I left the ramen place as I already put the tracker with the boy. What an unbelievable aura. Aura of a king. That's what I can descript it when I'm looking at him. I didn't believe the yokai when he says that he already ask a human who can use Caliburn.

The true Caliburn. While what left of Excalibur was only 7 pieces that didn't even compare to the real Excalibur, the Caliburn was a weapon that has the same power as the real Excalibur.

"Sensei, we are ready to meet Yokai Faction!" I'm just back boy. Can't I take some rest before we left?

"Sigh. Oke then. Call everyone else. We will meet the Yokai Faction tonight so remember to be on your best behavior." Saying this the other come and we teleport to the yokai's place.

We arrived at the place. There we are taken to the representative. The young yokai, daughter of Yasaka the Kyubi is there with a Tengu Old man.

We talk about what we can do to help them.

"You don't have to bother helping us. We didn't need your help. We already ask someone to help us." He says while glaring at the devil's group.

"Ma ma. I understand that in the past we have conflict. But we are trying to be an ally now. About the person, I have met him tough." The students are surprised that I have met the person.

"He, you meet him Sensei?" Ask Issei

I nod at him, "He is around your age. He is powerful. About that, I have no doubt."

"Then if you know that go away from here. We don't need help from your kin."

"Sigh. Don't be like that. He is indeed powerful. But there is always a need for a backup plan you know."

"Oji-san. Please let them help too." The girl Kunou said this to the Tengu.

"Hmph. If Kunou-chan wants me that I didn't have a chance then. We will accept your help as long as you don't cause trouble here."

Finally, they give us a chance of starting our alliance.

"What do you think? Katsuragi boy?" Saying this I look at the person who hides in front of me and taking off his cape.

"Ho? Hades's Invisibility Cap. You sure have something interesting" The other shocks there is someone else here who is human but they can't feel his presence.

"You can say that." He stood beside young kyubi.


Not too long after taking the bath, I say to the other that I have someone I have to meet. Saying to Elsie to protect everyone else. Well even if she's like that she is still Hell's Super Weapon. I already told her about some of my power. Not all of it of course. Just simple one like I'm aware of Supranatural Word and all of that. I also told her that I have Sacred Gear that store everything so that she didn't bother with me too much.

I love that shock expression of hers when she sees I use Holy Sword. Well, she promises not to tell anyone and since she's like what she is. I guess it should be fine.

Not like I'm gonna hide my face in the supernatural world.

I already promise Kunou that I will come there tonight for our talk. And I want to finish my mission already. Those Hero factions. They're really obvious huh. Some of them like Georg, Heracles, and others show themselves in front of me.

"Why are you helping that filthy yokai? You are human to the right? We should just destroy those who look down on us like yokai." Cao-Cao says this while looking at me seriously. Seeing that they didn't attack me outright maybe they just want to talk.

"I didn't care whether it's yokai, human, devil, dragon, or god. In the end, what I do is to having fun." Saying this with a smiling expression. Not the maniac one. But a small smile that you show to people as politeness.

"Hmph, don't bother us again. If you cause trouble for us again while we do our business I will not hesitate to kill you." Saying this they disappear from here.

"So do I Cao-Cao. So do I." Saying this I left and go to Kunou's place.

While I'm there someone else is already here. Or Azazel and the other. Gremory's Peerage. Sitri's. Irina from cruch. And Azazel himself. Didn't want the other know that I'm here I summon Hades's, Invicibilty Cap. Using this no one can see me or even feel my presence.

So that's why I'm surprised. Just how did this old man now I'm here.

"I put a tracker on you. Even if you hide your presence you didn't hide the tracker that I put or even realized it so I know you are here."

"Sigh. If it's like that it's fine then. Well, I agree that you guys can help."