When it's Monday again it's been a few day. I go to school together with Elsie and Komachi. The three of us just walk there.
The day just continues as usual. When it's time for lunch I eat at the canteen with Elsie but before I can go out Komachi come and give me a lunch box.
"For you. You know. For helping me." Saying this she give me the box.
"Oh, thank you, Komachi. It looks good." Saying this I open the box seeing it's really amazing.
Trying to eat it I really feel great.
"Wow, it's really great food. Thanks, Komachi." Thanking her I eat the food she gives me. She just smile at my compliment.
After finishing it she take back her lunch book from me.
"I will bring it for you again tomorrow. So you don't have to go eat at the canteen." I just nod and thanking her. Her food is really delicious.
Thinking about food I actually want to made Shokugeki Food Wars. But there is actually Totsuki Culinary School. So it's out huh. Hey, maybe I can try Yukihira's food. Saibami. Tough for another time of course.
After school before going home there is an email on the phone from Kanon, she asks me to come to the park near a big stadion tonight before her concert.
I reply to her that I will be there.
When the night comes I told Elsie to come and made herself invisible so Kanon can't see her. I will conquer her tonight so I didn't drag this way too long.
When I come I didn't see Kanon anywhere but after using senjutsu I can see her. There is fog so I know she is here before. It's just that I can't see her before.
"Kanon!" I call her name. She look at me. Her hand tremble.
"What are you doing? You have a big concert tonight right?"
"That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right."
"Are you afraid that you will be invisible again?"
"Right. You are right. You really understand me. You are the only person for me." Saying this she hug me.
"I can't do this. I can't do this anymore."
���But. But. But if you are with me. I know I can be happy." She nearly kiss me but before her lips touch mine, I stop her.
"Stop it."
"Stop running away. Didn't you hear that? Your fans are calling for you? You can do that. I know you are. Please. If not for anyone else. Do this for me. I know you can." I become a bit passionate here.
After hearing the sound of her name called by many people she look back at the stadium and me.
"Keima-kun. I already decided that I will only sing for one person." Saying this she runs a bit away. And then run again closer.
"Good-Bye." Saying this kiss me. Then the lose soul is getting away from her body before after that I can see Elsie caught the Lose Soul.
Finishing all of that I see her concert. Thought it will be for sometimes before she remember me again.
After that, I finally come home with Elsie.
"Nii-sama we finally manage to catch three loose souls." Saying this she hug me in her happiness.
"I know. I know you don't have to be that excited you know. We still have so many to get before it's finish." Letting go of her I go back to my room so I can go to sleep.
The next day in school Nikaido told me to bring some books to the library.
"Here is the book from Nikaido-sensei," I say this to the librarian that sits on the desk. And it's actually Shiori. Huh. She is the next after Kanon right.
"Tthhhaaannkkthank- yoouuu." Her voice is really small huh. I just nod and leave the library for now.