presentation today is concluded."

"Thank you—"

" "—for listening, everyone." "

Gabil and Vesta concluded the presentation together. It seemed that they had

prepared the presentation very discreetly. They acted very natural as if they'd

done this many times.

Moreover, the content of their presentation was fascinating.

Even though there was no clear conclusion, the content was worth pondering

over. They managed to announce something so important without revealing any

of the core information on the matter.

The most important point was that through a presentation, you couldn't really

steal any of our technology.

Magicule could cause changes to plants—that was some wonderful information,

but other nations may not have been easily able to research the matter. Perhaps

they could run experiments, but even with the knowledge at hand, they couldn't

produce Hippocout herbs in mass. Our nation would still take the lead.

Moreover, experiments conducted in our nation would be continued. There

would be many researchers and intellectuals gathered on this land—just as Gabil

said, we will have many scholars gathered here to study. Because of our

abundance of magicule, we could do however many experiments as we pleased.

This tech presentation had landed quite the impact on our audience. In the

morning they were enjoying amusing sensations through music, and in the

afternoon, the tech presentation excited their desire for exploration. As for which

of the two was more memorable, that would be up to each person's own

judgement. But with both events stirring up such attention, it meant that we were

very successful in holding them both.

And I was thinking that people may find it boring and the arrangement was all

wrong… Looks like it was for nothing.

This was the way to keep our guests' attention on our nation—this goal was

successfully reached.

I really wanted to praise those two without reservation.


After the presentation, it was free-roaming time. Some went to the salon for a

rest, some snuck out to the market district. Some went to enjoy the hot spring or

visit one of our entertainment facilities. We did send receptionists alongside guests

so they could move at will.

As for what the guests were discussing, it was all about the concert and the

tech presentation. Their praise was spreading around the town.

I went around and checked on the nobles for fun. It was then that Arno and

Bacchus caught up to me nervously. They whispered to me "We have something

to discuss with you." I suspected it was something urgent, so I returned to the

guest hotel alongside Benimaru, Shion and them to one of the rooms.

The one waiting there was Ruminas.

I had half guessed that it was her, having seen how nervous Arno and the

others looked. Looks like my guess was right. She was crossing her leg while sitting

on a chair in her maid suit. The black stockings on her pale legs looked very sexy.

Arno and Bacchus stood up straight behind Ruminas without a flinch. This scene

of master and servants looked very strange, but I suppose it was acceptable. It

probably had to do with how majestic Ruminas looked.

"Well, though I did make a nonaggression pact with you…that was far from

sufficient," Ruminas immediately said as she saw me.

I didn't even get the chance to respond—or rather, I didn't get the chance to

even sit down. I knew that she was an acute person, I didn't know just how acute

she was. While somewhat dumbfounded, I sat down without asking. And I

immediately questioned Ruminas back.

"Far from sufficient of what exactly?"

"Do I really have to spell it out? Exchange! Don't you see that we can't have

much exchange at all now with the nonaggression pact?"

"No, I don't think that's really a problem…?"

I tried to figure out what Ruminas was actually trying to say while trying to

clear the situation. Holy Nation Ruberios and Tempest Federation had indeed

signed a nonaggression pact just as Ruminas pointed out. The Western Saints

Church that served under Ruberios would also help with our status among the

Western Nations. This had given us much convenience, but in terms of exchanges,

we were indeed not in any alliance. Since the two nations were too distant from

each other anyway, there was no trade between our nations. The flow of goods

was left to the opportunities in the market, determined by the merchants and the

strength of the nations. However, it's not that we were not making any deals at

all. I had actually requested Myourmiles to send travelling merchants to them.

Not to wait for their attempt, instead, we were going to strike first.

Basically, we had to do some investigation of the market there. Right now, I

had gotten the investigation report for the specialties of Holy Nation Ruberios. I

learnt that Ruberios was a huge agricultural nation. They mainly produced wheatbased crops. They seemed to also be exported to the Western Nations. I also ran

investigations of the products themselves; the quality was good and the taste was


That was our current situation.

I hoped to have some deeper exchange with them, but if you asked me what

to do now, I really couldn't come up with anything.

"Are you seriously that stupid or are you trying to bait me?"

"No no no, that's not what I meant."

I immediately denied it. Ruminas sighed rather anxiously.

