"Hey, Keima-kun?"
"Yes? Komachi-chan?"
"Aren't we on a date right now?"
"Yes, of course, we are."
"So, why are there girl here with you while I gone try my new dress. I even try to look pretty for you with this you know."
I just nod in silence.
"Hmph, you seem mistaken girl. I'm not interested in him. I just send her to spy on him."
Say the girl who sits in front of us with foodstuff on her mouth eating like she hasn't eaten in three days.
After I pay for Komachi's clothes with her seems a bit uncomfortable that I pay that much. Did she actually thought I won't buy it for her? Of course, I will do that for her.
She is my girlfriend. Plus I have money too.
Then when she see that there is another girl beside me she look me with a glare.
"I know I told you I'm not gonna be jealous if there is another girl. But didn't you say that I'm the only one right now?" Saying this she glare harder at me which makes me kinda more nervous. And after that, I clear off some of misunderstanding while the three of us go to a nice place for eating.
And here we are right now.
"While I don't really care you want to spy on me. Didn't it made your objective seem useless in the end after making me realized that you spy on me?" I can't help but say this.
"Hmph, you are lucky it was me who was sent to spy on you! What if Cao-Cao himself spy on you?"
The image of Cao-Cao attack me head-on appear on my mind made me facepalm. Is that guy still dare to fight me when I triple most of them the last time.
"You got a new arm."
"No, thanks to you."
"What are you talking about, Keima-kun? Explain!"
So I explain to Komachi about the fight.
"He, so you guys fight huh. I didn't know. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. See. Didn't even left a scratch on me." Saying to Komachi made Jeani who sat in front of us snort at my response.
"Hmph, he didn't even go serious in our fight." Which made me frown at her.
"What's with that? I may not look like it but I was serious when I fight you guys you know? I even bring out my strongest weapon."
"Hmph, serious? Don't act like we are children. We know what that weapon is. The power is very big that it can this world and we can do nothing about it. If you are serious we will be dead a thousand times before we know it."
"No, I guess I'm not." There is no point arguing about something that already happen. They have their opinion and I have mine. No need to give them clues about that.
"Well, thanks for the meals. For now I will keep your girlfriend a secret. Won't want Cao-Cao to kidnap her. She knows about our world to after all. No need to get things messier."
Saying this she left.
"So... that happen."
"Let's just go home. My home."
I look at her in wonder.
"I'm not ready for that so don't get any funny idea for now. I guess we can just see movies there. My parents are on their business trip so we should have alone time together till morning."
"Of course." With that, we just go home. Our first date is basically a crash huh.
"Well, I wouldn't object if you want to take me somewhere first before we hit my home." Or not. I guess I would make our first date be wonderful for both of us.