Beaten And Battered

A deep crimson flame shot out crashing into the entrance for so many undead. Its flames expanded rapidly. Inhaling oxygen and producing an even more explosive yield. Almost reaching Dale and his companions with blast radius alone, not accounting for the devastating shock wave that follows.

The party with both relief and disbelief watched the undead in hundreds be consumed as a tidal wave of hellish flame ran across them like water. Their many war cries of groans, moans and creaking of bones silenced in almost an instant. Dale was rather impressed himself at his level of control and a successful experimental spell. Its components weren't that normal. Mostly based off theory. Yet the shockwave shot them back. Only his last embers of mana saved them from being embedded into a stone wall. That said..

He had used a silver of his will, finding it possible to do so, whilst using mana and a small ancient rune used long ago and it worked. Which makes him think his pet project would also work given he gets out of here alive. He had found an array from ancient times, but it was incomplete. He had an idea why now..

With the concept of souls and mana he had a solid theory on how to manipulate a form of anger into his spells and expand on that. Mostly it was successful with fire based elements. That said maybe putting a fail safe in to keep the spell under check maybe wise. It costed more mana to not kill himself or his party in the shock wave alone. Which of course shook the tomb to its very foundations.

The blast left behind marked the floor black and hot to the touch. ashes dont even remain of the dead and even a few torches had burnt out. even if magical in nature.

He had flinched for a moment. The issue with his will being added tended to clash with what brought the dead back. The intentions of the spell that kept them alive held pain, fear, desperation and a plea. Yet the spell was also ancient. He didn't mention this and inhaled to calm his nerve.. Then exhaled.

It is likely that the boss of this place took these to be undead as slaves in their lives or had done something to them, weather or not that twisted soul still remains seems possible eith the rise of the undead, but he still wasnt sure.

Whilst his party didn't look so good, perhaps because they just witnessed an OP spell. Dale wasn't your normal wizard, he threw caution to the wind, made spells that were sometimes faulty and very explosive. Good for AOE, but NOT inside spells!

Rena had been too out of breath to respond or even glare. She was just glad that the enemies stopped coming, but her 6th sense had other ideas. They still rang with danger. This wasn't the worst of the enemies. Bringing doubt to even her stable mind. She may like battle, but she also liked to live to even participate in battle.

Lia on the other hand collapsed out of exhaustion. Not even phased by her party member who seemingly decided to plant fire with a pissed off demeanor in a tomb with limited air. Tapping her quiver(s) another reality also came in slapping hard and fast. "Guys i got maybe a dozen arrows left, who else is low?"

Dale frowned before checking his inner mana reservoirs. "Dry" upon saying that the very barrier that felt the dead back slowly collasped.

Unfortunately, most wizards albeit not many in the first place didn't have a lot of innate mana. You see he was a self taught scholar. Without someone who knows magic to teach him he was on the unknown road that has already been treaded, but needed a guide to follow. In total he could release up to 8 spells at most. Yet this spell which is costly took.. A 6 of those spells up.

Rena only responded after a moment of huff and puffs. After all she was the front runner in this group. "Tired.. did the door open?" Dale shook his head after glancing up the stair well. He would've loved to crack down on it. Just three problems. It looked warded as i mean it did just on its own close, that sucker is stone. Not thin either, he'd only leave blast marks on it. Finally lets not mention the empty reserves he's got. That said he has a return scroll, but its an emergency use and so far no more dead were coming in. Hell they didnt even leave the first room yet!

"I say we rest for now. I'm dry on mana and aint no way i can recover enough to fend off another attack again."

Rena looked at Lia who in turn knew what was going to be said."Damnit.." With effort she moved into a more favorable spot. Should a guest pop in they will meet a nice friend of hers like an explosive arrow. Dale was too tired to be picky and just immediately picked the nearest wall to slump down and get shut eye.

Rena kept her position, before falling asleep she warned Lia "Wake me in 3 hours."