I ask Nii-sama too accompany me to the library so that I can get books about fire trucks. The first time I arrived at the human world and the sight of fire truck in TV amaze me so much. Making me want to see more of them. So when I ask Nii-sama where I can get to see them he answers, "You can see the picture inside library books." I didn't like books so much but if there is a fire truck picture there I want to see them.

I ask the library about the book, a shy girl named Shiomiya Shiori-san. The alarm nearly goes off but luckily I put it off.

When outside I told Nii-sama about our target this time.

"Nii-sama. She has lost souls inside her. We have to help her." Nii-sama sigh at me.


"I know. Just tag her. Do the usual. We will do what we can."

Hearing that I just smile. With Nii-sama's help, we already captured 3 lost souls in those 1 months. This amount is really amazing for someone like me who is only working clerk in Underworld only can see the bigshot from far away like Lucifer-sama and his wife. Also the other Mao.

Nii-sama told me to gather her data as usual so I prepare to search them when we home later. For now, after the school finish, the two of us go back to the library.

When we approach Shiomiya-san in front of her there are many books. I can see there are many books about fire trucks like I ask. She is amazing to have this many books.

"Thank you!" For now, I can forget about the lose souls for sometimes and see many pictures of fire trucks that interest me so much.


I accompany Elsie to the library.

"You search all of this alone?" I ask Shiori who is sitting in her cair. She nod and blush that I ask her.

"You are amazing huh." Saying this made her blush more and I can hear her barely whisper of, "Thank you!"

"So do you have any idea about what you want to write?" Asking this she get her notebooks and give that to me.

"Are you really sure that you want me to read that?" Asking her with a frown face. While I'm fine with that to ask a basic stranger is a bit. I don't know. Weird?

"It's fine. You are professional so I know you will tell me if my idea is good or not." I nod and read the books carefully.

There is many detail inside there. Basically her idea was about the love life of a high school girl who falls in love with the popular boy in the school.

"It's classic. Though I won't say it's good. It's not bad either. There is so much detail that you cut of the dialog for the reader who enjoys them. Detail is fine and all but don't put them to much. Overall it's not bad. So you just need to refine that part in your writing style."

Saying this to her I give her back the notebook. She nods at my explanation and starts to write a note.

"So I hear you guys will change the books to the more digitalization?" I hear from passing that because there are many old books they will change it so they can get the digital version. With many books here they'll surely working hard huh.

"I don... Ido... dooonn. I don't want to..." She say this made me frown a bit. Old fashion is fine and all but the time is moving and time isn't any kinder to the old paper you know.

I like books so much after all in my previous life. And here to I made novel and manga. With my recommendation, I ask them to put a digital version which is a bit cheaper than a book one. But in the library as old as this school they really need to get change. Old paper is frail after all.


"I love the book. I love them so much. That's why I didn't want anyone to replace them."

I just nod at her. I can agree with her opinion. There is no wrong opinion after all. As long as the opinion didn't hurt people.

"While I can agree about that. And I can certainly see that you love books. Isn't the digitalize one fine? They're easier to produce than the one with paper. Meaning it become least pollute for the world."

"Aren't you making a book with paper too? Won't it make you lost profit?"

I shake my head at her questions.

"I won't make lost. While my revenue will be lower if people buy digital ones from the website. It won't make me lost my profit too much. So I didn't really mind about that."