Azazel fix the place that we use for fight. Now that Kiba is already healed because of Asia. It's time for me to fight Issei the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Before we fight there is something I want to ask of you, Red Dragon Emperor."


"Don't hold back." Saying this Azazel starts our fight and I use Enkidu, the chain of heaven. Able to seal any divine power.

"I will awaken the breath of the planet, for I walk with humanity. Enuma Elish! Humans, let us bind the gods."

"WHAATTT. WHAT IS THIS. WHATATTT?" I start laughing at his and everyone is surprised expressions. Azazel actually fell to his knees seeing my weapon.

"Enkidu, heavenly chain. Able to seal any divinity's power. Can you use your Boosted Gear now? Help me find it out." Saying this I look at him carefully. Let us see if his plot armor can make him get out of my chain.

"By the way Sekiryutei." After can't move now he see me in the eyes. "What is it? You bastard. Get this thing away.�� I shake my head. "If you don't destroy that chain I will kill all of your friend." Saying this I start using my power. The true Extensive of Gate Of Babylone. I summon more Enkidu to hold all of his friends. Even Azazel.

"Oi. Oi. This chain. Enkidu isn't for playing around you know. I feel powerless now." I can hear Azazel's voice from outside the fighting range.

Scummy move I know. Holding those people as hostage. It does not make me a villain because even if I say that I didn't want to kill those people. Killing them will only cause problem after problem for me. I only say this to see a real Plot Armour.

And there it is. "What? What did you? What did you say?" There is only Boost sound after this. Numerous boost that meaning his power will be double. Even the power of Enkidu isn't that strong in front of Plot Armour huh. After a few minutes, I didn't know how much he boost but he's able to break Enkidu. Well, the weakest level of it anyway. Enkidu isn't something that can destroy easily. The Enkidu I use to bind him was a little power down.

Ah well like I said. I only want to try this one against someone. And luckily there is one poor guy who just happens to be there for this to happen.

"Barbaric, but this too, is a strategy... This is how you use treasure. Gate of Babylon!"

With that chant in the back of me start appear many gold portal and from inside there is many weapon that I can summon for now. There are at least a thousand of them. And all of it attack him.

What a poor sap. Being my test subject for this technique. While all of them struggling to see this I continue the sword, spear, or anything that I can throw to him. All of it look like rain to him.

After finishing all of it he's already done and can only fall down. I already taking back all of my weapon including Enkidu which hold his friends and Azazel.

"How is it?" I say this to him. Well, I guess Azazel should know that I didn't want to kill them.

"What a drag. You are powerful human huh. I take back what I said. It seem like there is no need for us to get in your way." Saying this Azazel tells Asia to heal Issei.

The other put their guard on me. Looking warily that made me laugh. "Ahahahaha. You guys are something else huh. Able to stand after watching my power. But well, I didn't even use the real thing in the first place you guys should train more." Saying this I left them. Azazel can only look at me. The Tengu old man is looking at me warily that a human has this much power. I only nod at him while smiling and Kunou is jumping in joy that I'm powerful probably thinking this will make me help her mother easily.

"Katsuragi-san..." I can hear a voice that barely like a whisper. There the sekiryutei is looking frail. His cloth is in the tater. His body full of scar that some of it is already healed by Asia and Draig's help.

"I will win. Next time. I will win next time." After that, I just left them to themselves not caring too much. I mean what's the worst that could happen because of this?

Even if Azazel report this there is nothing they could do. Taking my family hostages? No problem. I already put some kind of defense technique on them that can teleport them to me if they're in death life situation. Seem with my friends.

While I didn't want my power to go public at all. I don't have a problem if my "real friend" know about my power.