Training with Komachi at the weekend is good. I can see her wearing sport uniform she has. Yeah.

She train in evasion while I shoot weapon to her. Precisely is a very important thing to have in battles. So yeah gonna train them. I also train magic and combat. I can shoot them aimlessly but using weapon is more cooler anyway so I practice in mastering them.

Making a new moves and all that gig. Plus I can teach my magic if they affinity for it. like Komachi. She has an affinity to learning Water Magic so I teach her a bit. Took a while for her to learn simple move like drawing water but she can do that now.

"So what else we have to do?"

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"How about train me using weapon?"

"Why would you want to use one?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because my boyfriend actually has you know. So much weapon and things that he didn't know in his inventory..." Said Komachi with sarcasm. Huh. Didn't know she is like that.

"Ahahaha, oke-oke. So what weapon you want to try?"

"How about a sword? I would like to try Katana if you have one!"

Katana huh? There are many inside there. Thus I just decide to bring out Kusanagi-No-Tsurugi or if you want to call it Grass Cutter. Whichever you like I guess.

"Here. Kusanagi sword."

"You even have that legendary weapon."

"Yup. The sword that kills Yamata-No-Orochi. Used by Susano. Just hoping they didn't catch wind of these things."

"Are you sure it's fine?"

"Meh, what are they gonna do? Attack us?"

"You are right. Still better be safe than sorry so you need to hide it after we finish training." I just nod at her.

The two us continue the training so I use Spear this time and she use the sword. Pretty catchy if people watch this. It will look like we are doing a stunt.

After finishing she ask me to go take a bath and be ready for tonight. Is there something happen tonight?

"You forget already? We will go on date. You know? Like our first date. Hurry up. I will take bath in my home. You go to your home."

Saying this I finally relent. I really forgot about it.

When mom sees me wearing nice clothes after finishing a bath she asks if I'm going somewhere. Elsie on the other hand busy on doing her things

"Yeah, I'm going on a date. So I will be home a bit late tonight."

Seeing Mom start to gushing about my relationship with Komachi she start asking questions. Luckily I manage to go away.

"I'm going. Bye." Bringing out my bike I start it and go to the front of Komachi's house.

I turn it off and call for Komachi from her home. When she opened it I can her wearing a nice dress.

"You are beautiful." I compliment her.

"Let's go." She replied with a smile.

In the street we talk a bit.

"So where will you take me?"

"Ehm, where do you want to go?"

"Oh, I want to go to the mall. Can you take me there?"

"Of course. Anything you want?"

Arriving at the mall there are many people inside it. She ask me to accompany her to get some clothes. While waiting I notice something.

There not to far away from me stood someone who I fight. Seems like she didn't see me so it's fine I guess.

"YOU!" The girl screams at me even though I appear as a clueless person.

Why are you even here, Jeanne?