We just finish our training when I feel someone arrived not to far from the two of us.

Then not too far away from us appear someone with White Armour.

"White Dragon Emperor!" I said in a monotone voice.

Komachi looks worried about the person who just comes here suddenly and I sign at her to get close to me.

"You are Keima Katsuragi?"

I keep quite.

"You are strong. Our fight before is interrupt because of my mission. I have come to ask you to join us in Khaos Brigade."

"Khaos Brigade?"

"We are a group of strong people from all faction. We have our own intention to join. And with the help of Ophis the Dragon God Of Infinity we can get whatever we want."

"Not interest."

"Hm? Not interest? I'm not coming here just to hear no. It seems like I have to force you so you will join us. The girl over there. Bikou catch her."

Suddenly in the back Bikou the grandson of Sun Wukong attempt to hold Komachi. It's lucky that I have give her Kusanagi for training otherwise she wouldn't have any other way beside magic in getting away from Bikou.

"Oh, it seems the girl has some skill too. Alright, I decide that you can join us too."

"Who would join you, terrorist." Say Komachi with angry tone because they just attempt to keep her as a hostage.

"You don't want to do this boy."

"Aren't you a boy too, boy."

I open the gate and shoot some weapon toward him. Bikou is already hiding. I can feel him now that I know he is here but I didn't really have time.

"Vali, be careful of his weapons. The one he shoots has dragon slayer power." Say the voice from his wing.

"Oh. Interesting. To have a dragon slayer weapon. Interesting. I will fight you."

Not letting him have any chance I shoot more weapons and more weapons. It didn't even take 5 minutes for him to hold his hand for me to stop.

"Go. Don't bother me. And if you dare to touch people I love I promise I won't hesitate to kill you guys. All of you go."

"You are strong indeed. How about I just go Juggernaut Drive. I'm the one who awaken...." I didn't let him continue. I just shoot weapons again and store away the weapon before shooting them again and again.

"Kuh. You are really strong. To have many weapons and control them like this. Alright, I will go for now. Think about our offers." With that, he has gone and I can feel all of them gone too.

"You are really too much huh." Said Komachi beside me watching all of the place look destroyed. Luckily this place is in an abandoned place so no one is here beside us.

"It's fine. I can restore this place again." With that, I restore this place like it was before our fight.

"Let's take rest for now." With that, she gave me the water.