Oracles Eye

With that single command, they leapt towards the walls, their auras converging on the city. 

This would all be over in a matter of minutes upon their arrival. Yet a handful of aruas darted towards the walls, parting from the keep in the middle of the city.

Rosia was the first to arrive her boot landing on the inner walls battlement. Staring down the Dread knights that had come to ravage the remaining resistance.

Behind her three of the strongest spell blades touched down. Brandishing their weapons.

Jack at the forefront of Levi and Tuer

Yet they fept three aruas lock on them. Respectively this was Helix, Gesh and Buer

They would have their hands full soon enough.

Rosia didnt take kind to the numbers. She faced six dread knights! 

They each gave of a slight unease. Howevwr she wasnt going to pet them pass, slamming her heavy glaive into the ground she roared to the opposing forces boldly.

"You Shall Not Pass!"