"Speaking of exchange, how about we try culture first? Seriously, I have really

underestimated you guys. The people under the protection in Ruberios lacked

artistic talent, so I didn't have much expectation at first, but the concert just now

was truly wonderful. With the whole day's tour, I've changed my view on you


Haha, and she gave us a five-star review. She did also praise us when passing

by me just now, it looked like she really liked the things we had. Moreover, I had

gotten an idea of what Ruminas was going for. She recognized our ability after

hearing the concert today. There also seemed to be a band under Ruminas's rule, perhaps she wanted the two bands to have some exchange to encourage each


"Some vampires also possess artistic values. They've inherited music from

ancient times and have been working to innovate on new songs. Lately they've

been stagnant in that regard, so I think it would give them some good stimuli in

the form of an exchange with your people."

As expected, her proposal was actually hugely beneficial to us as well.

Experience can fulfill one's mind. If we wanted to host even better cultural events,

the best way for us to grow and learn was through exchange with others with the

same profession.

"That sounds good! Exactly what we want in fact."

I had no reason to refuse and agreed without hesitation. Considering the future

relations between our nations, there was more boon than bane.

"Um, let's discuss more in that direction."

Ruminas nodded with satisfaction.

It so happened that an old butler came forth to serve Ruminas and me some

red tea. His name seemed to be Gunther. He was just as strong as Louis, but also

an experienced butler. Although our Diablo certainly wasn't any inferior, I did have

to say that the butlers in this world seriously couldn't be underestimated.

Servants also began to prepare drinks for Benimaru and Shion behind me. But

they were moving too slowly, and Ruminas anxiously opened on the topic before

they could serve anything.

Ruminas's eyes turned coldly at the servants; and just when I thought to

myself "Talk about an absolute master-servant relationship"—

"How wonderful, now you guys can have some fun too," She told her servants


The servants responded with "All thanks to your grace," "I am looking forward

to it!" They seemed genuinely joyful about the fact. I sensed that they were not

afraid of Ruminas, but holding great respect towards her.

Confused, I checked more carefully and discovered that these were all

vampires. Every one of them suppressed their strength and youki to appear no

different than humans. They were no doubt highly evolved vampires, almost at

Ruminas's level. Surely by the few people at the scene now alone, they could take

down a nation with ease. And to think that these people were her servants, this

was enough proof as to how unfair power came into play in this world.

"Then Gunther, help me with the procedure back at Night Garden."

"Yes ma'am."

Ruminas nodded as she sipped on her red tea.

She elegantly did so without making any sound, her beauty and elegance could

be a model for royalty.

"By the way, that tech presentation was very interesting as well. What an

intriguing thought to analyze the effects of magicule on things. I've got some

weirdos who enjoy researching as well, is it okay to send them your way?"

As I was mesmerized by her elegance, Ruminas suddenly said so pleasantly.

I further inquired about the matter.

According to Ruminas, the civilizations dwelling on the surface had a relatively

low level of technology, while their nation dwelling underground seemed to have

some high tech.

"How surprising, I thought you guys would have a higher profile with those…"

"I want to stay away from trouble. We may be found by that annoying lizard if

we were too eye-catching. Moreover, I didn't want the angels to interfere with us.

Before we can exterminate those things, all important research would be

conducted underground," she said proudly.

I didn't expect that the strongest nation ruled by a demon lord would be


Vampires were different from humans, and they possessed undead

characteristics that allow them to live even longer the elves. The more highly

evolved individuals didn't even need to feed, instead, they could maintain their life

force by taking small doses of human spiritual vitality… Vampires were no doubt

at the top of the ecosystem. However, they also had weaknesses. The reason why

vampires were called the rulers of the nights was not only due to their immense

power wielded during nighttime. It also was due to the fact that they could be

eliminated by sunlight.

This was the type of race that the vampires were, to have such a huge

weakness while still maintaining high levels of lethality.

And among the highly evolved, individuals with great power, these vampires

were subjects of Ruminas and were considered noble within their nation. Some of

these seemed to have overcome their weakness against sunlight. These people

were called the "Surmounters". It seemed that they were able to operate wherever

they went. Although they were few in number, vampires without weakness were

still nightmares to humans. Even though these people were not as strong as Louis

and Gunther, they were already at the gates of Calamity-class.

