I ended up telling her that I found out about my Power when I'm 5 years old and has already learned them since then. I also show her one of the weapons that I summon from my gate.

"I was afraid. I was afraid that you would hate me." I don't what to say about that.

I can only that I wouldn't hate her and that I will always be there when she needs me.

"So what actually happen in Kyoto?"

"It's a bit complicated than you might think. In short, there are conflict there because their leader got kidnapped and I just happen to help them...." I explain to her a bit about what happened.

She seem surprised and happy that I didn't hate her. Like I could hate her. I smile at her.

We talk a bit about her power. I explain what her power is. How she can use it and made sure that she didn't show it to strangers because of the danger.

"Can you train me?"

"I can." While I can ask a favor from Azazel so he can ask Asia there is no way I will do that. Exposing this kind of power will only bring problems. It's lucky that she tell me this first.

I told her to come this Sunday so we will train together. When we decide to walk home I bring her to eat together with me in a nice place.

When we come home the two of us say goodbye and see you tomorrow.

Before that, I got a memory from my clone about what happen to Kanon. Her day is really full huh. With that much attention, she really is a hard worker.

"Nii-sama. Here the data you ask!" Just when I got inside the living room she give me the data. There is really much of it inside.

Studying the data a bit there isn't much different. That before this she isn't notice by anyone or the like.

So to help her maybe I just have to be there. Thought it's easier said than done. Being there for someone is hard you know. Truthfully being there is hard. And I can't always do that with her being Idol and all.

Well, I will just do what I can do. There is not much I can do besides that after all.

The next day Kanon isn't in school but there is mail from her saying that I have to be in the rooftop by lunch.

I'm a bit speechless about how they can make stand this big in a day. Because in rooftop there is a big stand that full with sound system.

"Today I will make you lose and be my fan." I just kept quiet. Are you seriously doing this kind of thing just because there is one less person as your fan?

Listening to her song I just keep quiet. When I got the mail I decided to open my phone. Want to check it.

But when I decide to open it she stops her singing and a fog start to appear from her body. Saying that no one will notice her, she disappears. I can't see her with normal eyes. So I use senjutsu and there she is. Still in the position with mike in her hand.

I approach her and asking, "Are you alright?" It seems that she is surprised that I notice her. What? Is she aware that she can disappear?

"Why? Why didn't you fall for my song?" She whisper it.

"Because you can't force someone to like something. Your song is good. Your voice is great. You can't force someone to like something."

"Do you like my song?"

"I didn't hate it." True. While I didn't like too much. I didn't hate it. I do listen to her singing sometimes.

"Tomorrow. Please be here tomorrow. I will sing again tomorrow." Saying this she runs to where her helicopter waiting and goes with them. I shake my head. There is a difference but the same anyway.