Summoned Reinforcements

The sage opened a small, yet enchanted door. Beyond a massive room at the very top of the tower.

His assistant glanced away from a set of controls for the offensive and defense of the tower.

"Is it ready?"

The attandant nodded waving at the massive circle in the middle!

A large crystal easily the size of a small building floated above a four rings circle. Each ring had thousands of runes, each rune on par with peak eighth circle mages.

The cystral itself seemed to be an artifact with pseudo ninth circle power.

Finally the blood of the young had been spilt into the runes and circle. Taboo magic worked hand in hand with the normal magic.

"Activate it.."

The attandant looked away without a word, his face obscured by the slightly tinted windows that covered the control room.

The tower rumbled again, this time, it was more direct.