By the way, all these servants next to us were "Surmounters". Apparently,

they only became Ruminas's servants out of personal interest. But you could easily

figure out that there was more to their intention than just ensuring Ruminas's

safety. "Surmounters" were a bunch of idlers without any weaknesses. And given

how idle they were, they developed interests in designing all kinds of things. Some

of them even started designing some out of fashion a.k.a. hipster objects in an

attempt to earn Ruminas's favor.

"Seriously, they are really annoying. I ordered them to develop something

more presentable, but they may be too tightly bound by established ideas. These

people have no clue what progress is. I hope that you will at least educate them a

bit when they come here."

That was Ruminas's request.

"Um—well, we can do that…"

But I was worried as to whether they would cause any trouble or not.

These so-called "Surmounters" were the ruling elites. To have them do

research in our nation, who knew what type of problem may emerge.

Noticing my hesitation, Ruminas further suggested:

"But of course, I'll give you a reward! I'll grant you a Skill for your troubles."

"A Skill?"

"Yes. I shall grant you the "Ultimate Secret of faith and grace"."

What is that, it sounds super strong! As opposed to a technique for getting

drunk, this actually sounded very powerful. She seemed to be for real.

"What would that be then?"

"To put it simply, it's a Skill that allows your believers to carry part of your

strength," Ruminas said so to me with an evil smile.

Oi oi oi, are you seriously announcing a Skill so powerful in front of everyone's



Raphael-sensei's instruction reassured me. With it pointed out, I finally realized

that except me, no one else seemed able to hear Ruminas's voice. As expected

from one of the strongest demon lords, her execution of such a Skill was so natural.

"You'll teach me that Skill, and we are supposed to take in researchers from

your nation to return the favor. Is that so?"

"Yep. Even with only the musical exchange alone, I would already be satisfied.

If I have to be honest, consider this my appreciation gift for you."

Ruminas seemed to be genuine.

"Fine, I'll accept your proposal."

"Heh heh, then we have a deal."

And so, I accepted Ruminas's proposal, followed by her teaching me the

"Ultimate Secret of faith and grace".

This Skill, to put it simply, was the principle of "Holy Magic". This secret

technique allowed me to use my "name" as a medium to help people cast magic.

Hinata and the Holy Knight therefore could cast "Holy Magic" in the name of

Ruminas. In other words, they were using part of Ruminas's power.

Now that she had taught me the principle of it, the people under me who would

be able to use "Holy Magic" would, surely, increase. This was a reward greater

than I had expected. I couldn't help but feel shocked.

But then again, Ruminas was not born yesterday either. She had planned

things very carefully before negotiating with me.

"I'm grateful for this opportunity, but is it really okay?"

"No worries. You probably would figure out the truth of the Skill with your own

strength in a couple years or so. One should always utilize information like that

more when it still retains some value."


—I see.

Based on the upset look of Raphael-sensei, I could probably learn the Skill

myself within a few years' time. Indeed, with research to discover the true nature

of magicule as well as the information I learned about "Spirit-particles" during my

battle with Hinata, if I was to put this information together to dig to the root, the

truth of the matter would have been revealed in no time. While I personally was

unable to do it, Raphael-sensei was still capable of it.

Ruminas merely realized this and gave me the information as a favor.

"I still need to thank you regardless, Ruminas."

"Well, as long as you do what you promised."

I am still too naive to strike deals with Ruminas. Although the content of our

deal this time posed no big issue, I needed to be more cautious.

As I thought so to myself, I shook hands with Ruminas.

And with that, our orchestra was invited to the Night Garden. On the other

hand, the "Surmounters" under Ruminas's rule—in other words, high-ranking

noble—would be doing research in our nation.

As Ruminas disabled "Dimensional Severance", it was as if nothing had

happened. Peace fell again at the scene.

I tasted the red tea casually while I listened to Ruminas accounting for her

experience during the concert. As opposed to the exchange of technology, the

musical exchange amused Ruminas more. She had mostly talked about when our

nation's orchestra should set off.

Near the end of our conversation—

"By the way, Rimuru. Among the guests that were invited, someone was giving

off an unpleasant aura, did you notice it?" Ruminas asked casually, without the

slightest change in tone. I wasn't able to respond for a second before I realized

that this was a warning from her.

This would mean that I wasn't just overthinking things…

"Hmm, you mean 'those two'?"

"Indeed. I'm glad you didn't lower your guard. Be very cautious. Do not

disgrace the reputation of the Eight Star Demon Lords."

