I and the other finally arrived at Kyoto. All of us go to the place that we will sleep in. Because I have money I talk to the teacher that I and my group will be sleeping in Hotel. Well, we are free anyway. But Nikaido will be watching us.

"Katsuragi-san, is this really alright?" Ask Yuiga and the other to me.

"It's fine. I have money anyway so we can use that." I replied to the other thought they seem guilty like they're using me.

"It's fine. Seriously. My novel just got adapted to Movies so I got so much money from there so it's fine." They just nod at me and thanking me.

"Yuiga, how is the shop?" I ask Yuiga about my shop that sells cake. Anyway, I open them a year ago and his mom came to work for me. Well because I know her character I made her the manager so their situation isn't as bad as what happen in anime. The two of us isn't best friend but I would like to call us at least friend.

"It's doing good Katsuragi-san. Thank you for letting my mother work there."

"Well, your mother seems like a good person and she made some great cake so it's good for my business," I tell him this and he seems happy that her mother isn't working too hard.

The two us are alone in our room because us is the only male in our group so even though the room is bigger seems bigger cause it's just the two of us. "Well, I'm tired so I'm sleeping first."

"Oke, I will tell the other if someone asks for you Katsuragi-san." With that, I can finally asleep.

I woke up the next day because of Elsie come to our room and asking for me. Yuiga seem to be still asleep. Well, it's really early after all. "Nii-sama, Nii-sama. Hurry. We have to meet them." What?

"What? What are you talking about?" I'm really tired too. I wash my face so that I can feel lifeyer.

"Nii-sama. We are in yokai place. This is Kyoto you know. We have to meet them for asking permission. Devil and yokai didn't have a good relationship." Now I'm truly awake. Shit. I forgot about what happened to Nekomata. Because DxD is a thing here it means that the Devil already wipe out all Nekomata except two, Kuroka and Koneko.

"What? Why didn't you tell me early then? Will they attack us?" now this actually worries me because as I'm a buddy with a devil I'm afraid they will attack me. And with the quest, it seem like Hero Faction is here to. What a bother. There is DxD here so of course if Yasaka is kidnapped it's that episode where Issei and the other fight Hero Faction.

"Well, they won't just attack us. But we have to meet them to tell them that we'll be here for a few days." I nodded and hurriedly use my best cloth.

"Let's go then. Where are they?" Elsie seems nervous and answers with a whisper, "Here."


"They are here already and ask me to bring you." Now she seems really afraid. I calm myself hoping it will be fine.

Just like that we then walk outside we can see the surrounding is full of fog and there stood a man who is like Tengu.

"So you are the human that made a contract with the devil huh." He says with a calm voice.

"I'm Katsuragi Keima. I and my school is here for our school trip. We aren't here for trouble." I say this to him as calm as possible. It's not that I'm afraid of him. It's just that I'm serious that we aren't here for trouble. Well, the mission is trouble but my schoolmates isn't trouble.

"Hmph, make sure you don't human." With that, the Tengu Guy flies away from us and the fog disappears.

"Why didn't you tell me early about this Elsie?" I ask her but it seems she really nervous about this making me sighing myself.

"Well, no matter. It's not like we will make trouble here. We will just be here for 3 days and study." I bring her back to the hotel.

After that, I take a bath to clean myself, and soon all of us are awake. Nikaido said that we can go anywhere we like as long as we aren't causing trouble for the local and back before the afternoon. So the group made a plan to wandering around here.

"I'm sorry Nii-sama. I didn't mean to make trouble for you." Saying this Elsie look down. I patted her head while saying, "It's fine. Just say something if something like this happens again." She nodded her head and she left me with the other to go eating Ramen. I say to them just eat what they want because there is something i want to do.

I come to the place that looks like a shrine with a fox guard. Huh? There was someone here. What I see was a girl with a shrine maiden with blonde hair crying in the center of this shrine.

"Hey, are you alright?" I coming closer to her. What? I know who she is! Without realizing it I call her name, "Kunou?" and her reply made my blood froze, "Papa!" And hugging me while crying. What the?