The newspaper of prophecies

Rusalka was offered tranquilizers in advance and her children agreed that they would appease her anger at what was to come. The vampires and demons gave up on stopping her in case of any mishap, due to the insistence of the Valastro family.

They wanted to deal with this matter personally and do not wanted intermediaries. Darius asked security to leave the room and begged Rusalka not to damage anything, as the place was for medical use and there were still some unclaimed bodies in the freezers. Gedeon had already prepared injections with painkillers among other anesthetics. Fittingly Anjana and her mother Jia came to assist them.

Jia pulled the stretchers closer and warned them that what they would see would not be pleasant. Rusalka was sick of waiting, she got up and uncovered the corpses. The image left her paralyzed and she almost vomited with disgust. Her two children were mutilated and have left them only the stumps. Their hands and feet were amputated, to be replaced by grotesque limbs. Their eyes sockets were empty and there were clear torture marks on their necks and several injection marks. Her eldest son still had blood coming out of his mouth due to the collapse of the organs from the thaw, while her youngest son was missing part of the skull and brain.

Rusalka fell to the ground due to her nerves, suddenly she realized that someone was missing between her two children. Her grandson Rufus was not in the morgue. Her daughter-in-law, Anastasia, demanded to see the corpse of her son, but her surprise would come in the least expected way. Darius say them, that Rufus was still alive, and that he would arrive at any moment. The delay was due to him going through an extreme healing process that had taken a few hours to complete. His body had suffered torture of a level as macabre as his uncle and his father, which left him at death's door and if they had not arrived in time, he may already have been dead.

Anastasia burst into tears when she found out that her son was still alive. The door opened and Rashid entered accompanied by a boy in his early twenties. The young man looked scared and began to breathe with difficulty, without hesitation, he ran into the arms of his mother and his grandmother. The nightmare for Rufus was over, he was finally able to return to the arms of his family. His uncles and cousins ​​were crying and hugging Rufus, who, through tears, still did not come out of his astonishment.

Rashid watched the Valastro family waiting for them to calm down before continuing with the next part of the plan.


Vladimir accompanied the Leviten family to the area where Florence's remains lay. Konstantine had high blood pressure and had to be assisted by Edrielle to prevent from having a heart attack or worse. They came to an amphitheater with designated places and among all the coffins, was Florence's.

Nikita asked to open the drawer and the organizers helped him uncover it. Pain and helplessness arose upon seeing who was once his sister. She was disfigured and some parts of her body were malformed. The forensic team did a great job of trying to make the body presentable for the family, but even with that, the hatred the Leviten family felt was terrible. They played with the body of an innocent girl to death. Konstantine had brought the ashes of his wife from the family cemetery to leave her with his daughter. He could only cry over the unhappy ending his little girl had.

Nikita arranged the ashes of his mother next to his sister and asked for the eternal rest wherever they wants them to be. His father, on the other hand, began to cry over the corpse of the young woman before the coffin was closed. They sat down to wait for the other families to arrive for the ceremony to begin.

Berlin reached the section where the Leviten family will give the last goodbye to Florence. Vladimir asked her to come closer to them and offer her condolences. Konstantine was in no mood to chat with her, so Nikita took it upon himself to deal with the annoying presence of Berlin. She only came to comment on the person responsible for the girl and her mother having died. The person who was in charged of delivering them to the enemy.

Nikita darkened the look and urged Berlin to tell him who the bastard was that them wanted to see them dead. The smiling woman called out the name Hubert. Nikita, surprised, turned to look at his father who gave a murderous look when he heard the name of his childhood friend and his right hand man.


In the main office of the building that served as a hotel for travelers. Marceline and August were watching for Mirna's arrival. What they saw and heard not only angered them, it also generated a feeling of mistrust towards all those they believed to be their allies. The Nest, Bubblegum, SugarKube, and Awada's church became his staunch enemies along with some of his friends on Sunset Scale.

They did not think it possible that there were infiltrators among their comrades, but seeing with their own eyes the files delivered by Tanji, they ruled out even feeling sorry for such brazen vermin. They planned to tell Mirna everything and agree to annihilate the vermin at their base silently.

Ringo served them coffee and cookies to make the wait more enjoyable. They asked if their partner would take longer or if she was arriving soon. Ringo laughed and made it clear that there was no need to worry, her arrival was imminent. Tanji greeted her and she withdrew.

They knocked on the door and it was Berlin who entered. She made it to the meeting on time, and what she least expected to find was two Predators sitting quietly having their snack.

-Good afternoon, you must be Marceline and August. Nice meeting you, I am Berlin Villegas, President and Editor-in-Chief of Nevada and Spectrum. Although I am better known as the great East journalist- she sits on the couch and greets Tanji who was drinking her coffee.

-Wow, you even have these kinds of beings with you. I'm stunned- August looks askance at Tanji

-She doesn't belong anywhere, she is free to come and go where she pleases. So I apologize in advance if her presence annoys you.- Tanji answers the question about the arrival of Berlin

-On the contrary, it is a pleasure to greet the greatest manipulator of false and useless information on the continent.- Marceline scoffs at the unwanted visit

The next instant, a stack of newspapers is placed on the table. Berlin carried the next day's edition and previous editions as trophies of her informative achievements. Tanji picks up the next day's newspaper and is impressed by the level of headlining that Berlin was working with.

"The cry of those who have lost everything: The kings deny participation in the genocidal catastrophe"

"The queen and her new loves. What does she want from her lovers? "

"Looking for the true enemy. Who is actually pulling the strings? "

"Would you dare to go after them: Will Espin impose a future reward for the head of the nest? Could it be that Parrot Vorychenko is in his last days? "

Tanji began to laugh as he read the news, that for those who knew about the Berlin backstage work, they interpreted between the lines the true intentions. Marceline picked up one of the older newspapers and Berlin sat next to her to guide her through the actual interpretation of the headline.

"Kaboom: The queen breaks out some very stinky news and she is left without babysitters. She will not attend Krim for Prince Frederick's baptism. "

"One less lover on the list. Could it be that a knight in shining armor is not enough for the queen? "

"Trivia: It's okay to cut off a lying swordsman's hand. He discovers the answer on Saturday. "

The headlines read showed with a poisonous mockery, recent events, except for the subtle detail that they were newspapers from four years ago and being mixed with news from that time, they went unnoticed. Marceline and August now looked curiously at Berlin. He was practically giving them to understand that not everything he published in his newspapers was hoax, on the contrary, they were prophecies with a lurid tinge.