With these words spoken, the meeting concluded.

I nodded towards Ruminas before leaving the place.


Something interesting took place later on—after my talk with Ruminas, it was

dinner time.

For some reason, circling around a round table, it was Yuuki and Hinata who

dined with me. Those two were very friendly to each other as they were eating the

set meal and chatting about the interesting things they'd been through in the day.

I also listened to their thoughts during the meal.

The set meal was divided into two kinds, Japanese and western. You could eat

either one. Yuuki and I were eating the western meal while Hinata chose the


"Ahh, that concert was really amazing. If Hinata hadn't gone shopping, then

we could have enjoyed it together."

"Shut up already, I'm always free-spirited, so what if I didn't go?"

Moreover, that takoyaki place was surprisingly delicious—Hinata muttered as

she tried to find excuses. But when Hinata mentioned someone was using an

alias—I couldn't help but turn my eyes away.

"With that being said, the music concert was really worth a shot. I knew the

songs they played, but the composition was really top-notch."

Nice job, Yuuki. Thanks to him praising Taktstock and the band's performance,

Hinata's attention was drawn elsewhere.

"Fine, since you've put it that way, I guess I'll bring the kids to watch it

tomorrow," she replied half-heartedly.

Hinata seemed to have had plenty of fun during the festival, also spending a

lot of money. I heard that she bought a ton of exclusive clothes, gear and magic

items sold at the festival. She was also eating the whole time as she went to the

shops. I was starting to suspect that her taking care of the children was just an


But they did seem to get along fine and had a lot of fun. I couldn't be happier

about that outcome. She also seemed to be continuing her babysitting tomorrow

as well, so I shouldn't complain.

"As opposed to that, I'm more interested in the research to discover the truth

about magicule. Because healing potion doesn't work on me, my body would

instantly dissolve any magicule substances. As a matter of fact, the effectiveness

of 'healing magic' also depends on the user…" Hinata said, while lowering her


I heard that she'd done much research to see whether there was a healing

potion that could help heal her.

Magic Nullification sounded useful in name, but if you gave it any closer

thought, it would reveal its many inconveniences.

"To my recollection, I've not really thought carefully about those things until

now, after all, I do get affected by magicule as well—"

"When we travelled to this world, we absorbed a huge amount of magicule.

This will be reflected in terms of Skill on some people immediately, but to someone

like you, you may also not have any Skills. But you must have been affected to

some extent. Like seriously, you didn't seem to have aged one day—"

"Uh, can you not make comments about me like that? My body did stop

growing, but I've done plenty of work by myself nonetheless!"

"I know, I know. You're still the same, so easy to get pissed. I was just joking


Ehh, perhaps Hinata thought she was joking…but her look wasn't joking around

at all. It was all because of how serious Hinata looked when she spoke. There was

no trace of a smile on her face. And her tone didn't sound like a joke either.

"Never mind, I won't quarrel further with you. By the way, I heard that Rimurusan has had someone to research the matter, what an interesting focus."

Even though Yuuki praised me like this, he had overestimated my ability.

"There's no such thing! They did that research by themselves. Even I only

heard about the matter today."


"Weren't you who ordered them to conduct the research? So you just let them

publish information like that in front of all the nations' figureheads without even

knowing the content of their presentation?"

Yuuki and Hinata looked at me, dumbfounded.

AH, this soup tastes so nice—apart from escaping from reality, I could only try

to find an excuse.

"You can't blame me for that! I always encourage independence!"

Since I couldn't find anything more suitable, I decided to just make up an


But neither were fooled by me, and both were giving me the eyes.

"—I have reflected a bit now. Even though I was busy, I should have learnt

what the content was…"

But these were afterthoughts.

"Rimuru-san, why are you so good at your job?"

"Truly, you really have the impressive attitude of a great man at times."

They were definitely not praising me, yet I couldn't do anything about it. I did,

in fact, also feel that I was acting too casually.

The content of the presentation was indeed nice, but halfway through it did

kind of make me worry. Gazel also had things to say about it, so it was best that

I be careful about it. I didn't expect to get nitpicked by Yuuki and Hinata…

The night gathering proceeded with us finally changing the topic and beginning

some random chatter.

As such, the first day of the nation founding festival concluded with much

praise. It was so good that I had garnered a lot of confidence that this festival

would turn out to be very successful.


I would quickly be proven to be too naive to have such a thought.